Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Ancient Meroe City Civilization

The Sudanese city of Meroë is rich in surviving monuments. Becoming the capital of the Kushite Empire between 590 BC until AD 350, there are 84 pyramids in this city alone, many built with their own miniature temple. 

In addition, there are ruins of a bath house sharing affinities with those of the Romans. Its central feature is a large pool approached by a flight of steps with waterspouts decorated with lion heads.

And also in the Ancient City of Meroe, ruins

Bling culture has a long and interesting history. Gold was used to decorate ancient Sudanese temples. One writer reported that: 

“Recent excavations at Meroe and Mussawwarat es-Sufra revealed temples with walls and statues covered with gold leaf”.

In around 300 BC, the Sudanese invented a writing script that had twenty-three letters of which four were vowels and there was also a word divider. Hundreds of ancient texts have survived that were in this script. Some are on display in the British Museum.

Sudan in the mediaeval period had churches, cathedrals, monasteries and castles. Their ruins still exist today. Glass windows existed in mediaeval Sudan. Archaeologists found evidence of window glass at the Sudanese cities of Old Dongola and Hambukol.

#AfricanHistory #Sudan #Africa #BlackHistoryMonth #Blackhistory #History

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