Monday 30 November 2020

Ancestral Memory

President John F. Kennedy was assassinated because he was about to share the legacy with Russia in an effort to open the door to world peace. This legacy included ancient wisdom and information related to aircraft used by Extra-terrestrial beings to visit the Earth.

Commentary: In 1970 some six years after the death of President John F. Kennedy I noticed a picture of his assassination on the cover of computer magazine at a library in Marin County California. It was like the hand of the ancestors grabbed my head turned it towards the magazine rack and said look at this. The magazine came out once a month and the last article of each issue included an analysis of the Warren Commission Report, the official Government investigation of the Kennedy Assassination. The portions of the report released to the public filled twenty five volumes of books each over two hundred pages, in total it was close to five thousand pages long. I was 24 years old and about to become a father when my world fell apart. Here is what happened: I realized nothing in the Warren Report supports the official conclusions of the report.

Nothing, not even a little bit.

My first impression was who wrote this, followed by has anyone read this?

At the same time I was working on a case involving political corruption in San Francisco. I wrote Bernard Feisternwald who was listed as one of the authors of the articles in the computer magazine and shared with him the facts of the case I was working on. He asked Bill Turner who lived near me to talk to me about my letter. Bill Turner was the lead investigator for Jim Garrison the New Orleans DA who filed charges against a man named Clay Shaw for conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy. Bill is one of the characters in the Oliver Stone Movie JFK. He is the best investigator I have ever met, and I have met a lot of them.

In the rabbit hole known as Political conspiracies Bill was my mentor. He was a twentieth century Sherlock Holmes. Based on Bill’s kindness and not any skills I brought to the table, I assisted him in the investigation of the charges against the Oakland Black Panthers, the defense of Sirhan Sirhan and the defense of James Earl Ray. Based on direct involvement with the preparation of these cases I can say with a high degree of certainty Huey Newton, Bobby Seal and Eldrige Cleaver were all arrested and sent to prison based on evidence fabricated by the FBI.

Huey was assassinated in my neighborhood. All the witnesses said four white men dressed in suites stepped out of a Ford Sedan and shot Huey while he was standing on a corner in Oakland California. The Alameda County District Attorney tried and convicted a homeless black man for the murder. I can also say with certainty both Sirhan Sirhan and James Earl Ray did not assassinate anyone.

This level of corruption in the Justice system convinced me to leave the legal profession in search of answers to metaphysical questions making me crazy. In the process I discovered Ifa, traveled to Nigeria, was initiated by Araba Adesanya Awoyade and when I asked him the meaning of life he said you discover the meaning of life by calling black, black and by calling red, red.

So having spent some thirty years trying to figure out what he meant, I want to say this about that. By any reasonable objective standard a whole lot of unarmed black men are being killed by police officers for no justifiable reason and they are doing so for the most part with no accountability for taking a human life without cause. If you are a man or woman of color this reality will be and is a cause for concern. As human beings when we have cause for concern we frequently join with others who share our concern to express our desire to find a better way. In the United States expressing concern is called Free Speech. The idea of Free Speech is protected by law and the law regarding Free Speech places no limitation of the content of that speech.

Do you see where this is heading?

When athletes express concern about the self-evident injustice of this particular form of racism and violence the coherent, empathetic, socially conscious and humane response would be; I understand your concern, how can we fix this? The question would in turn lead to a conversation based on the idea of calling black, black and red, red. Such a conversation would in fact set the stage for a real solution. It would involve directly addressing the issue of racism instead of pretending racism does not exist.

Instead, when athletes express real concern over a real issue by assuming a position of prayer during the National anthem they are accused of disrespecting the flag and they are accused of disrespecting the military, a clear deflection from the real issue. The point of everything I have written over the past few years is to suggest this none response to a real issue will never ever led to a resolution of the issue. I further make the point the widespread belief changing the subject or in the words of Ifa calling black, red and calling red black will ever fix anything is a total delusion.

We will not fix the issue of police violence by asking the question what about Hillary?

The point of everything I am trying to say is resolution of real problems in the real world only comes by looking directly at the problem and calling it what it is. The use of delusion to look at the world is not natural, it is not how we are wired as human beings and does not accompany us to earth at the moment of our birth. Delusion is a learned behavior taught by the few who control the many for the purpose of manipulating consciousness to their advantage.

I am writing this extended dialogue on history in honor of the man who initiated me, Araba Adesanya Awoyade who told you cannot be a priest unless you call black, black and red, red. Be clear what he was saying, as long as you live in delusion you will never be able to access the wisdom of the ancestors and you will never truly be able to fix anything meaning your prayers and offerings will be a waste of time. That is why so many people pay a lot of money to get initiated and then get kicked to the curb. This happens rather than admit the offerings were not rooted in reality making them useless.

The wisdom of Ifa is designed for one purpose, it is designed for each of us to know we are good and blessed people, and it is designed to take the knowledge of that blessing to greet everyone we meet in a state of joy, as elders we have an obligation to use joy to bless those who are younger than us from a state of Ile Ife or in English the House of Love meaning Unconditional Love. It is only in the state of unconditional love that we bring the Ile Ife of Orun to the Ile Ife of Aye or the Unconditional Love of Heaven to Earth. That is the point of every spiritual tradition developed by ancestral wisdom in the history of life on Earth. Religions not supporting this process are generally based on dogma rooted in a human political agenda.

By- Awo Falokun

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