Monday 16 November 2020

What is Sikidy?

Sikidy is a geomancy, which is like one aspect of Ifá corpus, a base 16 computational system of the Malagasy people of Madagascar. In Sikidy, the Babalawo (geomancer) is called Mpisikidy or Ombiasy (diviner) and the sixteen principal Odu are sixteen figures known as volon-tsikidy.

The Sikidy have 16 figures also with same signs Odù Ifá, for example,



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The above sign is the same with Òbàrà Meji in odù ifá.

Karija have the exact same sign of Ògúndá Méjì.




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Perhaps the structural details of volon-tsikidy is not the same as we have it in odù ifá because it is strictly a divinatory tool like a tableau geomancy.

Ifá Corpus is BEYOND geomancy and Babalawo is not a geomancer or diviner alone.

Ombiasy in Sikidy is strictly a diviner.

Ifá doesn't just have a diviner (priests) that handles the divinatory aspect of it but also teachers, guardians, psychologists, esoterists,  scientist, healers, etcetera that handle other aspects of it.

A priest of Ifá alone can not handle the totality of Ifá, a gigantic knowledge of cosmos. Babalawo is beyond a diviner. An Odu Ifa is equal to 4 bits (4 gold coins). The sixteen principal Odu are equal to 64 gold coins (4 bits × 16). And the 256 Odu in Ifa literary corpus are 1,024 gold coins (4 bits × 256).

There are infinite number of stars in the sky. An Odu Ifa (4 bits) is equal to four stars (4 gold coins), such that the infinite number of stars in the universe is the uncountable Ese (odù verses)

Meanwhile, The term uncountable Ese means that the gold coins in the treasure vault (the sky) are limitless or inexhaustible.

Copyrights: © 2020

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