Monday, 30 November 2020

Ancestral Memory

President John F. Kennedy was assassinated because he was about to share the legacy with Russia in an effort to open the door to world peace. This legacy included ancient wisdom and information related to aircraft used by Extra-terrestrial beings to visit the Earth.

Commentary: In 1970 some six years after the death of President John F. Kennedy I noticed a picture of his assassination on the cover of computer magazine at a library in Marin County California. It was like the hand of the ancestors grabbed my head turned it towards the magazine rack and said look at this. The magazine came out once a month and the last article of each issue included an analysis of the Warren Commission Report, the official Government investigation of the Kennedy Assassination. The portions of the report released to the public filled twenty five volumes of books each over two hundred pages, in total it was close to five thousand pages long. I was 24 years old and about to become a father when my world fell apart. Here is what happened: I realized nothing in the Warren Report supports the official conclusions of the report.

Nothing, not even a little bit.

My first impression was who wrote this, followed by has anyone read this?

At the same time I was working on a case involving political corruption in San Francisco. I wrote Bernard Feisternwald who was listed as one of the authors of the articles in the computer magazine and shared with him the facts of the case I was working on. He asked Bill Turner who lived near me to talk to me about my letter. Bill Turner was the lead investigator for Jim Garrison the New Orleans DA who filed charges against a man named Clay Shaw for conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy. Bill is one of the characters in the Oliver Stone Movie JFK. He is the best investigator I have ever met, and I have met a lot of them.

In the rabbit hole known as Political conspiracies Bill was my mentor. He was a twentieth century Sherlock Holmes. Based on Bill’s kindness and not any skills I brought to the table, I assisted him in the investigation of the charges against the Oakland Black Panthers, the defense of Sirhan Sirhan and the defense of James Earl Ray. Based on direct involvement with the preparation of these cases I can say with a high degree of certainty Huey Newton, Bobby Seal and Eldrige Cleaver were all arrested and sent to prison based on evidence fabricated by the FBI.

Huey was assassinated in my neighborhood. All the witnesses said four white men dressed in suites stepped out of a Ford Sedan and shot Huey while he was standing on a corner in Oakland California. The Alameda County District Attorney tried and convicted a homeless black man for the murder. I can also say with certainty both Sirhan Sirhan and James Earl Ray did not assassinate anyone.

This level of corruption in the Justice system convinced me to leave the legal profession in search of answers to metaphysical questions making me crazy. In the process I discovered Ifa, traveled to Nigeria, was initiated by Araba Adesanya Awoyade and when I asked him the meaning of life he said you discover the meaning of life by calling black, black and by calling red, red.

So having spent some thirty years trying to figure out what he meant, I want to say this about that. By any reasonable objective standard a whole lot of unarmed black men are being killed by police officers for no justifiable reason and they are doing so for the most part with no accountability for taking a human life without cause. If you are a man or woman of color this reality will be and is a cause for concern. As human beings when we have cause for concern we frequently join with others who share our concern to express our desire to find a better way. In the United States expressing concern is called Free Speech. The idea of Free Speech is protected by law and the law regarding Free Speech places no limitation of the content of that speech.

Do you see where this is heading?

When athletes express concern about the self-evident injustice of this particular form of racism and violence the coherent, empathetic, socially conscious and humane response would be; I understand your concern, how can we fix this? The question would in turn lead to a conversation based on the idea of calling black, black and red, red. Such a conversation would in fact set the stage for a real solution. It would involve directly addressing the issue of racism instead of pretending racism does not exist.

Instead, when athletes express real concern over a real issue by assuming a position of prayer during the National anthem they are accused of disrespecting the flag and they are accused of disrespecting the military, a clear deflection from the real issue. The point of everything I have written over the past few years is to suggest this none response to a real issue will never ever led to a resolution of the issue. I further make the point the widespread belief changing the subject or in the words of Ifa calling black, red and calling red black will ever fix anything is a total delusion.

We will not fix the issue of police violence by asking the question what about Hillary?

The point of everything I am trying to say is resolution of real problems in the real world only comes by looking directly at the problem and calling it what it is. The use of delusion to look at the world is not natural, it is not how we are wired as human beings and does not accompany us to earth at the moment of our birth. Delusion is a learned behavior taught by the few who control the many for the purpose of manipulating consciousness to their advantage.

I am writing this extended dialogue on history in honor of the man who initiated me, Araba Adesanya Awoyade who told you cannot be a priest unless you call black, black and red, red. Be clear what he was saying, as long as you live in delusion you will never be able to access the wisdom of the ancestors and you will never truly be able to fix anything meaning your prayers and offerings will be a waste of time. That is why so many people pay a lot of money to get initiated and then get kicked to the curb. This happens rather than admit the offerings were not rooted in reality making them useless.

The wisdom of Ifa is designed for one purpose, it is designed for each of us to know we are good and blessed people, and it is designed to take the knowledge of that blessing to greet everyone we meet in a state of joy, as elders we have an obligation to use joy to bless those who are younger than us from a state of Ile Ife or in English the House of Love meaning Unconditional Love. It is only in the state of unconditional love that we bring the Ile Ife of Orun to the Ile Ife of Aye or the Unconditional Love of Heaven to Earth. That is the point of every spiritual tradition developed by ancestral wisdom in the history of life on Earth. Religions not supporting this process are generally based on dogma rooted in a human political agenda.

By- Awo Falokun

Friday, 27 November 2020

The Blogger of The Cosmos

On this day in 1859, Charles Darwin's book 'On the Origin of Species' was published in London. Written in a very convincing and cleverly-crafted manner, Darwin presents overwhelming and easy-to-follow-through evidence for his theory - particularly logical observations of the generalized patterns in nature that he studied. The book begins by accustoming the mind to the idea of artificial selection and how humans can select for different varieties, as per traits desired. Darwin provides many examples of the variation techniques that breeders have developed with domesticated plants and animals. In the ensuing chapters, he introduces the mechanism for natural selection (through numerous examples from his very wide experience) as a means to propagate different variations and adaptive functions that in turn lead to differential reproductive success. It follows from his reasoning that organisms can become adapted to different environments in different areas, or changing conditions at a particular environment over time, or certain beneficial hereditary variations that become available at a specific time in the gene pool. In the last few chapters, he addresses the arguments raised against his theory and concludes with a wider context of adaption and design. Even though at the time, his arguments were presented without definite certainty (of course he had no knowledge of genes) and were merely taken as only a clever suggestion, Darwin’s arguments were presented with immense explanatory power and ingenious inductive methods - they are a culmination of a coordination and integration of well-established known facts in embryology, morphology, geology, etc.

Indeed, the data Darwin gathered in the ‘On The Origin of Species’ confirmed the deducible consequences suggested by the hypothesis of mutability of species. Such a method of scientific analysis, often attributed to Darwin, is often known as the hypothetico-deductive method.

The premise of validity for such a method rests upon how much explanatory power one’s arguments can elicit relative to the alternative supposition. What could account for two structurally similar, yet self-distinct species? Why would distinct species exist that can perform similar functions? Are similar displays of striped patterns in equine species indicative of descent of these species from a common ancestor?  In the Origin of Species, Darwin remarks:

“He who believes that each equine species was independently created, will, I presume, assert that each species has been created with a tendency to vary, both under nature and under domestication, in this particular manner, so as often to become striped like other species of the genus; and that each has been created with a strong tendency, when crossed with species inhabiting distant quarters of the world, to produce hybrids resembling in their stripes, not their own parents, but other species of the genus. To admit this view is, as it seems to me, to reject a real for an unreal, or at least for an unknown, cause. It makes the works of God a mere mockery and deception; I would almost as soon believe with the old and ignorant cosmogonists, that fossil shells had never lived, but had been created in stone so as to mock the shells now living on the sea-shore.”

The explanatory power of such a hypothesis very much supersedes the explanatory vacuity of immutable design by an intelligent agency. Darwin reflects “What can be more curious than that the hand of a man, formed for grasping, that of a mole for digging, the leg of the horse, the paddle of the porpoise, and the wing of the bat, should all be constructed on the same pattern, and should include the same bones, in the same relative positions?”  Indeed, such structures seem to be traceable to a common plan, rather than discretely designed. On traveling from north and south of South America and observing two similar yet distinct species of rheas that are not separated by any geographical boundaries, Darwin concedes “it was evident that such facts as these, as well as many others, could only be explained on the supposition that species gradually become modified; and the subject haunted me.”

Darwin’s powerful abstractions in the Origin of Species, untrammeled by the shackles of presumed prejudice, had the foresight to ask what lay behind his commonplace observations. They, indeed, constitute the brilliancy of wit that defined Darwin’s legacy. 

Happy birthday to The Origins of Species!

The Best Way To Worship God is In Your Language

The YORUBA MAN who happens to be a MUSLIM can not relate with God unless he does so in the language of the ARABS.

He has been told that his prayers to the Almighty Allah are more rewarding if they are said in the ARABIC language.

So, the Yoruba man must learn the Arabic language and toss his own mother tongue (Yoruba language) into the dustbin when he prays,  a language from centuries of great civilizations, proud heritage and unmatchable Spiritual essence.

Then the Yoruba man must break his neck to visit the lands of the Arabs at least once in his lifetime to connect with the spirituality and the ancestors of the Arabs,  whereas he hardly knows the road to his own ancestral home town in Yoruba land which he has long forsaken and also disconnected with his own ancestors.

The Yoruba man after years of studying the books of the Arabs in  "Ilë kéwú" and from many extensive "intellectual researches" will come out and very proudly displays his mastery of the "beauty of his [ Arab ]  religion and proficiency in command of the Arab language.

As a matter of fact, if a Yoruba "Alfa" was delivering a sermon and quoting the Qu'ran he is more or less mandated to first quote the Qu'ran in Arabic before translating same into Yoruba for his miserable audience who doesn't understand how to catch up. It is something that gives him indescribable honour from his audience.

But the YORUBA MAN + His Qur'anic knowledge + Arab language + 5 daily prayers + he carries the mosque on his head 24/7  is nothing but a filthy rag in the sight of the Arabs who will rather respect the Fulani Muslims. 

If you tell him this glaring fact my Yoruba Muslim brothers will argue with you that "Islam isn't about the Arabs but worship to Allah". But when it was time to shut down the Ka'aba in 2020 the Yoruba man wasn't consulted and he couldn't go there for anything because THE KA'ABA WASNT/ISNT IN OSOGBO!!!

The result AND REALITY right now is that the YORUBAS are perhaps the most geopolitically  endangered, socially disintegrated and economically dying tribe in the whole of Nigeria.

E mu ra si!!!

By Adedamola Adetayo

Thursday, 26 November 2020


The Arole Oduduwa & Ooni of Ife, Ooni Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi Ojaja II, on  Wednesday fulfilled his promise to name his newly born prince after his predecessor, Sir Tadenikawo Adesoji Aderemi. 

The day which climaxed the first eight-day of the 3 week cultural rites traditionally observed at the Ile Oodua Palace of the Ooni of Ife for naming new born princes and princess started with the traditional movement of the Ooni from his private residence in the palace to the sacred Yeyemoolu well to offer prayers and traditional rites before moving through various palace chambers; from Ile Ogun to Ile Odikeji and Ile Omirin, finally to Ile-Igbo to mount the oldest stool of Oduduwa at Ile Igbo Where a reigning Ooni occasionally sits whenever there is a very important events.

At Ile Igbo, spiritual obeisance by the Isoros and other traditional rites were offered to formally welcome the royal baby to the Ife Royal Court and announce his names to the general public.

Custodians of various deities known as 'Oba Isoro',  Obas and Ife High-Chiefs offered prayers in the traditional way with items like sugarcane, Aadun, honey, dried fishes, money, pen, bitter colas, cola nuts, alligator peppers, snails schnapps, water, palm oil, doves and other Yoruba core prayer items.

After the prayers and sacrifices, the Ooni consulted Ifa oracle through the Araba Agbaye, head of Ifa priests worldwide, before making the baby's names public. 

Names of the prince handed by Araba Agbaye to High-Chief Lowa of Ife, Chief Adekola Adeyeye who officially  pronounced them to the anxious crowd are: Tadenikawo, Adesoji, Aderemi, Eri-Ifeoluwasimi, Adeiwa, Inioluwa, Ademide, Adegbite, Diekoloreoluwa, son of Ogunwusi. 

The birth of the prince on Wednesday, November 18, 2020 was greeted by three phases of 21day traditional rites according to the dictates of  Yoruba cutoms before it was rounded off today within the premises of Ile Oodua Palace of the Ooni.

The Lowa Adimula of Ife who presented the baby's names to the public said the traditional rites which started a week ago will be concluded after 21 days from birth, saying It has become important for people to understand the culture and traditions of naming princes following the legacy established by Oduduwa Olofin Adimula, the progenitor of Yoruba race.

Ooni Ogunwusi had pledged to name his prince after the 49th Ooni of the 3rd dynasty and First African Governor of the old Western Region in Nigeria, Sir Tadenikawo Adesoji Aderemi who  Ooni reigned from 1930 to 1980.

Signed; Comrade Moses Olafare,

Director, Media & Public Affairs,

Ooni's Palace.

Older Than Egypt is Ethiopia

Ethiopian Antiquity.

Ethiopia is old, even older than Egypt, but its antiquity is somewhat different. While Egypt was the world's first indisputable nation-state, unique in its complex politico-religious system augmented by magnificent material remains and a corpus of epic literature, in Ethiopia, the very cradle of mankind, the material evidence of its ancient civilisation alone attests to its former glory.

The Ancient Egyptians, from the earliest times, kept records of their kings and this chronology is central to the chronological structure of the early Aegean, Levantine and Mesopotamian civilisations. It is, however, of no import to Ancient Ethiopia. If the Ethiopians did keep records, these have either been lost for ever or not yet discovered. The attempts by unnamed writers to compile an Ethiopian king-list -- the Kebra Negast or Book of the Glory of Kings -- from the Queen of Sheba to the rise of the Zagwe dynasty, is believed to be a 13th-century creation; its aim seems to have been to establish the political credentials of the so-called Solomonic dynasty, an Ethiopian king-list that traces the rulers of Ancient Axum to Menelik I (originally Bin Ha Malik, The King's Son), the son of the "Israelite" King Solomon and the "Ethiopian" Queen Makeda, the Queen of Sheba.

Confusingly, the Queen of Sheba features prominently in the oral and written traditions of Ethiopia, Yemen and ancient Israel. The Yemenis saw her as a South Arabian queen, the Ethiopians as Axumite. In Arabic her name is Bilquis, in Ethiopia Makeda and in the biblical language of the Israelites she is known as the Queen of Sheba. To add to the confusion, historians suggest that King Solomon must have reigned around the 10th century BC. It is difficult to decipher fact from fiction, but archaeological evidence is indisputable and it reveals that Axum was founded a millennium later.

LUCY-DINKENESH: Ethiopia easily claims the longest archaeological record of any country in the world. It is in Ethiopia that the story of the evolution of mankind began. The remains of the earliest ancestral humans or hominids have been found there. Butwhile sophisticated civilisations historically developed on the Ethiopian highlands, in many parts of the mountains and rugged country, many of its peoples retained a material existence not much different from the hunter-gathering lifestyles of our ancestral hominids.

Two Ethiopian regions stand out as preeminent sites favoured for habitation by the early hominids -- the Omo Valley in the southwestern part of the country, and the Afar or Danakil Depression. To this day, these remote and inhospitable regions remain largely cut off from the outside world. They form different parts of Africa's Great Rift Valley, which runs from central Africa, through the eastern part of the continent, dissecting the Horn of Africa, dividing Arabia from Africa, marking out the outlines of the Sinai Peninsula, and ending somewhat unobtrusively with the Gulf of Aqaba and the River Jordan Valley.

The Omo Valley and the Danakil Depression are markedly different in landscape and terrain. The latter is a desolate and dreary desert, 100 metres below sea leveland one of the hottest places on earth, while the Omo Valley is a veritable Garden of Eden with a rich and luxuriant tropical flora and teaming with exotic fauna.

Remains of Australopithecus Afarensis, an early hominid dating as far back as four million years, have been found in an almost complete state in the Danakil Depression, which was not always the arid desert it is today. When the early hominids roamed the Afar region, it was a well-watered and wooded savanna country. In 1974 archaeologists excavating sites in the Awash River Valley discovered the skeletal remains of a female hominid whom they promptly named "Lucy" (apparently because they were listening to the song Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds by the Beetles). The diminutive three-and-half-feet tall Lucy -- known as Dinkenesh or "Thou art beautiful" inAmharic, Ethiopia's official language -- lived some 3.5 million years ago. Her skeletal remains are now deposited at the National Museum of Addis Ababa, which is also home to a host of other prehistoric remains.

THE ANTECEDENTS OF AXUM: The history of Ethiopia goes back a long way. The profusion of Stone Age tools and cave paintings hint at the industriousness and vibrancy of the lifestyles of the earliest Ethiopians and attests to the country's antiquity. During the Chalcolithic Age (6200-3000 BC) the inhabitants began cultivating grains and crops that are still much in use in Ethiopia today. Indigenous grasses and grains, such as teff, from which the national Ethiopian sour pancake-like moist bread is made, began to be extensively cultivated as a staple food. The ensete, a root crop known as the false banana because the plantresembles the banana tree but bears no edible fruit, was also grown in the southern and central parts of the Ethiopian Highlands. Sorghum, barley and buckwheat were also cultivated.

From late prehistoric times patterns of livelihood were established that were to become characteristic of Ethiopia down through the ages and right up to contemporary times. The Early Bronze Age (3000 BC) witnessed the domestication of cattle, a process which had started much earlier in neighbouring Sudan. At this stage of development, regular interaction between the indigenous peoples of Ethiopia and their neighbours first began.

The close proximity of the Ethiopian highlands to the Red Sea has always provided the main line of external communication. This stretch of water has, since time immemorial, provided a means of transport and the Ancient Egyptians recorded voyages to the Land of Punt -- God's Land. To them, Punt was the most ancient country, a sacred territory.

Queen Hatshepsut in the 18th dynasty (1540-1304 BC) dispatched a diplomatic and trading mission to Punt, beautifully depicted on her funerary temple at Deir Al-Bahri. Punt was also the source of a host of exotic goods such as gold, ivory, ostrich feathers, animal skins and hides.

Egyptian legends sometimes referred to Punt as a land ruled by serpent-kings. Interestingly enough, material and literary evidence suggest some form of serpent-worship before the advent of Christianity in Ethiopia. Could then, Ethiopia be the Punt of the Egyptians? To carry the argument further, the sturdy tankwas, or papyrus canoes, that ply Lake Tana -- the source of the Blue Nile -- are curiously reminiscent of the Ancient Egyptian reed boats.

The Hebrews, too, seem to have maintained links with Ancient Ethiopia. The marital union of the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon was not the first biblical reference to a Hebrew-Ethiopian marriage. According to the Bible Moses had an Ethiopian wife. "And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman," we read in the Book of Numbers.

Ethiopia appears in the King James Version 45 times. Most references to Ethiopia are cited in the Old Testament, not always in the most favourable light. Still, there appears to have been some familiarity with Ethiopian geography in the Levant with frequent biblical references to the rivers of Ethiopia, such as Gihon.

The centrality of the Solomonic link to the Ethiopian heritage is challenged by concrete archaeological evidence. "The Queen of Sheba is clearly recalled as a contemporary of King Solomon, whose reign must be placed around the 10th century BC. There is no archaeological evidence that the site of Axum was settled until one thousand years after this date," argues David W Phillipson in Ancient Ethiopia, published by British Museum Press, 1998.

AXUM: This most celebrated state of Ancient Ethiopia could, in its heyday, be compared in grandeur with the empires of Rome, Persia and Ancient China. Among the most imposing features of its material culture are monumental stelae that mark the burial catacombs of Axumite kings. Some 120 survive today -- many in a dilapidated state of disrepair. The largest is over 30 metres long, albeit no longer standing upright. It was the largest single stone ever quarried in the ancient world. The stelae of Axum are grave markers with which catacombs are invariably associated. Shafts, underground passages and chambers are always found nearby. Alas, most of the burial chambers were looted in antiquity, and only a few broken grave-goods were left by robbers.

Byzantine Greek and Roman references to Axum -- a prosperous state which at its zenith stretched from Nubia to Yemen and Hejaz, and encompassed much of the Horn of Africa -- abound. The kingdom, in conjunction with the Nabateans and southern Arabians, apparently held a monopoly over the spice and incense trade.

Relations between Axum and some of its other neighbours remain unclear. We know that Axum's fabled King Ezana (who reigned from 325 to 360 AD) controlled Mero? (the once thriving Nubian kingdom) and Yemen as well as the Red Sea coast up to Suakin in Sudan. We know also that Ezana's armies overran Mero? when it was in its last throes. A trilingual inscription, vaguely reminiscent of the Rosetta Stone, was erected by Ezana recording his victories over the Nubians in three languages -- Sabaean, Ge'ez and Greek.

The Axumite empire's heartland was the highlands of northern Ethiopia and southern Eritrea. The most impressive ruins are to be found in the northern Ethiopian region of Tigray, and to a lesser extent in Eritrea. The capital, Axum, in northern Tigray still stands today -- a mere shadow of its former glory.

Axum's rulers assumed the title of Negust Nagast, King of Kings, and started minting coins that provide an interesting chronology of the rulers of Axum. No other kingdom in Africa south of the Sahara did this, and the study of the Axumite coinage system reveals much about the development of the political structure, religion and culture of the ancient empire. For example, the earliest Axumite coins bore the crescent and sun-disc, or crescent and star -- designs characteristic of the pagan religion where moon and sun worship was prevalent. Later, when Christianity was officially adopted as a state religion, the cross replaced the crescent and sun-disc as state emblems engraved on official Axumite coins. Many of the earliest coins also had Greek inscriptions but, as Axum grew in importance, the Greek inscriptions were replaced by Ge'ez inscriptions (see box).

Christianity was adopted as a state religion in Ethiopia in the fourth century AD. According to tradition, two Christian youths from Tyre, Aedesius and Frumentius, were shipwrecked on the Red Sea coast of what is today Eritrea. They were taken to Axum, became tutors of the future king, and later Frumentius left Ethiopia for Alexandria and asked the Coptic Patriarch of Egypt to send a bishop to head the nascent Ethiopian Church. Frumentius was consecrated. He assumed the name Abuna Salama, initiating a tradition, whereby the Archbishops of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church were consecrated by the Coptic Pope, which lasted until the early 1970s.

ETHIOPIA AND YEMEN: The history of Ancient Ethiopia cannot be separated from that of Ancient Yemen, whose recorded history stretches back over 3,000 years. Archaeological evidence shows that settled agricultural communities were established in the Yemeni highlands by the third millennium BC. Urban centres soon developed supported by the surrounding farming countryside. Masonry flourished and monumental sculptures and massive stone architecture were erected. Sophisticated irrigation works were also constructed which attest to a high degree of material sophistication. States like Hadhramaut, Saba, with it capital Ma'rib, and later Himyar thrived as industrious mercantile nations that monopolised the spice and incense trade of the ancient world.

Successive civilisations of Mineans, Sabaeans and Himyarites interacted closely with their counterparts in Ethiopia. The precise nature of the relationship between the people who inhabited Ancient Yemen and their contemporaries across the Red Sea in Ethiopia is unknown. What is clear, however, is that due to geographical proximity, strong cultural and trading links developed between the most celebrated of Ancient Yemeni civilisations, Saba, and the peoples of Ethiopia. Archaeological research based on the results of excavations and the study of extant monuments and artefacts by Western and Ethiopian scholars reveal growing cultural and trade contacts between them.

It is difficult to ascertain how far Axum, the most glorious of Ethiopia's earliest civilisations, can be viewed as a direct heir to Saba. The mystification is deepened by the confusion between Sheba, a variation of Saba, and Ethiopia in the Bible and other mediaeval documents. Sheba, or the Kingdom of the South, could equally refer to either Yemen or Axum.

That controversy apart, there is no doubt that the cultures and histories of Saba and Ethiopia were inextricably intertwined. The Sabaeans were highly skilled masons and water engineers and, not many centuries after they constructed the Ma'rib Dam, walled cities and other architectural wonders, similar structures began to be erected in Ethiopia.

Scholars claim that some 2,500 years ago, successive waves of Semitic people from southern Arabia crossed the Red Sea into what is now Ethiopia, they brought with them their Semitic language and script. Around the fifth century BC, there is archaeological evidence to show that the Semitic influences intensified. Sabaean merchants and perhaps armies moved across the Red Sea into Ethiopia, as attested by the many Sabean inscriptions dating to that period. In time they produced a pre-Axumite culture which ripened into a proto-Axumite culture.

We know next to nothing of the pagan religion of the Axumites. In sharp contrast, much is known today about the Ancient Egyptian religious beliefs and practices. We know the names and attributes of Ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses, but little is known about the nature of worship in Ancient Ethiopia -- save perhaps that serpents were sacred creatures and maybe the sun, moon and stars were worshipped, as in Ancient Arabia.

Archaeological evidence suggests that South Arabian gods and goddesses were worshipped in Ethiopia before the advent of Christianity. Nothing, though, is conclusive. Archaeological evidence points to the influx of settlers and cultural influences from Yemen, across the Red Sea, into Ethiopia at least about 800 BC, in all probability much earlier. The Red Sea proved no impediment to trade and cultural exchange. Yemen at the time was at the centre of a trading network that linked Egypt and the eastern Mediterranean world -- what is today Greece, Turkey and the Levant -- with Yemen and onwards to Oman, the Arabian Gulf, present day Iraq, Iran and India, perhaps even beyond. In Yemen, the Minaean Civilisation was absorbed or superseded by the celebrated Sabaean Civilisation about 1000 BC. Trade relations were revolutionised when the inhabitants of Arabia domesticated the dromedary, or one- humped camel, in the 11th century BC.

The domestication of the dromedary made it easier to transport goods over more desolate regions. The spice trade was the mainstay of the economy. The Sabaeans were great builders and the imposing dam they constructed near Ma'rib, their capital, stands testimony to their accomplished architectural skills. They lived in multistoried apartment blocks in walled cities with monumental gates. From the windows and door designs on the Axumite stelae, it appears that these particular Sabaean colonists probably settled in Ethiopia in much the same way as Europeans settled in America. Indeed, interaction between Yemen and Ethiopia in ancient times is sometimes compared with the historical relationship between Europe and America, with the Red Sea as substitute for the Atlantic Ocean.

The Sabaeans united southern Arabia into a single political entity by the third century BC. By the time of the birth of Jesus Christ, they had expanded their empire to include Ethiopian lands across the Red Sea. 

With Sabaean power waning in the fifth and sixth centuries AD, their empire was conquered by the Ethiopians in 525. The Sabaean civilisation endured for 14 centuries lasting from around 800 BC to 600 AD. And as Saba declined, Axum arose. The tables were soon turned and Ethiopia had the upper hand. For many centuries afterwards, Yemen remained under Axumite suzerainty.

Trade and cultural exchanges between Sabaean Yemen and Ancient pre-Axumite Ethiopia were strengthened. Artefacts and stone slabs bearing the Sabaean script of southern Arabia became more common in Ethiopia. Soon the monumental stone structures similar to those in Ancient Yemen began to appear in Eritrea and northern Ethiopia. The Temple of the Moon in Yeha is the largest surviving structure in East Africa.

With the rise of Islam in the seventh century AD, Axum lost Yemen and Hejaz, and the once flourishing empire shrunk back to its original core region of the northern Ethiopian highlands.

Ge'ez the sacred tongue > LINGUISTIC affinities between Ethiopia and the Arab world are as strong today as they were in bygone days. Ge'ez, Amharic and Tigrinya are related to Arabic. There are some 80 different languages spoken in Ethiopia, but the country's official language is Amharinya, better known outside Ethiopia as Amharic. 

It is the language of higher education, most modern literature and government. 

Historical linguists generally hold that the languages spoken by a majority of the inhabitants of Ethiopia today, namely the Afro-Asian languages, have their roots in northeastern Africa. The area covered by speakers of the Afro- Asian linguistic group spans a huge swathe of territory from northwestern Africa, the Sahara, eastern and northeastern Africa, Arabia and southwestern Asia. The Afro-Asian group of languages is divided into Semitic, Cushitic and Omotic -- and speakers of all three groups are found in Ethiopia. Indeed, Ethiopia is the only country where all the three linguistic groups are currently in use.

Scholars also suggest that first Omotic and then Cushitic speaking peoples moved into the Ethiopian highlands about 7,000 BC. The Semitic-speaking peoples entered Ethiopia at a later date. Speakers of the Nilotic languages spanning a vast territory in Sudan and other East African countries such as Kenya and Tanzania inhabit in the southwestern extremities of Ethiopia, and it is not known if they previously inhabited other areas of the country. Of the Cushitic languages spoken in Ethiopia, the most widespread is Oromo followed by Somali and Sidamo. But the recorded history of Ethiopia has traditionally been the domain of the country's Semitic speakers.

The foremost of the Semitic languages of Ethiopia is Ge'ez, widely regarded as an offshoot of Sabaean, held in special esteem.

Ethiopia has one of the longest continuous literate traditions in Africa. It is a literary tradition where Ge'ez plays a central, all-important role. Ge'ez is to Ethiopia what Latin is to Europe. Ge'ez, the liturgical language of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and the official court language of the Axumites, borrowed 24 symbols from the Sabaean writing system.

Amharic, the official language of contemporary Ethiopia, is derived from Ge'ez. Two other languages are closely related to it -- Tigre, spoken in Eritrea; and Tigrinya spoken in Tigray, northern Ethiopia, as well as in Eritrea. Both Amharic and Tigrinya use a modified version of the Ge'ez script.

The Axumites left behind a body of written records in Greek and Ge'ez. The Bible was translated into Ge'ez from Greek, and the Ge'ez alphabet bears an uncanny resemblance to both the Coptic and Greek scripts. 

Ge'ez , which ceased to be a spoken language in the 10th century, is still widely studied by academic scholars who specialise in Ancient Ethiopia.

Credit; Ras Tyehimba


A People with a worldview that the Earth is hostile have to create a logic that supports their worldview about why the earth is hostile. This is why the concept of Original Sin is able to stand in/as their philosophical thought. 

For the perceived hostility of the earth is explained in the concept of Original Sin and therefore there is of necessity a need to propound the doctrine of "Salvation from Sin" in order to see a pleasant world which those who propound this idea regard as "Heaven".

If you think of it however, the worldview of species that grew in the harsh cold of Europe and the Scorching Sun of the Sahara desert (where two violent religions/cultures sprang up from) will be different from the worldview of the species that grew up in the rainforest of Southern Nigeria. 

One is geographically placed in a region of natural scarcity while the other is placed in a region of natural abundance. 

These two species' religions or philosophical worldviews will definitely be different and their instinct to compete for survival will be higher than the other. 

This I suspect is the underlying factor that propels their domineering and conquest worldview. They have naturally been built to compete with harsh conditions to survive and to see those of a different worldview as a natural competition that should be eliminated or subdued for their own survival.

For the sake of humanity's survival and evolution to a higher consciousness therefore, there is need for the abundance mentality of those who grew up in the rainforest to influence the scarce mindset of those who live in those harsh conditions to create a healthy human population that will see itself as cooperators rather than competitors.

A religion that inspires violence towards another for the sake of the survival of one race should be shunned while a religion that tells us that we are inherently connected to one another should be embraced. A religious philosophy that posits that every creature is fulfilling a unique destiny, one that teaches that harm to you (or another) is harm to me (and everyone), Such religious philosophy is what the human population of the world should advance into now. This is the Ifá fundamental truth.

Indeed, when Christ shall return, it will not matter our belief in any certain Creed, it will only matter "how do you treat your neighbor?" 

Note that your neighbor is every creature in the universe and not just those who look like you or speak like you or worship God like you. 

I say this because a perfect world is not one which enjoys peace because there is only one way of thinking, but a world which enjoys peace because the humans living there have evolved intelligently to work in harmony in the face of differing worldviews.

Copyrights: © 2020

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Truth Versus Lie

According to a 19th century legend, the Truth and the Lie met one day. The Lie says to the Truth: "It's a marvellous day today"! The Truth looks up to the skies and sighs, for the day was really beautiful. They spend a lot of time together, ultimately arriving beside a well. The Lie tells the Truth: "The water is very nice, let's take a bath together!" The Truth, once again suspicious, tests the water and discovers that it indeed is very nice. They undressed and started bathing. 

Suddenly, the Lie came out of the water, put on the clothes of the Truth and ran away. The furious Truth came out of the well and ran everywhere to find the Lie and to recover his clothes back. The World, seeing the Truth naked, turned its gaze away, with contempt and rage.

The poor Truth returned to the well and disappeared forever, hiding in the well with shame. Since then, the Lie has been traveling around the world dressed as the Truth, satisfying the needs of society because the World, in any case harbours no wish at all to meet the naked Truth.

By Jean-Léon Gérôme, 1896.

Know Thy Self By Learning A Skill

There was a time when all you needed to succeed was the ability to read and write English. After that came the era of university degree. In fact, you had the chances of getting a good job with a good salary.

Then came the era of Masters and PhD. The demands of the Labour market went higher. You had to have a masters or PhD to get a good job.

Before long it became the era of foreign degrees... employers started looking for people from foreign universities.

Now that era has ended: We are now in the era of skills. What you know and what you can do with your brain or your hands. Your level of education notwithstanding; what matters right now is the skills that you have especially new age/digital skills.

So I ask you, what are you doing to remain relevant in this season? Are you still carrying your certificate up and down with obsolete knowledge? Or you are still blaming the government that is not even aware of your existence? Do you even understand that "WORK" as we knew it ten years back has changed?

Are you aware that by 2025, machines and robots would have cleaned out 800,000 jobs and new market demands will evolve? Are you preparing for the future of work or you will cross that bridge when you get there?

It will be in your best interest to start to UNLEARN, LEARN AND RELEARN. Invest in yourself, upgrade on a daily basis. Pay the price while it still matters most. You can't afford the price of ignorance and poverty. It is too expensive!

Help realign the priorities of those you love including your kids so that they remain relevant during their era by exposing them to profitable skills side by side with the normal classroom education.

Copyrights: © 2020

False Gods Or Misunderstood Philosophical Foundations?

It's always a pity when you hear Abrahamists accuse African traditionalists as worshipping false Gods, and the traditionalists lack intellectual or moral ground to defend themselves. .

The African Intellectual has basically failed his Original African civilization by not being able to understand his spiritual and interpret it into material. For every spiritual, there is matter vice versa.

African slavery and colonization prevented Africans from developing their own knowledge banks from cultural and religious foundations especially in the 1700s when other religions intellectualized their spirituality. The first systematic science book in the USA was the Christian Philosopher written by Mather in 1720 in which he analyzed our Soponna cult as a vaccination process which was adopted into science. Unfortunately, the same Soponna was banned in Nigeria immediately we were colonized, after it had given birth to modern medicine in the USA. 

Instead they misconstrued our civilization as pagan and barbaric, claiming we worship false Gods. It is obvious to every civilization that there is only one God, and it is stark cultural imperialism to label other peoples God as false. Africans are wrongly portrayed to have many Gods, while we have one Almighty God and various saints/Orishas/Alusis.

Original African cultures believe that God is not directly approachable, just like the Abrahamists that believe you can only approach God through Jesus or Mohammed. In Yoruba, you approach God and all others Orisha through Esu.

Original African civilization being the first was far more advanced and discerned the philosophical pillars of life, and their cyclic spiritual essences. In Yoruba, Shango is not a God, but an Orisha of Justice, meaning he embodied philosophical foundations of the concept of Justice. Oya is not just a Goddess of tempests but embodies the principles of revolutionary Justice. Obaluaye embodies the philosophy of Structure, both human, political and career. Obatala is about religion, education, law and philosophy.

These are not dead concepts but recurring. The ancestors deciphered the trends. Contrary to popular perceptions , Oduduwa is not just one human but a recurring spiritual and philosophical essence of leadership. The essence was captured at the evolution of humanity, as well as the beginning of monarch. He leads every change of global consciousness to a higher level of evolution, every 2000yrs. The same thing with Shango that came in different forms and became more understandable in larger empires like Oyo and Benin, whose bureaucracies required more detailed concepts of Justice.

Although these are pure philosophical essences, the major ones are triggered electromagnetically by planetary bodies. This takes us to what are really spirits or spiritual essences? How do they affect you? We now know that they are electromagnetic pulses that are emitted by everything on Earth, and depend on your composition you absorb them and react.

The most common spiritual essence is that of the Moon that exhibits the spiritual and philosophical essences of Yemanja. The full moon 28 day cycle is tied to menstruation and its gravitational pull affects all water bodies from oceans to humans since we are over 80% water. Criminology and other behavioral studies have evidence that full moons have an effect on our behavior and crime rates.

So calling them false Gods is either pure ignorance or cultural imperialism. One major difference between Original African civilizations and Abrahamic civilizations, is that Original Africans, due to their duality and binary knowledge, believe God is truly Almighty, the creator of everything both Good and Bad, therefore they don't believe in the concept of Devil. They believe not only God but everything has good and bad, positive and negative. There is good and evil in every heart, and it is up to the individual to choose, not the Devil. This is backed scientifically because you cannot separate an atom into positive or negative.

However, Abrahamic imperialists took the advantage of a lack of a wholly evil figure in African traditions by labelling the source of information and our belief system, the Orisha of Information, the Devil. The effect, in the case of Yoruba, is that people are scared to approach their knowledge bank of ancient philosophies since Esu labelled as Satan is its operating system.

While Africans are brainwashed to be scared of understanding their knowledge base, the Abrahamic civilizations not only know these essence and trends but use them. To develop the most powerful information gathering and management system named the CIA, it wasn't a coincidence that they created it in the month of Esu, Virgo in September. To develop the world's most powerful body on their soil, the United Nations, they set it up in Capricorn, Obaluaye month of Structure in January.

Their understanding of Esu/Agwu tied to the planet Mercury makes them understand information management and propaganda. The 20 October 2020 Lekki Massacre didn't just happen but happened at a time when Esu was retrograde and misinformation could pass through. It also included the Ogun, Mars retrograde, when the actions were not clear.

Basically, if we don't go back to our roots to understand these natural phenomenon, we would always be played for fools by Abrahamists. This is not only restricted to information management of Esu/Agwu, but every other aspect of life. The only trends we know is when to sleep and wake, when to plant or harvest. We don't know of the Obaluaye career trend of 29 years, nor do we know when to revolt since we don't understand Oya 250yr cyclic winds of revolutionary change, or what it entails to carry out a revolution. We don't know how long is Shango/Amadioha cycle of Justice. Till date the most Pan Nigerian protests, EndSars, was led by those with Oya and Shango essences.

Technologically, our fear of studying our Osanyin bank of knowledge prevents us from accessing the trillion dollar herbal and pharmaceutical industry. Naked Women used to smelt iron 4000yrs, but today we have no steel complex. We don't know what was rubbed on their skins to prevent bodily harm from temperatures over 4000 degrees. It appears that because the man's scrotum could not be protected from heat damage is why women of Lejja Nsukka took control.

Electromagnetism is the current technology frontier of the global economy and was compiled from our Original African Information Retrieval system, the Oracle aka Ifa-Afa-Iha-Eha-Fa. The first computer was built on the same 256 pulses of Ifa-Afa-Iha-Eha-Fa. Now our Oracle doesn't only send out electromagnetic pulses, it has the capability of reading human DNA, which is why when you go to a Babalawo/Dibia or diviner, you are told to pick pieces which you speak to and touches your DNA which would then be translated in how the Odu pieces fall. If you get several diviner in different locations to analyze the same DNA, they would come to the same decision. Your strongest spiritual philosophical essence will be revealed to the diviner.

Now, this is not about consulting some evil spirits but simple science. It is easier to learn things in your language as it easily connects to your cultural background. Until we go back to the basics and learn the technology our ancestors fashioned from our environment, we won't be able to adapt foreign technologies and philosophies.

Politically, we would remain second best to other civilizations, until we understand that the 16 sector Original African Information Retrieval system is a representation of the Original cultural linkages across South and Middle belt, and until we unite like the Ifa divining-chain/Opele we would continue to lead a meaningless political essence.


There is an Ifá Story that told us of when Ọ̀rúnmìlà sent his wife, Ìwà, packing out of the house, accusing her of untidiness.

Ìwà left and went back to her father's house but things did not remain the same again for Ọ̀rúnmìlà. Negative things started happening to him and he found out that it was because he had lost Ìwà. 

He searched everywhere on earth for Ìwà but couldn't find her, then he went to heaven to look for her. He found ìwà in heaven in the house of her father Sùúrù. 

He pleaded strongly for Ìwà to return with him to earth but ìwà refused and said henceforth humans will be the ones responsible for shaping their character, hence the saying, Ọwọ́ ẹni la fi ń tún ìwà ara ẹni ṣe.

(ìwà is the Yoruba word for character)

Now, this Ifá verse might be applicable in the society in the two following ways:

1. As a social philosophy (larger society).

It can be used as a story for moral instruction on the importance of good character in man's life.

2. In Divination (individual)

The enquirer could be told that his wife is a very strong pillar to his success and that negative things have started happening in his life because he had divorced the woman. It might also be coming out as a warning for him not to divorce his wife.

Ifá was/is used both as a means of teaching morals to the larger society in Africa and used as a means of helping individuals maintain order in their lives considering that life is deeper than what their five physical senses alone can perceive/fathom.

For our African society to revive its cultural values of chastity and Ọmọlúwàbí, the teachings of Ifá must be developed by the academia and used as a means of teaching the native wisdom to native African people in order for Africans to be able to live according to their values which we will all agree are nothing short of absolute, perfect holiness - being in unity with nature. 

The African esoteric philosophy of life must also be a part of the African educational system because Africa knows that there are forces beyond human forces that influence human experiences. These forces are mentioned in their different names in the Ifá Corpus and the interfacing interactions that man must have with them to create a order in their personal lives and in the entire universe are well detailed, though in crude oral form. There should be absolutely no reason why there can't be a budget from African governments for the development of indigenous philosophical knowledge.

What about the Osanyin traditional herbal medicine knowledge which is also contained in Ifá? Are we going to neglect such multitrillion whatever currency potential market because the priest of a certain St. George's Cathedral or St. Mary's Church said that herbal medicine by Osanyin followers are demonic? 

Many of the clergies patronize these herbalists in their personal lives. 

You all Africans must know that the African Christian priest is just simply doing the job his employer pays him to do in order for him to make the ends meet, he doesn't neglect his root. Those of them who know the truth never ignore their root. But their job description tells them to discourage such things. It is now left for you to use your sense.

But I think it is about time we stop that hypocrisy of elevating what belongs us. It is just timely that we stop our retrogressive thought and action. 

Government should fund Ifá knowledge, especially the Philosophical and Medical Part of it. 

By Ayobami Ogedengbe


"It seems that many people are obsessed with issues of survival in the West. That is the funny thing about America; it is promoted as the world's best country where you can achieve all your dreams. When I arrived in the United States I realized people were obsessed with survival and overwhelmed with the pressures of getting by. The way you perceive the world determines the way you treat yourself and others.

I have come to realize that the western worldview has given rise to a mentality of survival that has affected the way Ifá is practiced in the Diaspora. I realized this when it occurred to me I was using Ifá as a survival tool and not as a tool for spiritual growth. I believe this is the same mentality you see increasingly around the world as other countries accept the western worldview."

Me: I can relate perfectly with/to this. In the search for spiritual fulfillment, one has to know where to draw the line between his human wants and real spiritual need. 

Our journey in life is one of attaining the highest spiritual height possible (Òrìṣà/Olódùmarè/Godhood) and not to live a life of paying bills or the drive to accumulate wealth. 

Those who approach spirituality of any kind, either Christianity, Islam or Ifá with the motive of having all the fine things of life have missed the essence of spirituality right from the very beginning. They are either going to be disappointed and frustrated as spiritual elevation has nothing to do with achieving material prosperity or they will begin to cut corners and try to milk people of their money in the name of providing spiritual services. You too will lose your money (time and peace) in the process of trying to use spiritual services to accumulate material things because you will jump at every ritual that tells you about someone who sowed his car to reap a beach house with a garage full of sport cars. 

The supposed spiritual gatherings that focus on building empires can't appeal to some people because their soul is intuitively tuned to other important matters, the thought of fine Cars and house doesn't appeal to them. They want one thing and one thing alone - to be one with Olódùmarè - which is every creature's authentic destiny, every other things is by the way. The reason for the inherent dissatisfaction in man's soul is a reflection of the disalignment between him and his creator, which is what every spirituality attempts to restore, not material acquisition. This is why once you have acquired the material that you thought would give you satisfaction, you still won't get satisfaction; this is because what you needed originally isn't material, you are actually on the search for your authentic self.

Presently the world is being controlled majorly by the western world's philosophy of life and so the people's disposition is simply a reflection of what has been sown into them through the western world. 

Salvation is at the door of your heart, it is your connection with your source, it is righteousness, peace and joy in the holy spirit.

By Allan Gicheru.

Little Trivia To Exercise The Brain


1. The River Niger Bridge at Onitsha was constructed between 1964 and 1965 by Dumez, a French construction company, and cost £5 million.

2. Patience Jonathan is one of Nigeria’s most educated First Ladies, with an NCE, a B.Ed, and Msc from University of Port-Harcourt.

3. The highest peak in Nigeria is located in Taraba and is called Chappal Waddi which means “The Mountain of Death”.

4. There are 196 countries in the world and at least one Igbo person from Nigeria lives in every one of them.

5. The Pidgin word ‘Sabi’ came from ‘Saber’, Portuguese and Spanish for ‘to know’. Both country’s ships traded slaves from the Bight of Benin.

6. Katsina College (now Barewa College in Zaria) has produced 5 Nigerian Presidents/Heads of State since it was founded in 1921 in Katsina.

7. Ojukwu taught Murtala Mohammed and Ben Adekunle at Regular Officers Special Training School, Ghana. Both ‘fought’ their teacher during the civil war.

8. At Nigeria’s independence in 1960, there were 41 Secondary Schools in the North and 842 Secondary Schools in the South.

9. In 1983, Senator Arthur Nzeribe spent $16.5 million to win a Senatorial seat in Orlu (in Imo State).

10. In 1973, the Federal Government of Nigeria considered officially changing the name of “Lagos” to “Eko”; regarding “Lagos” as a colonial name.

11. The geographical area now referred to as Nigeria was once referred to as ‘Soudan’ and ‘Nigiritia’.

12. Offences punishable by death sentence after the 1966 coup included embezzlement, rape and homosexuality.

13. MKO Abiola was named Kashimawo (Let us wait and see) by his parents. He was his father’s twenty-third child, but the first to survive infancy.

14. Jaja Wachucku was the first person to refer to Lagos as a “no-man’s land” in 1947, provoking a national controversy.

15. Jollof rice, chicken breast, served with ice cream, tea, coffee or Bournvita, with full cream milk and sugar: Meal Cost = 50Kobo - Unilag in the late 1970s.

16. At the point death in 1989, Sam Okwaraji was a PhD candidate and qualified lawyer with an LL.M in International Law (University of Rome).

17. When British Bank of West Africa (now First Bank) opened a branch in Kano in 1929, Alhassan Dantata (Dangote’s Grandfather) opened an account depositing 20 camel-loads of silver coins.

18. Jaja Wachuku is reputed to have owned the biggest one-man library in West Africa. Balewa sometimes referred to him as “Most Bookish Minister".

19. The colonization of Nigeria took more than 40 years to achieve and the territories were integrated by the use of force.

20. Yoruba is spoken as a ritual language by the Santeria cult in Carribean and South-Central America.

21. Slavery existed in the Nigerian territory before the 15th century and was abolished in the 19th century - 1807 by the British.

22. At least 55 women were killed in South-East Nigeria, in 1929 when the women forced the Umuahia warrant chiefs to submit to their rule.

23. The coinage ‘Supreme Court’ was first used in 1863 by the colonial administration through the enactment of the Supreme Court Ordinance No. II.

24. MKO Abiola died suddenly on July 7, 1998, exactly one month after General Sani Abacha died mysteriously on June 8, 1998.

25. Agbani Darego was the only one to wear a maillot as opposed to a bikini during the Miss Universe contest in 2001.

26. The ‘Ankara’ material is not indigenous to Nigeria. Our indigenous textiles include the Akwete, Ukara, Aso-Oke and Adire.

27. Aloma Mukhtar is the first female lawyer from the North and went on to become the first female Chief Justice of Nigeria.

28. The area known as Maroko town in Lagos was first a swamp, later sand-filled by the colonial government and served as the first bridge to the Island.

29. Esie Museum is Nigeria’s first museum, established in 1945. Once reputed to have the largest collection of soapstone images in the world.

30. Aminu Kano formed the Northern Teachers’ Association (NTA) in 1948, the first successful regional organization in the history of the North.

31. George Goldie, who played a major role in founding Nigeria, placed a curse on anyone who attempts to write his biography.

32. In 1996, John Ogbu, a Nigerian Anthropologist firmly advocated for the use of African-American Vernacular to teach in the U.S.

33. Hause Language indigenous to Northern Nigeria is spoken in 11 African States. Germany, French, U.S., and British International radio stations broadcast in Hausa.

34. The surgeon who ‘killed’ Stella Obasanjo was sentenced to 1 year in prison, disqualified for 3 years and fined €120,000.

35. The word ‘asiri’ means ‘secret’ in Hausa, Yoruba, Nupe and Igarra. It also means ‘gossip’ in Igbo.

36. Igbo-Ora in Oyo State, Kodinji in India and Candido Godoi in Brazil are the towns that produce the highest number of twin births in the world.

37. Bishop Ajayi Crowther, a Yoruba, in 1857 produced a reading book for the Igbo Language and a full grammar and vocabulary of NUPE in 1864.

38. The first TV broadcast in Nigeria and Tropical Africa was on October 31, 1959.

39. In 1978, a 50Kobo increase (from #1.50 to #2) in the cost of University Students’ meal per day caused the ‘Ali Must Go’ protests.

40. Albert E. Kitson discovered coal in Enugu in 1909. This discovery led to the building of Port-Harcourt town in 1912.

41. Today, only Nigeria has a larger black population than Brazil. More than 3.5 million Africans were captured, enslaved and transported to Brazil.

42. Groundnut pyramids were the invention of Alhaji Alhassan Dantata to stack bags before export.

43. In 1967, old traditional ruler, Oba Akran and A. Ademiluyi were jailed for 14 years (7 each) for stealing £504,750 (N2.5b).

44. Since 1960, Nigeria has been either ruled by an ex-lecturer/ex-teacher or military man. The only exceptions are Azikiwe and Shonekan.

45. If you visited Lagos in 1975, you could spend a day at the Presidential Suite of Federal Palace Hotel for N100, single room for N19.

46. The first aircraft to land in Nigeria landed in Kano in July 1925. A British fighter jet flew from Khartoum (present day Sudan).

47. In 1895, Koko of Nembe (now in Bayelsa) took 60 white men hostage. When the British refused his demands, more than 40 of those men were eaten.

48. The ‘Naira’ was coined by Chief Obafemi Awolowo when he was serving as the Federal Commissioner of Finance.

49. Koma Hill (settlement in Adamawa where people lived and practised the killing of twins) was discovered in 1986 by an NYSC corps member.

50. The pilot (Francis Osakwe) that flew Ojukwu away from Biafra (1970) was the same pilot that flew Gowon to Uganda (last flight as Head of State).

51. In 1986, Shehu Shagari was banned from participation in politics for life. The ban has still not been lifted.

52. As the wife of the deputy Head of State (Vice President of Nigeria) in 1984, Biodun Idiagbon personally ran a small ice cream shop in Ilorin.

53. Koma Hills (Adamawa State) inhabitants when discovered were observed to engage in the practise of borrowing wives among themselves.

54. Juju, Dashiki, Yam and Okra are words in the English dictionary that originated from ethnic groups located in present day Nigeria.

55. Nigeria has more English speakers than England.

Can someone explain why Nigerian history is not taught as a compulsory subject from primary to tertiary education level. Perhaps our thinking will change if many of us know all these.

Author: Wendy Pie

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

The Secrets Behind Vaccines

I studied Microbiology in school and I listened well at some point in my study to understand some things, so I want to talk to you briefly about vaccines. 

Question: What are the active ingredients of vaccines?

Answer: Microorganisms.

The same Microorganism that causes a particular sickness is what is used to manufacture the vaccine for that sickness.

In my class I can recollect that there are two types of vaccines.

1. Killed Vaccines : here, the microorganism has been killed. 

2. Live attenuated vaccines : here, the microorganism is alive but it has been made unable to cause sickness.

How does it work?

The microorganism (now called vaccine) is introduced into the body (either orally or via injection). 

As soon as the foreign microorganism enters the body, the body's immune system (the White Blood cells) attack the microorganism, reading it and understanding what needs to be done to arrest it. 

What simply happens is that the body generates the specific antibody against that foreign microorganism. The generated antibody remains in the person for life. 

This is what happens when we take our children for immunization. Microorganisms are being introduced to them so that their body's natural immune system can generate the antibody for the common sicknesses that they are likely to come in contact with as they grow up. 

There are a certain part of the white blood cells that are called the Beta-cells. Beta-cells are also called "Memory cells". What these cells do is that they are responsible for recognizing previously experienced foreign invaders (harmful Microorganisms) thereby reducing the antibody production time in expelling/containing the foreign invader. That is, the memory cells can identify microorganisms which have been previously addressed by the body's immune system such that the reaction of the immune system upon this second exposure will be faster than the first time.

Let me explain that better. 

If the first day you were exposed to malaria parasite it took 2 hours before your body's immune system was able to generate the specific antibody for it, upon the next exposure, due to the fact that the Beta-cells (Memory cells) have a memory of the parasite, it won't take up to 2 hours for the specific antibody to be produced and deployed again, it might take just a few minutes. Interesting, isn't it?

So when our children are being given immunization, what the doctors (immunizers/vaccinators) are doing is that they are introducing microorganisms at a dose that can't cause harm in the body just to make the body's immune system produce specific antibodies for the disease that they are being vaccinated against.

For example, the Polio Vaccine is made from Killed Polio Virus. 

Now, before the Whitemen came, how did our forefathers achieve this? 

Simple! by different kinds of herbs, baths and incisions (acupuncture, known locally as gbẹ́rẹ́). 

During this process, the young baby takes in little doses of microorganisms that build its immune system. 

This is why it is believed that children who grew up in the village are usually immunologically stronger than ones who live in cities. The rationale behind is that children who live in villages play in sand, put things in their mouth, bath with stream water, drink stream water and use herbs both for drinking and bathing. 

The microorganisms from these activities are what build the immune system.

This is the simple science that is recreated in western vaccination system.

I felt the need to make this post because I know that the recent news of the discovery of a vaccine appears like some rocket science that only those who live in the Whiteman's land can achieve or a series of process so complicated that it takes a genius and western scientific equipments to achieve but in reality, it is as simple as it is stated up there. That's the simple science behind it. 

You can now decide to use the Western scientific procedure which is just unnecessarily complex to confuse outsiders or you use the simple direct indigenous process.

Now, if we are asked to boycott Western Vaccines and Develop our own Vaccines by improving on our own indigenous methods and knowledge, several Nigerians who condemn Nigerian politicians will still raise their voice to question "what if..." 

In those people's minds, if it is coming from Abroad, it is PERFECT, so let's trust the White man and shun the local native doctors. 

How then will our economy grow with such kind of mindset?

By the way, Lead City University Ibadan taught me well.

Ayobami Ogedengbe

Education Opens You Up!

A young man arrived at a party in a clean Highlander Jeep. He landed with two others and walked majestically, redressing his Agbada, adjusting his native cap, checking his pockets and dangling his car keys.

Obviously a Yoruba man, as expected. As he was coming, the local drummers were already at their best, beating the drum endearingly and one man among the drummers took him by surprise.

As the young man was coming towards the party canopy, the drummer started hailing him in Yoruba by saying "Aguntasolo ma rọra, ma wole ma rọra, Gbongan Olufi Arokodija Ọmọ Akinjoole, Maa wole ma rọra.. Lawyer to mòye, má wole ma rọra..."

"Welcome, the Tall one.. You are most Welcome. The man from Gbongan Town, son of Akinjoole, the one who prepares for fight..Welcome... The lawyer man, welcome"

The young man was surprised to realize that someone could know him too well like this. He gave this particular drummer N1,000, gave others N100, - then he drew him aside while walking and asked,  " Hello o bros , ṣe é mọ mi níbìkan ni àbí oninawo lọ juwe mi fún yín?" (Do you know me from somewhere or is it the party owner that told you about me).

The Drummer smiled and said, No oo, he just used his initiative and guessed. He said, "I saw your Car Plate no as GNN, Osun State.  I know the owner must be from Gbongan town.  I also saw NBA sticker on your car screen, I know this man must be a lawyer".

Wow,  this is brilliant.. the Lawyer exclaimed! Actually that's my dad's car. He's a lawyer and interestingly I'm also a lawyer but he is based outside the country. I am so happy seeing this.  Bros, I'm so happy. 

And he gave him more cash and gave him his business card to call him later.

Whatever he will later gain from the man, only God knows. That is the one beauty of education. They won't teach you many things in school, but you just know them as you journey along your learning stages in life. 

EDUCATION opens you up somehow, once you can read and write and you are always learning new things!

Well, Whatever you choose to do with your life, please get Educated. It doesn't matter when or how you choose to do it - now or later. Just learn and be able to read well, write well and understand little things.

Copyrights: © 2020 Ọmọ Elú

Monday, 23 November 2020

Igala Week Days Named After gods and goddesses

According to the investigating into the root of Igala week days- Eke, Ede, Afor, Ukwo, it was revealed that these days were named after a god and three goddesses. While she reported that Eke was the husband/male (god), and that Ede, Afor, Ukwo were the wives/females (goddesses). Further joint investigations by us have revealed that the days were truly associated with Igala gods and goddesses, but that the days were various days in which the ancient Igala people worshipped, offered sacrifices of animals and cooked food for those gods and goddesses.

Well, the findings are in conformity with the origin of modern week days – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday which were all named after Roman gods and goddesses based on the days they were worshiped. While Monday was named after Monan or moon god, Tuesday was named after Tiw/Tiu god of war. Wednesday named after Wooden god, Thursday named after Thor, god of thunder, Friday named after frigga goddess, Saturnday named after Saturn, the Roman god of fun and feasting (no wonder people still party and celebrate mainly on Saturdays). Sunday was named after god of sun (day that sun god was worshiped). All these are days in which these gods and goddesses were worshiped and till date, we are still using the days. Well, not only days, but some months like January were named after a god, Janus, etc.

Having said that, it is good to know the meanings of the Igala words like – Eke, Ede, Afor and Ukwo before they were used as days to worship these gods and  goddesses.

Eke means wonder or to think or reason deeply: It is the day the god in charge of wonders (appearance / disappearance, near impossible protections), signs and creativity were worshiped. Eg Ichekpa god.

Ede means to pay for or a law custodian. It is the day the goddess of law was worshiped. The goddess prevents crime and evil acts in the land. Eg is Abule deity.

Afor means purity, one who forbids, filthiness. The goddess of Purity in charge of punishment against taboo acts among the Igala people, was worshiped on this day. Eg Iye, Ibegwu abobule.

Ukwo means longevity, old age. It is the day the goddess of longevity was worshipped. It was worshiped for long life for the people, and people indeed  lived very long and very old then. Eg is Okpo goddess.

These days were later adopted as the days in which Igala people go to their different market places. Some markets in different parts of Igala land traded on these days as people went to buy items to use for worship. And some markets are still bearing the names of Ede, Afor, Ukwo as market days till date.

These days were borrowed by some other tribes from Igala as words for their own market days. As some of these words are not part of the words of those tribes neither do they have the meanings nor the provable origins of the week days apart from fictional and mythical stories which are difficult to believe in most cases.

Note: Till date, investigation has revealed to us that some gods and goddesses among the few believers in Igala land are worshipped or sacrificed to on these specific days accordingly.

And just like the way some people irrespective religions, including Igala people still bear Sunday, Monday, and other modern week days and months as names today even though the days, and months were of the roots of  Roman gods and goddesses, people still bear Eke, Ede, Afor and Ukwo in Igala land till date.

Culled from a WhatsApp post

Sunday, 22 November 2020


During a robbery in America, the bank robber shouted to everyone in the bank: "Don't move. The money belongs to the State. Your life belongs to you."

Everyone in the bank laid down quietly. This is called "Mind Changing Concept” Changing the conventional way of thinking.

When a lady lay on the table provocatively, the robber shouted at her: "Please be civilized! This is a robbery and not a rape!"

This is called "Being Professional” Focus only on what you are trained to do!

When the bank robbers returned home, the younger robber (MBA-trained) told the older robber (who has only completed Year 6 in primary school): "Big brother, let's count how much we got."

The older robber rebutted and said: "You are very stupid. There is so much money it will take us a long time to count. Tonight, the TV news will tell us how much we robbed from the bank!"

This is called "Experience.” Nowadays, experience is more important than paper qualifications!

After the robbers had left, the bank manager told the bank supervisor to call the police quickly. But the supervisor said to him: "Wait! Let us take out $10 million from the bank for ourselves and add it to the $70 million that we have previously embezzled from the bank”.

This is called "Swim with the tide.” Converting an unfavorable situation to your advantage!

The supervisor says: "It will be good if there is a robbery every month."

This is called "Killing Boredom.” Personal Happiness is more important than your job.

The next day, the TV news reported that $100 million was taken from the bank. The robbers counted and counted and counted, but they could only count $20 million. The robbers were very angry and complained: "We risked our lives and only took $20 million. The bank manager took $80 million with a snap of his fingers. It looks like it is better to be educated than to be a thief!"

This is called "Knowledge is worth as much as gold!"

The bank manager was smiling and happy because his losses in the share market are now covered by this robbery.

This is called "Seizing the opportunity.” Daring to take risks!

So who are the real robbers here?



*1. One day you will retire.* You won't be going to work. You won’t have office power any more. No influence or at best, a reduced influence. Your cash flow will also reduce.! Check retirement date on your payslip.

*2. Always  go for your 30days annual leave.* Whatever you do during your leave, is what you will be doing when you retire. If all you do is to sleep or watch TV, then that’s what you are likely do do in your retirement. Remember the book of Proverbs. A little sleep and a little slumber, so shall your poverty multiply. 

Watching Big Brother Naija will not save you heartache in retirement. Learn a trade or a skill during your leave. It will come handy. Spend your after-office hours learning something. Don’t spend it sleeping, Gossiping, watching TV!! Same goes for your weekend. Make them productive. You will thank yourself for spending your time productively. 

*3. Invest for your retirement.*.. your children are not retirement investment. Don’t bank on your children’s support or the support of friends or relations. That’s a BIG risk. It may not happen. Be ready to take care of yourself!! Everyone has his own responsibilities. They won’t be able to help you that much. You will also lose your dignity and respect if you adopt a life of begging. 

*4. Start a hobby* early in your working days to take you along when you retire. Rearing chicken, farming or own a shop. Acquire marketable skills ( not useless paper certificates) E.t.c.

*5. Where shall you retire.* Build yourself a home. Don't retire and start to rent a house or refuse to vacate government house. You will be at the mercy of your landlord at a time when your cash flow is not only reduced but unpredictable!!

*6. Who shall be your dependants.* By the time you retire, your children should be above 18, and self reliant.

*7. Don't retire and stay in a big city* unless you can TRULY afford it. You can't continue living in a big city after 60 with limited financial resources. The language and the hustle will be hard for you. Where possible, Relocate to a less expensive town where your reduced take home (pension) can go further.

*8. Have property which can be rented or converted into cash*. Have shares that pay good dividends. Plant cash trees. Rear goats, cultivate vegetables etc. these activities will not only give you income but will also keep you healthy.

*9. Live a simple life*. If you never built a house at your rural home, don't use your retirement package to build. It is unwise unless you plan to live there on a permanent basis or you are super rich and therefore can afford the luxury. The choice is yours.

*Note that many of retirees die early because of the following*:

1. They are Not mentally prepared to retire.

2. Lack of finances

3. They Lapse into Depression

4 They develop Hypertension/ Diabetes because of worries, anxiety and uncertainty "and financial pressures. 


It is one of my duty to remind my colleagues that clock keeps on ticking.

Culture and Festivals in Kazakhstan Finally Revealed

A couple of decades ago, the country of Kazakhstan did not exist and not many people knew what was going on in this part of the world. As a former state of the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan was shrouded in mystery, myths and legends. Today, Kazakhstan, the largest Central Asian country, is open to scrutiny and for enjoyment by anyone from anywhere in the world. Local culture and festivals in Kazakhstan are now an open book.

Nauryz or Islamic New Year Festivals and Feasting in Kazakhstan

The world today is amazed to know about the rich traditions of the Kazakh people. The locals are traditionally respectful of old people, patriotic, honest, loving and proud of their local celebrations and festivals but these local characteristics have been suppressed for so many years under Soviet rule. Now that the country has won sovereignty, the real beauty of this county, as well as its people and culture, is beginning to shine quite brightly. Sadly, though, some traditions and customs have been forgotten as they were not practiced or retold for many years.

Some common traditions that are coming back to life is the honoring of guests with traditional welcome foods served on a low table called “dastarkha” inside a yurt, a traditional movable house, almost like a tent. A yurt is made up of a “kerege” or trellis base, “uyk” or the dome that is made of poles and “Shanyrak”, a round top. Yurts are richly decorated and covered with felt and carpets.

Kazakhs are also natural poets. Local poets (“akyns”) engage in public wordplay competitions (“aitys”) as traditional stringed musical instruments are played on the background. The stringed instruments are called “dombra” or “kobyz”.

The most important and much awaited national festival and feasting is the Nauryz or Islamic New Year that happens on March 22, corresponding to the spring equinox and extends for almost a month. City streets and local towns light up with merrymaking, dances, music and tons of local foods. Guests are led inside beautifully decorated yurts to feast on a traditional dish called “Nauryz Kozhe”, a meal with seven traditional ingredients. This is a special holiday in which people are compelled to forgive each other’s debts and trespasses. Kazakhstan is a Muslim country. Islam completely took over the country in the 19th century, although today there are other religious groups such as Russian Orthodox and Roman Catholics. The Nauryz Holiday is observed throughout Central Asia.

Other important national events are Constitution Day (January 28), Victory Day (May 12) and Ramadan. Constitution Day commemorates the establishment of the Constitution of the Kazakhstan Republic with street festivals, fireworks and parades. Victory Day, on the other hand celebrates Russian victory over Germany in the Second World War with military parades and honoring veterans. Ramadan, of course, is a religious celebration, the leading Islamic celebration that involves fasting and thanksgiving.

Local culture and festivals in Kazakhstan also involves Christian and Western practices and events such as New Year’s Day (January 1), International Women’s Day (March 8), Labor Day (May 1), Russian Orthodox Easter, Valentine’s Day (February 14), April Fool’s Day (April 1), and Christmas Day (December 25).



2023: 75 Prominent Elders Vow To Pull Yoruba Nation Out Of Nigeria If…

Seventy-five prominent Yoruba elders have vowed to pull the Yoruba nation out of Nigeria if the country is not restructured before the 2023 general elections.

Acting under the aegis of Voice of Reason (VOR), a socio-cultural group, the elders made this known in an advertorial on page 25 of The Punch newspaper of Friday November 20.

Some of the elders that signed the advertorial include: former Chief of Army Staff, General Alani Akinrinade; former Vice Chancellor of the University of Lagos, Prof. Oye Ibidapo-Obe; co-founder, EKO Hospitals, Olorogun Sonny Kuku; and spokesperson, Afenifere, Yinka Odumakin.

According to the elders, the 1999 constitution under which the country is being governed is “flawed” and designed to give undue advantage to the northern regions of the country over their southern neighbours.

“The Yoruba people are irrevocably committed to a fundamental restructuring of this current union within the shortest possible time, preferably, before the elections, failing which, we Yoruba people may have to exercise our option not to continue to be part of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as presently constituted.

“In the inalienable right to self-determination guaranteed by the United Nations Charter, we are prepared to use ALL means and resources available to us to extricate our people from this failed, unfair and unworkable union,” the advertorial read in part.

Read the full advertorial below:


Agba Kiiwaloja ki oriomo tuntun wo [Yoruba Proverb]

VOR is a body of Yoruba sons and daughters, comprising successful entrepreneurs and eminent professionals across the spectrum of the society.

As a body, VOR is not partisan, but we are passionate about the progress and welfare of the nation.

The average age of the scores of membership of the body is above sixty five years.

In any culture in the world, anyone of that age qualifies to be referred to as an ELDER.

With the events going on in Nigeria at present, we believe, as elders in Yoruba land, it is time we made our voices heard, loud and clear.

No one needs to be told of the suffering of the people under the harsh economy and insecurity brought about by a federation hobbled by corruption, insincerity and ineptitude of politicians.

VOR has noted that the aspirations of most Nigerians are not being met resulting in very apparent despondency which, if unchecked, will lead to chaos in the land.

VOR further notes that the dissatisfaction of citizens largely stems from a lack of opportunities for self-development and employment even for those who have taken step to educate themselves and their children, many of our qualified citizens are abroad unable to come back and cope with the existing conditions.

Before the whole country becomes convulsed by election fever, we have resolved to bring the following to the attention of the public as a whole.

The Yoruba people are irrevocably committed to a fundamental restructuring of this current union within the shortest possible time, preferable, before the elections, falling which, we Yoruba may have to exercise our option not to continue to be part of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as presently constituted. In the inalienable right to self-determination guaranteed by the United Nations Charter, we are prepared to use ALL means and resources available to us to extricate our people from this failed, unfair and unworkable union.

The restructuring exercise envisaged and demanded by the Yorubas cannot and should not be carried out through the National Assembly as presently constituted using the current 1999 Nigerian Constitution. This is because the current constitution not only does NOT represent the will or wishes of “we the people,” it is a flawed document conceived and hatched under a ‘Northern’ Military Government with fraudulent and unwarranted structural advantages given to Northern Nigeria, and foisted on the rest of us.

Furthermore, we believe that the threshold for amending the present constitution to reflect and effect our legitimate demands is insurmountable for the Southern zones, based on the in-built flawed assumptions in the 1999 constitution.

All Yoruba States are encouraged to carry out genuine census of how many we truly are in Yoruba land, using Lagos State example which uses 23 million people for planning as against 9 million used by the Federal Government in the sharing of revenue and resources.

We sympathize with the people of middle Belt in the onslaught on their villages by armed herdsmen committing murder and mayhem. In view of the migration of mayhem southward by these rampaging marauders, a proper tab should be kept by our communities on Okada riders and itinerant artisans in our midst to make sure there are no “Sleeper Cells” of terrorists among them, waiting for an opportunity to unleash violence on the populace.

State Assemblies, in Yoruba land should make laws against Open Grazing. We believe it is NOT the business of the Federal Government to canvass or arm-twist the state governors for cattle colonies, if need be our people would be encouraged to boycott beef from their diet to drive home the point. If we don’t eat beef, there is no need bringing cattle to our farmlands or doorsteps.

Education was paramount in Yoruba land in the past. It was the basis of the giant strides made by Yoruba at the beginning of this federation when the regions planned and executed their development programs by themselves, with education, our teeming population can be converted into human assets that will drive development in our land instead of the mass of unemployable bodies looking for jobs and ready to be recruited for nefarious activities.

As a starting point, all primary and secondary JS classes in Yoruba land must begin the study of Yoruba History and Culture as part of their courses of study in earnest. This can be accommodated under our present school management system without it being open for JS examination.

Concerted efforts must be made in developing and strengthening the youth. Youth discontent and despondency must be avoided at all costs. That is why preparing the youth for leadership is dear to VOR.

Yoruba Obas should move to withdraw from the national council of traditional rulers if the chairmanship is not made ROTATIONAL between the North and the South. As it is, they are perceived to be subordinate to the Sultan of Sokoto. The religion of Islam should not be used as an excuse. History tells us that Islam came to Yoruba land long before the Jihadists were stopped in Oshogbo.

There should be village/community meetings all over Yoruba Land for people’s mobilization, dissemination of information of Yoruba interest, raising funds, strategizing and promoting and promoting Yoruba harmony and integration.

Our elected representatives should be invited to local meetings within their constituencies, not to hail or ask them for favors, but for them to be intimated with the challenges within the constituencies with a view of finding solutions to such problems.

The laudable DAWN initiative should be strengthened so that there would be more economic integration and improvement in road, rail and waterways links among the states in Yoruba land.

All politicians aspiring to lead our people must henceforth be those ready to serve. We are tired of politicians using our people as bargaining chips to feather their nests to the detriment of our people. Our people must also desist from selling their votes. Experience should have taught them that they sell themselves into perpetual slavery and penury even with such short-term gain


Olorogun Sunny Kuku

Admiral Okanlawon Oni

Olumide Sofowora SAN

Admiral Toye Shode

Olutola Mobolurin

Dr A. A Akingba

Prince Remi Adefarakan

Engr. Afolabi Salami

Prof.Akin Ibidapo- Obe

Akin Opoedu

Prof. Bayo Williams

Akin Sawyerr

Prof. Kayode Odusote

Akinsola Akinfemiwa

Senator Akin Odunsi

Arc. Fola Olumide

Pastor Seye Ladapo

Bayo Oluwasanmi

Pastor Soji Adelore

Biyi Otegbeye

Prof Oye Ibidapo-Obe

Mrs Cecilia Akintomide

Prince Goke Omisore

Mrs Tokunbo Sholu-Ekukinam

Otunba Aderemi Abdul

Mrs Ronke Onayemi

Otunba Sola Adekanola

Foluso Olateju

Otunba Yomi Alao

Chief Samuel Bolarinwa

Dr Olufemi Adegoke

Gori Ogunyemi

Omo-oba Yemisi Shyllon

Soji Awogbade

Dr Femi Olugbile

Chief Taiwo Rasheed

Ashipa Jibowu Owoade

Tokunbo Adesanya

Capt Akinyele Caulcrick

Chief Tokunbo Ajasin

Chief Supo Shonibare

Arc. Tosin Akinyemi

D.A. Ogungbemile

AIG Tunji Alapini (rtd)

Chief Deinde Brown

Ogbeni Bola Majekodunmi

Otunba Deji Osibogun

Otunba Dolapo Balogun

Chief (Dr) Dele Fajemirokun

Alake Dare

Yinka Odumakin

Chief Kayode Aderinokun

Sir, Yomi Williams

Dr, Segun Oshin

Bambo Adesanya SAN

Chief Tunde Dabiri

Chief Olulekan Smith

Otunba Olu Otubunsin

Muyiwa Adetiba

Chief Tunde Onakoya

Prince Dapo Adelegan

Gen Alani Akinrinade, rtd

Chief Michael Adeojo

Engr Sola Alabi

Bolaji  Ogunseye

Engr Sunmade Agbe-Davies

Dr Ebun Sonaiya

Kayode Shoyombo

Dr Ladi Awosika

Dr Leke Oshunniyi

Dr Seyi Roberts

Chief Taiwo Rasheed

Kamar Raji esq

Barr. George Olufemi Ogunjimi 

Chief Tunji Ayanlaja SAN

Copyrights: © 20 November 2020

Saturday, 21 November 2020

Know Thy Self And Be True To Yourself

Map of different African countries. © Google

Europeans are the smartest people in the world. Do you know that once you step out of the UK there is no country whose language is English in Europe? Virtually every European country has its own language. It is only in Austria that you have German as national language after Germany. But then Austria is "Germany" with a different name. Then in few countries like Switzerland and Belgium you see them with two or three languages because of their peculiar history.

Spain and Portugal lie side by side in the Iberian peninsula. Spain speaks Spanish, Portugal speaks Portuguese. Each minds its own business.

Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland are called the Nordic countries. Each is a country with its own language, including Iceland that has 360,000 people. All the five Nordic counties have a combined population of 27 million. Germany is beside the Netherlands and is close to France, Czech Republic, Poland, Italy, Luxembourg. Yet each of them has its own language and lives its own life in peace.

Map of enslaved different African countries

Even when countries like USSR, Yugoslavia and Czechoslavakia merged different peoples together to feel big, they eventually realized that it was not working, and dissolved into smaller homogenous countries to give themselves peace and happiness. 

Ironically, it is the same Europe that went round the world amalgamating peoples with different languages and opposing worldviews because of their business interests, and ended up creating problems across Asia, Africa and South America. Some of their victims have lent themselves sense and found how to solve their problems. Others are still wandering in the wilderness, praying for something to happen.

(Views: Prof. Amos Ade Kukoyi, Unilag Rtd.)

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