Sunday, 30 January 2022


You remember when you were a lot younger, your parents would order you to do this chore or shout at you for not reading your books religiously?

When parents were overbearing, almost domineering and children were expected to suck it in and tow the line without a whimper?

When your father was similar in status to Don Corleone, his word was law, and your mother had created a potent mixture of blackmail and threats to get you to do her bidding?

Ah yes! I know that you remember vividly and definitely have stories to tell about your childhood family dynamics.

If, however, you had relished the thought of unleashing the same toxic words and actions on your kids, please, I beg you, avoid GEN Z!

These are the current teens and twenties you are raising in your homes currently, in case you are wondering.

The Reasons!

These are a few characteristics of Gen Z's, so you can be better prepared for what lies ahead.

1. They are fiercely independent minded, good luck trying to change their minds when it's made up.

2. They want what they want, and they will keep coming back to you with their demands, until you give in, or you throw a shoe at them, depending on your patience level.

3. They need to understand why you asked them to do something or stop doing something, so you will get a lot of "why's" thrown at you, so be prepared.

4. Beatings, intimidation, or emotional blackmail don't work that well with them. They might back off for a while, but trust me, they will NOT back down!

5. Funny enough, money is number five on their motivation list! The number one motivation factor for them is the desire to be part of something bigger than them. That's why you see them passionately fighting for Wizzy or Davido, or Tacha on social media.

6. Because they spend most of their time indoors, in front of television sets or on mobile devices, the part of their brain that is responsible for developing empathy is relatively undeveloped compared to yours, so most times "they don't give a damn about anybody."

7. They are more prone to mental health challenges and have been described as the "loneliest generation" because of the length of time they spend indoors and online, which can foster feelings of isolation and depression.

So, if you thought you would get away with the abuses and excesses your parents got away with when they were raising you, without a challenge, think again.

Unlearn the toxic ways you were brought up and retool yourself for the task of raising successful and well-rounded kids, this generation.

Learn to engage with them instead of just giving orders.

Trust me, they are a lot smarter than you; their brains are Gigabyte sized compared to the megabyte size you had growing up.

They are Digital Natives, so they think in pictures, videos, and codes, while you are we're brought up with texts, so you are probably communicating on different frequencies.

It's time to change tactics and communicate effectively with your kids, or you just might lose them, even when they are still under your roof.

Start today.

God bless.

Femi Aderibigbe

When a slave becomes a slave trader

Seriki Abass is one of the most prominent African slave traders.

He was a Nigerian slave trader in the 19th century who was first slave to a wealthy Dahomian slave trader, Abass of Dahomey, from whom he got the name "Abbas." Later, he was sold and taken to Brazil by another slave trader called Williams, from whom he got the name "Williams."

When Seriki returned to Lagos, he converted to Islam (that's how he became known as Seriki) and became a slave merchant. He maintained contact with his Brazilian master and shipped African men and women abroad as slaves.

His slave "warehouse" was in Badagry. The cell-like warehouse was where at least 40 slaves (men and women) were crammed in a cell before he shipped them to the Americas.

Seriki shipped slaves to the Americas for cash and kinds. Aside money, he got mirrors,  bottles of alcohol and wine and umbrella as rewards. It's said that during his time, he traded 10 slaves for a bottle of wine, 40 slaves for an umbrella, and 100 slaves for one canon gun.

Seriki made a lifetime of wealth and curried social honor by selling Africans as slaves. He was so wealthy that the Muslim community elected him as their Seriki (Head).

1895 was the beginning of his maddening fame and social acceptance in Lagos and Ogun States. 

In 1895  he was made the political ruler of Badagry. In 1896, he built the Badagry Central Mosque. In 1897 he also became Seriki Musulmi of the whole western Yorubaland. In 1898 he founded Egbe Killa. When the Badagry Council was established in 1902, Seriki became its president. In 1902 he founded Aiyetoro, a town in today's Ogun State, and he became its first ruler.

Seriki Abass died on 11 June 1919. He had 128 wives and 144 children.

Today his grandchildren have converted the cells, where he once bounded and stocked slaves, to livingrooms. His whole house is also now a museum in Badagry— called Brazilian Baracoon of Slaves.



What is indigenous knowledge? Indigenous knowledge refers to the age old traditions and beliefs of the peoples before the rise of organised religion. It cannot be doubted that in all societies, there existed a vast body of knowledge which these people had acquired over thousands of years of observing their environments.

They were close to nature. They understood their environments. They believed in gods and goddesses, life after death, reincarnation and so on. These beliefs did not just arise out of nothing but through experiences acquired over thousands of years.

All societies strangely enough had the same beliefs, no matter what the race. This is indeed baffling. All peoples of all continents, of whatever colour believed in the same thing: gods and goddesses, reincarnation, life after death and so on. Unless we assume that they all somehow colluded and contrived to believe in the same thing then this fact alone must be taken as proof that what they believed in was true. The universal nature of their beliefs is proof that they were not liars and that their observations in nature were correct.

Then came the various religious missionaries who in their zeal to spread the Word, told these peoples that they were liars and that this vast body of knowledge which they believed in was false and non-existent. The presumption in this alone is self-evident.

These missionaries then were solely responsible for suppressing this knowledge among the people and wherever possible they used force to do so threatening and killing where there was resistance. History gives proof of this. The methods they used in suppressing this knowledge, however, showed that it was not love for the people that made them behave in this way nor was it the fear that perhaps the people were going astray. It was nothing but the desire to dominate and control that guided these missionaries’ actions.

They therefore left the people with no foundation whatsoever since the knowledge that should have formed the basis of this foundation had been removed. Through this, they thereby introduced a dangerous imbalance into the people’s lives. They removed all trust. They also removed the basis for the further expansion of knowledge for all peoples. The most important knowledge of the purpose of man’s life, reincarnation and so on which the people already knew about were removed, thereby throwing the people back thousands of years in their spiritual development.

The missionaries therefore, instead of becoming agents for progress became agents of retrogression. They threw humanity back thousands of years with their presumption and evil volition of wanting to dominate at all costs.

Over succeeding generations it thereby happened that this knowledge was completely lost because it was no longer taught. Generations of human beings who came later therefore lacked the knowledge that was most important for them: the knowledge of the Laws of Creation as evidenced through nature.

We were therefore left floating in the air. We then lived our lives from then on as if we were on stilts. There was no conviction whatsoever and therefore man could not really have a firm foothold on earth. He therefore walked around blindfolded and was bound to bump against the Laws of God as a blind man does on a road that he does not know. He thereby hurts himself through this since being ignorant he became his own worst enemy. Since he did not know how to adjust himself in this Creation because the knowledge of it had been deprived him, he became dangerous to himself and his environment. Disaster welled up and that we see before us today.

Organised religion cleverly removed the knowledge that was to set man free just in order to bring him under its control so that it would flourish and become powerful. That was the sole aim. Lacking the knowledge that was to set him free, man thereby had to depend on the representatives of these religions to interpret things for him. They could tell him whatever they wanted. After all how was he to prove them wrong? Any attempt to do this was met with the threat of death.

It is this knowledge that has been removed that must be absolutely retrieved by each individual for himself today. There can be no progress for him until he does this. It is absolutely impossible for him to progress further in his spiritual upward striving until he comes to terms with this and retrieve what he has lost.

Now he stands in Creation with no support whatsoever. He must start from where he left off. It is that very knowledge that was eliminated that he now needs for his progress. He will never be able to answer the questions that arise within him without taking this knowledge into consideration as this belongs to the whole.

Organised religion did mankind a great injustice when it suppressed just that which mankind needed and still needs for his advancement. It is really a great pity. Out of fear and also out of wanting to dominate and control they removed the very foundation of human existence.

They should have acknowledged the indigenous knowledge of the peoples and then gradually guide them further into higher knowledge. This was, however, not their main aim, which was in most cases as mentioned above to become powerful and influential.

Organised religion, however, will not be spared its own share of fate. Nothing goes unaccounted for in this Creation. They will one day have to face up to the Truth. Meanwhile, the individual will do well to begin to examine matters for himself and stop leaving things for the leaders of the organised religions to sort out. He is responsible for himself and he will not be able to call on or blame organised religion on the Day of Judgment.

By Nicholas Winter

Using Eucalyptus Oil on the Soles of your Feet'. An ancient but very effective therapy

1. A woman wrote, "My grandfather is 87 years old, has no backache, no joint pain, no headache, no tooth loss.

Soon after, he went to live in Kolkata there was another  elderly man there, who advised him to apply eucalyptus oil on the soles of his feet before going to sleep.

It has been the only source for my good health he said."

2. A student said, "my mother insisted on my applying eucalyptus oil in the same way. Then she elaborated... 'I had bad eyesight when I was young, and when I continued this process (smearing and massaging the soles of my feet with Eucalyptus oil before bedtime), the light in my eyes gradually brightened and returned to being more perfect and better' ...."

3. A businessman wrote, "I was on vacation in Chitral, and stayed in a hotel there. I couldn't sleep at night and so decided to go out, and  take a walk. The old guard who was sitting outside, asked me "What's wrong?" I told him that  I was not able to go to sleep!

He smiled and said: "Do you have eucalyptus oil or any other oil?"

I said no.... he went to his room, got some eucalyptus oil and said, "Rub this on the soles of your feet for a few minutes and lie down....I did that, and started snoring very soon.

4. I massage a little eucalyptus oil on the soles of my feet at night before going to bed. It makes me sleep better and relieves fatigue. This is absolutely true.

5. I had stomach problems. After a massage with a little Eucalyptus Oil on the stomach, my stomach problem was cured in two days.

6. Indeed ! This process has a beneficial effect. I massage the soles of my feet with eucalyptus oil before going to bed at night.  This helps me sleep very well... and comfortably too.

7. Whenever my feet hurt, I massage the soles of my feet with a little Eucalyptus oil for about two minutes before going to bed. This process relieves the pain in my feet.

8. My feet get quite swollen when I walk, and I begin to feel tired because of that. I started a Eucalyptus oil massage on the soles of my feet before going to bed at night. In just two days, the swelling in my feet and legs disappeared.

9. This Eucalyptus oil massage is good. It is much better than the sleeping pills that I was recommended to use to help me to sleep well.  Now I massage with a little eucalyptus oil on the soles of my feet before going to bed every night.

10. My grandfather complained of pain in his legs, and that his head ached very often too. After he started massaging eucalyptus oil on the soles of his feet, he said that the pain had gone.

11. Both my feet and my knees used to pain a lot. I read about this method / therapy of massaging Eucalyptus oil on the soles of my feet. Now I do it almost every day. It relieves the pain, and helps me to sleep comfortably too.

12. Ever since I started using Eucalyptus oil massage therapy on the soles of my feet at night before going to bed, my back pain has subsided and I thank God for enabling me to get to know about this Eucalyptus oil therapy. This  has also helped me to sleep soundly.

According to ancient Chinese medicine, there are about 100 points for compression therapy under each foot. You are now using a few of those compression points to help yourself, when you do this Eucalyptus oil massage.

Foot Massage Therapy is used all over the world.

This information can be very useful for others, especially for Retirees & the Elderly.

 SOURCE: Ancient Therapy

The Witch or the parasitic behavior of the educated Elites in a nation

It’s clear to us all especially the oppressed in Nigeria that we are suffering and we are deeply in and have always been in serious leadership crises since 1960s. 

How can we make right leaders to take charge of affairs across a nation where the educated that supposed to enlighten the poor less privileged and uneducated became the parasite that feeds on the nation and her peoples. The most of the educated within the nation has unfortunately turned it to a terrible society. They have   foolishly and unfortunately destroyed the foundation our great ancestors instituted and when the foundation failed what can the righteous do?

Our Society was built on traditionally and elaborately detailed institutions that have been in existence for thousands of years.

We have a traditional process in place in choosing a leader and who could be the best for a position of leadership, and we have historical references that guide our decisions and also understand the consequences of making the wrong decisions by not following the process. (Ti omode o ba ba itan a ba aroba, aroba ni baba itan).

Nigeria and the rest of Africa have tried many introduced methods, hypotheses, theory and others that are detailed in western ideology of democracy but unfortunately that hasn’t been successful in Africa.

I think Education supposed to help us think better for the good of the society we find ourselves, but unfortunately we have failed to think and use the God given intellect to bring solutions to our problems. It’s not because we lack the brain to think, but rather many people partially open the door to their cerebrum to only think selfishly.

How did we get it all wrong?

The combination of wrong religious ideology and slave-master crafted Educational system. Sad still, the slave-masters introduced the two world major religion !!! What an irony, so we were completely submerged into illusion of human existence without concrete purpose but to serve, and behave like the slave-master.

It’s even worst when in the scriptures they ensure to pray for your leaders even when they have you in chain, so that you can have peace (1Tim 2:1-2). How can someone have peace and yet be in chain of that leader? That is exactly what the slave masters wants, the slave should be quite and just keep doing their daily chores while they take time to also pray for their oppressors! What a message? Even though, Isa 3:11 says woe unto the wicked, it’s high time we start saying woe to the wicked in our society.

Unfortunately, whenever wicked is mentioned, many would be thinking of a witch in the village but forgot that the government officers or political elites destroyed the life of the people more than the witch that left you to finish university with first class and didn’t kill you when you are a baby!

The woe of the educated elites in Nigeria had destroyed more people more than a witch from a village. Interestingly you can find solutions to the witch situation through prayers and others means that you Ori permit but unfortunately because of brainwashed you are busy celebrating the wicked civil servant or political elite that have destroyed the present and future!

By K.A Alade


It is exasperating to see African pseudo-intellectuals, on this platform and elsewhere, trying to interpret and estimate African philosophy using Western philosophical frameworks. Some are so hopeless that, they attempt to reduce African philosophy to idiomatic expressions, proverbial statements and strophic compositions. No, idiomatic expressions, proverbial statements and strophic compositions are not African philosophy. If you don't understand African philosophy, you better ask somebody.

First of all, every human and animal society has its own philosophy. Philosophy, as a subject area, is not universal; rather, it's localized to its region of conception, for it evolves from the regional epistemology.

Anyway, I can't tell you about the philosophy of every African society, but I can surely tell you about Yoruba, dogon and ancient Egyptian philosophies. However, time and space would only permit me to introduce you to Yoruba philosophy.

The totality of Yoruba philosophy is reposited in Odu Ifa. In other words, Odu Ifa is the repository of Yoruba spiritual, moral and natural philosophies. First off, Yoruba spiritual philosophy acknowledges that, everything descends from one universal source called Olodumare (I.e. the godhead), who, in turn, manifests visibly in the material plane in different aspects called the Orisas (misnomer deities).

Furthermore, Yoruba moral philosophy teaches us about Yoruba ethical values and moral relativism. In the holy Odu Ifa, we're taught about the concept of Iwa (character), Omoluabi (good character), Suru (patience), ebo ruru (sacrifice) to name a few.

Lastly, Yoruba natural/scientific philosophy deals with the concept of Ori (the initial condition), Ayanmo (hard determinism), Akunleye (soft determinism), "two-truths" (I.e. the idea that reality is a union of opposites), binary logic, geomancy, probability, uncertainty, chaos dynamics, recursion, ethnomathematics to name a few.

Anyway, African philosophy is vast, but majority of Africans have been brainwashed to relinquish their own philosophy in favor of foreign philosophical ideas they barely understand. I would advise you to study and develop your own philosophy. You can never use foreign philosophical ideas to uplift yourself, for they're incompatible with your local realities.

By Ifa Dare

Scarcity of d#ad bodies is affecting Anatomy study in Nigeria — Prof. Ajao laments

A professor of Anatomy at the University of Ilorin, Prof Moyosore Salihu Ajao, says the scarcity of d#ad bodies is affecting the study of anatomy and achievements of its attendant gains in Nigeria.

Speaking at the 214th Inaugural Lecture at the university, Moyosore observed that a unique thing about the study of Anatomy in most schools is the non-availability of “raw materials” needed for its practical classes.

According to Independent, referring to the availability of d#ad bodies for study, the scholar said, “They are never sold in the market in any part of the world. Since human anatomy is the science that is concerned with the structures of the human body, these structures cannot be fully understood from written descriptions to dimensional pictures or plastic models. 

The dissection of the human body (cadavers) is the basis for understanding the structure and functions of the human body for several centuries. In other words, to fully understand the importance of cadavers to man is far and beyond what we should overlook.

The first major challenge I noticed on my assumption of office as a young lecturer in the department of anatomy was the chronic shortages of cadavers in the department and after a quick check on other universities, I discovered that we are not alone in the struggle to get bodies fit enough for dissection.

One of my studies revealed that about 12 to 15 students used a body against International Standard that recommend maximum of six students to one body. The National Universities Commission recommends an average of eight students per body in Nigeria.”


For those who have read some of James Hardley Chase's novels written decades ago, a character named Al Barney would jolt your memories.

Barney was the guy with an ear to the ground,  as Chase described him in the novels he featured Barney. There was no going on in the city that Al Barney didn't know about. If anyone wanted any inside gist on the high and mighty, Barney was the guy to meet. Buy him his drink and some of his favourite burgers and he would spill the beans. 

I have a somewhat polished and educated version of Al Barney in Abuja. A cerebral fellow and from the North West; a former government official and one who has traipsed the corridors of the seat of power in the FCT and other Northern states, in the past two decades. I met him over a decade ago and we have been friends for years, though we rarely communicate. He's a detribalized Nigerian, which is something we share in common apart from his uncanny intellect and he is quite an objective person, blunt and honest. A man with integrity. 

I usually would speak with him once or twice a year in the early years when I got to know him and one of the ways we built our mutual respect was his pleasant surprise when he found out I wouldn't take advantage of his powerful connections to ask for any link to any contract or whatever. I have never till today and he at first found that puzzling but later realised that it is my personal ethos which has worked well for me. Whenever we have a chance to meet and talk, we would argue and debate about the political direction of Nigeria and if he was willing to talk in such meetings, he would let me in on the goings-on in the High and Mighty places. And he has hardly ever been wrong.

In early 2007, he called me and told me matter-of-factly that 'Yar'Adua will be the next President'. At that time, Yar'Adua wasn't even in contention. 

In 2011, he told me 'Jonathan will win but he has to do one term'. In January 2014, when it wasn't clear who was going to run on the PDP platform and in the opposition party, he saw me at Shoprite Supermarket at the Silverbird Galleria in Abuja where I was buying some groceries and after we exchanged pleasantries, he told me then that 'Buhari will be the next President'. I was gobsmacked and told him it was going to be impossible.

 'Buhari wants to run again? How?' I asked him. 

'The Powers-that-be have decided that Jonathan will not win. He's trying to renege on the one term tenure he had with the Northern power brokers. So he won't win. They are bringing up Buhari again and he will win'.

In December  2018, when Atiku was elected as the flag bearer of the PDP for the Presidential Elections for 2019, he told me 'Atiku will optically win the election because Buhari has proven to be a disappointment but he will not get to Aso Rock and won't claim that mandate. Buhari will remain, as sad as it may be'.

I haven't spoken to him in a couple of years and last week, while in Abuja for a seminar, I gave him a call and we had lunch in a restaurant. I asked him jokingly who would be the next President of Nigeria.

His face fell and his voice went solemn. 'My Brother Charles, as at now, I can tell you that nobody knows. 2023 is the first time in decades that we have no idea. See, no one can foist anyone on Nigeria anymore. Things are changing and have changed in that direction. Buhari has disappointed many people and even he cannot foist anyone on Nigerians and he knows it'.

'So it's not Tinubu?' I said lightly.

'They will eat his money; make him spend and spend but he won't be President' he replied.

'What about Osinbajo?'

'A Pastor will be a hardsell to the core North just as an Imam would be a hard sell to the core South if there was one who would be coming out to run for 2023. He won't get it. Besides, he's linked to the woes of this administration'.

'Atiku?' I asked. 

He shook his head. 'Like I told you, at this point, we don't know who but what I can say is that there are two forces within the Powers-that-be right now. The first want to genuinely save Nigeria and reset Nigeria. The alliances being built by the first have options which include coming for a Presidential material from the South East to back in 2023. It's very tough and is difficult right now to sell that agenda to the second group but equity, justice and fair play is what determines this position. Obasanjo was South West. Jonathan was South South. Osinbajo is South West. This means the South West has been in Aso Rock technically for sixteen years combined, if you add Osinbajo's eight years by 2023. So, if we say the Presidency should shift to the South, by natural sense of equity and fair play, it should shift to the South East. That's what the first group is weighing. 

The second group within the Powers-that-be just want a competent Nigerian, irrespective of his tribe and zone. They are looking at the numerical numbers of the North and considering a lot of things but also looking at the advantages of having someone from the South and want a winning combination. Look, my brother, this APC has sunk this country. We have to get it right in 2023. Mark my words, if we don't get it right next year, this country may never recover from what will befall it'.

I have never heard him speak like this before as he has always been an optimistic and jovial person in matters of politics and it made me reflect on his words ever since. 

While one is not ascribing prescient powers of political accuracy to my friend, it's also telling that the road to 2023 is not as clear to him as his previous predictions have been, most of which have been from his ears to the ground amongst the political elite.

That speaks volumes.

And that means Project Nigeria needs the right redemptive measures to reset the nation in 2023.

Thursday, 27 January 2022

Black & White v.20 (1900)

"The Mosquito and Malaria are the deadly evils to be faced, and Sir William Macgregor, a scientist from the University of Aberdeen, who has admirably served the Empire all over the world, is determined to stamp them out. It all comes back to fever. 

Malaria is the most real and most critical matter in the white man's life in Lagos. 

Take the Government officials, for example : each of them at the end of twelve months' duty has to have six months' leave of absence in England (if he needs to be still alive) to recuperate, for none escapes of the scourge. Whilst on duty he is on an average laid aside for three months — that is to say, he does nine months' work and nine months' illness and convalescence in every eighteen months. This means two sets of officials to do one set's work, and continual payment of passage money to and fro. 

This is a heavy tax on the finances of the [Lagos] Colony, especially as the salaries paid are double those in healthy colonies to compensate the risk of death. What is true of the Government official is true of every white man in the colony.  To rid the colony of malaria would be to open up a new era for a valuable portion of the Empire. It is principally with a view to effecting this, if possible, that Sir William Macgregor is now over here— this and the botanical gardens, and the ticks and other things. 

At his own expense (ours is a niggardly Government) he has been visiting the tropical schools of medicine in Florence, in London and in Liverpool. Being a medical man, most of whose life has been spent in the malaria-infested corners of the earth, his opinions on the subject are of importance.  The theorists, he says, are too sanguine. In Italy they told him malaria would soon be as rare as the black-death : in England they say that in future a man with malaria should be punished as a criminal, as it will only be through negligence that he will get the disease. 

But in both cases their conclusions are deduced from faulty premises. You must know that it is now an accepted fact that malarial microbe can only be communicated to man by the mosquito : it cannot be spontaneously generated in his system, nor can one man infect another directly ; nor can the mosquito originate the germ —it must first derive it from a malarial patient. 

In the mosquito the germ is developed in such a way that the malignant microbe is produced. From this it will be obvious that if a microbe never bites a man, that man can never get malaria ; and if a microbe never comes across a malarial patient, it can never get germs with which to infect people. 

To stamp out malaria then, you must either stamp out mosquitoes, or stop them biting anyone. The first alternative will be the easier in some colonies, but not in Lagos, which, as Sir William Macgregor said to a representative of Black and White, " was designed by nature as an ideal breeding ground for the mosquito, and has been extensively improved for this purpose with great ingenuity and assiduous energy by man." 

Now, in the precautions which the experts have devised for making the second alternative possible, they lose sight of — in fact were quite unaware of — two important facts : first, that mosquitoes in Lagos bite freely by day, and, secondly, that the native there is not immune from either mosquitoes or malaria. 

The expert's idea is to protect the healthy white man at night from mosquitoes, and isolating the malarial patient in a mosquito-proof ward. In this way no diseased mosquito, they say, will get a chance to infect the healthy man, and the malarial patients will not be able to infect the mosquitoes. 

But Sir William avers that the native malarial patient will still supply the mosquito with germs, and the mosquito will still be able to hand it over to its white victim at his work. So that the disappearance of malaria from the earth is not yet within sight, in Sir William Macgregor's opinion, and he is probably in a better position to judge of the matter than any other man living. He does hope, however, to minimise it in Lagos to such an extent that it will no longer be the dread scourge it now is. 

And this is how he will set about it. First, he will tackle the mosquitoes themselves, and make Lagos a less desirable nursery for them, at any rate in the vicinity of human habitation ; secondly, he will also render life in a human being's abode almost as unpleasant, not to say dangerous, for them as they have previously made it for him. 

In addition, he will introduce all the experts' precautions : and, lastly, he has one of his own. To effect the first of these four objects, he will himself personally inspect every town and village, go along the whole length of the rail way line, and all over every individual house along it. 

One of his subordinates will go with him, and along the railway also a responsible official of the railway company. Wherever he finds a place where mosquitoes can breed — a clay-pit formed by getting material to build houses, a natural depression in the ground which can hold rain-water, an excavation made in the building of the railway, an unprotected cistern, an uncovered rain-water pipe, or a water-butt without a lid, and so on - he will himself give specific instructions in each case as to how it is to be dealt with, going into every detail as to the fittings of covers and the filling in of pits. 

At the end of a given time he will make another similar visitation with the same two officials, and if he find a single neglect of his instructions it will be a case of " off with his head " for the responsible party. 

To teach mosquitoes to keep out of men's houses, Sir William Macgregor is going to get an expert chemist to prepare a form of fumigating cone prepared from chrysanthemum seed, the smoke of which stupefies a mosquito and so prevents his biting. An atmosphere of tobacco smoke will kill a mosquito outright, but it would also—when dense enough to kill a mosquito at large in a room—probably kill a man, too, if he managed to go to sleep in it. The next best fumigant is this chrysanthemum powder, which is rather pleasant than otherwise to sleep in. It is true it only stupefies the mosquito, but if always used it will put an end to its biting, and that is the great thing. Sir William at once saw an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. 

At present, chrysanthemum powder for this purpose is all grown in Hungary, and the pastilles manufactured in Italy. He cannot see why he should not do both the growing and the manufacturing on the spot, especially as with the increase all over the world of repressive measures against the mosquito, the demand will probably be great, and the industry may become a large and remunerative one. 

The pastilles will be sold almost at cost price to the natives of Lagos. In order to introduce the precautions of the experts, Sir William Macgregor is taking out with him a master carpenter, a master tinsmith, and a large supply of the wire gauze prescribed by the specialists in the schools of tropical medicine. 

By means of these he will provide every white official in the colony with at least one mosquito-proof room in his quarters for use after dark, and will also institute a number of mosquito-proof wards in all infirmaries.

At the same time natives will be apprenticed to the carpenter and the tinsmith, and will learn (and spread the knowledge of) how to make and fit the mosquito doors and shutters, and how to manufacture the wire gauze with which the doors and shutters and windows will all be fitted. This educational aspect of the carpenter and tinsmith leads up to Sir William's own method of waging war against malaria, namely, by teaching the people all there is to be known about it, and how to guard against it.

Having picked the brains of the experts in Europe, he will add his own experience and impart the result to the medical officers of the colonies, many of whom are natives ; the medical officers will give courses of lectures and subjects which all school teachers will be bound to attend, and will, later on, be examined on.

When every teacher in the colony is well grounded in mosquitoes, microbes, and malaria, " the three M's " will be made to rank with "the three R's" in the ordinary school curriculum of the [immature] native, and the Government grant to the schools will be made to depend as much on the former as on the latter.

It is a most interesting experiment that Sir William Macgregor is initiating, and if it prove only partially successful he will go down to posterity as one of the greatest benefactors the British Empire has ever known ; for to control malaria will open up vast territories to the white man, vast territories richly dowered by Nature and hitherto jealously guarded by her against progress."

By Kehinde Thompson

The speech from a coup plotter... The Burkina Faso evergreen statement

Assimi Goita, Thomas Sankara Malian Reincarnated President !

"I am aware that am a mortal, I am not perfect. History will judge me one day, but until then all I ask for is your support.

I did not choose this path on my own. She imposed herself on me. God alone knows what He's doing.

I will strive to get to the end, but if I die before reaching our goal, do continue the project without me and lay the groundwork for change with my blood and my flesh.No sacrifice is so much for this country.

I am not Thomas Sankara, nor Jerry Rawlings. I am Assimi Goรฏta. Remember me as a reformer not a revolutionary. Remember me as the bearer of hope to the people, the one who came when your blood was shed for your desire for change.

I will go to the end of my mission. I will never betray your trust.

Death doesn't scare me, I saw it every day on the battlefield, it's failure that scares me.

If death marries me on the way to our target, do not mourn me. Don't make my grave a sanctuary. I did what I thought was right for my country. I did it for me but I did it for you too.

"I am Assimi, the man who smiles every day with death."

DNA Test: The Yoruba way

It happened sometime in the early 60s at one of the Abแบน́òkúta villages, there I once witnessed a harsh form of paternity conflict resolution.

Nowadays, the DNA test has gained ground and it has become difficult to think of any other means of resolving paternity issue than the DNA. But there it happened in our village, when we were very young.

We knew Bàbá Alagbแบนdแบน (the blacksmith). We knew when he got his third wife from a neighbouring village. We called her Àǹtí Àแนฃàkแบน́ Onírแบนsì, for she sold cooked rice for us during break time at our primary school.  And she was late in having a child.

We knew when one of our teachers, Mr Dábírí, came. A young, handsome and gaily-dressed fellow. We saw Anti Asake go to his office with a covered àwo-แปlแป́mแปrí, the type seen only during Ìkórè แปŒmแปdé.

We knew that was his own special food. But no one added anything to that because Mr Dabiri was in charge of food provision for the school pupils.

Then Anti Aแนฃake became pregnant. We knew when she had her boy. Then there was a serious argument in the headmaster's office one day, it involved Mr Dabiri and some elders from the village. We saw Baba Alagbแบนdแบน in our school for the first time. He never came there, and none of his children was a pupil. The following day after the meeting, Mr Dabiri left our school. We the pupils never knew what happened.

It was some two years after that  I, for instance, heard there was a paternity issue: the boy by Anti Aแนฃake resembled Mr Dabiri beyond doubt, but Baba Alagbแบนdแบน insisted the child was his.

When the boy was about three years, Anti Aแนฃake ran away with him. We were told she had gone back to her father's house.

Some two or three months after, we heard Baba Alagbแบนdแบน had been summoned to Ifแป̀. That was scary! For when you were summoned to Ifแป from any of the villages, it meant an appearance in the area court there. I think the court is still there today in Ifแป̀, on the way to Abแบน́òkúta from Lagos. My own father went with Bàbá Alágbède, and by this I was able to learn that it was actually Mr Dabiri that went to court, claiming that the boy, Dàpแป̀ (Ògúndàpแป̀), was his own son.

The court adjourned to some date but my father agitated for so many days, lamenting: "Àbírúu kí leléyìí, ajínidó fแบน́แบน́ d'แปkแป; àìtétè mólè, olè mà ń mú olóko ò!"

They returned to the court, and Anti Aแนฃakแบน testified against her husband, saying Baba Alagbแบนdแบน could no longer father a child, because she had been with him for over three years without being pregnant before the arrival of "Dábírí แบนkùn!", her benefactor.

Baba Alagbแบนdแบน, as we were told, did not argue. He simply said the child was his, but if the woman said he belonged to Dabiri, they could have him. And the court ruled: Ìyá แปmแป ló mแป แบนni tó fóun loyun, and gave the child to Dabiri.

Mr Dabiri now left the court with the mother and child, and took them straight to Abแบนokuta where he had relocated.

But by the time Baba Alagbแบนdแบน and his friends returned to our village after the judgement, another news was waiting for them. Ogundapแป had died! It was the first time Dapแป was taken to Mr Dabiri's home. But as he stepped inside the living room of the house, he slumped, and never returned to life.

When the news came out of the school, what I heard my father say was: "Ògún ti mú un! Ògún ti mú un! Èèyàn kan kì í gbé แปmแป Ògún lแป sílé แบนlòmí-ìn, àfแบนni tó bá fแบน́แบน́ pa'rú แปmแป bแบน́แบน̀"!

As I grew, I never stop wondering what type of judgment was that from Ogun. Wasn't that too harsh! And now, in these days of the DNA Test, can this still be used, or the Yoruba have a softer DNA facility!

Our fathers, where are you? Share your experience with us, please.


Oro toba ndun babaalawo, nii ndun ifa (the Oracle) Oro toba ndun onisegun nii ndun osanyin (the irunmoles). Oro tii baa ndun alagbede, nii ndun ogun (god of iron and war). The son did not belong to the alagbede but since the alagbede had been humiliated and cheated, ogun will revenge on behalf of the alagbede._ "(Eeji Ogbe!!!)"

Now to the issue of DNA proper. It is available in our culture. It is called "AKOSE JAIYE". There, your DNA will be revealed.

By Alao Adedayo  

Wednesday, 26 January 2022


AirCar, the dual-mode car-aircraft vehicle by Klein Vision, has been issued the official Certificate of Airworthiness by the Slovak Transport Authority, following the successful completion of 70 hours of rigorous flight testing, with over 200 take-offs and landings.

The challenging flight tests included the full range of flight and performance manoeuvres. The take-off and landing procedures were achieved even without the pilot’s need to touch the flight controls.

AirCar is capable of hitting speeds over 160kmh and altitudes above 2,500m. With a weight of 1,100 kilograms, and capable of carrying a load of 200kg, it takes two minutes and 15 seconds to transform from car into aircraft.

Credit: Klein Vision

#AirCar #KleinVision #FlyingCar #Car #Fly #Flying #News #Video


Response By: Aniakor Ikenna

CHUKWU can be  broken into two elements: CHI, meaning 'source being or spirit;' while UKWU means 'great or immense'.

In Igbo cosmology, there are three different names for the Creator.

@CHUKWU - Great source of being or spirit.

@CHINEKE - the Spirit that creates.

@OSEBURUWA/OLISA - Lord carrier of the world.

Each of the names stems from a different area. CHUKWU is the Creator and organizer of the universe.

He created 'nature gods' - Anyanwu (sun), Igwe (sky), Amadioha(Thunder), etc. 

CHUKWU gave the world new crops. He made night and day and arranged them into the four Igbo market days- Nkwo, Eke, Orie and Afor.

Further, the most important attributes of the world such as space, motion, time and order were introduced and controlled by CHUKWU. His personal name, Oseburuwa, suggests that God continues to carry and sustain the universe after creation.

CHINEKE, creates the spirits of each individual person the moment his body is being formed in his mother's womb.

Igbo believes CHUKWU creates with the assistance of two Spirits - Chi and Okike, which is still the manifestations of himself - Trinity.

The moment CHUKWU creates a human spirit, he gives the such human spirit his own Chi. Chi determines and dispenses a person's destiny and protects and guards him much like a guardian angel.

OKIKE gives a person his own personal form, character and qualities.

The moment of conception, the spirit to be born goes before CHUKWU to receive his Chi (spirit deity) and his Eke (reincarnating ancestor), and then Okike (creative emanation of CHUKWU) allows the person out into the world.



The ciguapa is a creature of the Dominican Republic. She is clothed in nothing but her hair. The ciguapa is said only to be able to chirp, not talk. Locals say she will seduce men who see her as beautiful and then she will lead them into the mountains where they are not heard from ever again. The ciguapa's feet are on backwards.

My grandmother's brother told our family of finding one back in the 1950's, she had a wound on her leg and was heavily pregnant, he says she cried and pointed to her belly so he gave her some water and moved on, he described her as a beautiful Native looking woman with long dark hair and a short stature, she had backwards feet.

By Puya

OUR LANGUAGE IS OODUA, the beautiful tongue of Africa (Ewa enu แปŒmแป Adulawo)




The terms Olodumare and Irunmole were revealed to us by Ifa





IS THE ONLY LANGUAGE REVEALED TO ORUNMILA BY OLODUMARE who was directed to teach it to all and sundries.


We are not Yoruba!

Our language is NOT, COULD NOT HAVE AND CAN NEVER BE  ‘Yoruba’.

‘Yoruba’is a term used to describe Oyo people by strangers at the glorious days of Oyo empire!

People that used to say;

‘Yรณรฒ  rรบรน bรก wa nรญ lรฉ’

 Yรณรฒ  rรบรน bรก

Simply translated as ‘the beast(human) of laden will meet us at home with the load’.

And Samuel Johnson the bias author of history of Yoruba painted it to high hell to festoon the glories of old Oyo empire.

The so called History of Yoruba rarely touched on Ifa, Olodumare and the Irunmole.

Samuel Johnson was so bereaved of ร’oduร  spirituality and culture that he pitted the origin of IFร to middle east!

What an aberration!

What arrant oddity from a noble descent of Alรกร fin!

The European missionaries(spies) and colonial government intentionally built on these structures of falsehoods to lump all the other ร’oduร  kingdoms under แปŒ̀yแป́ empire for ease of their wicked administrations of exploration and exploitations.

Noteworthy of mentioning is that the แบธ̀gbรก and Rแบน́mแป did not fall into the cage of colonization until 1926 when they reluctantly changed their vibrant newspaper from, รŒWร‰ รŒRร’HรŒN to รŒWร‰ รŒRร’HรŒN รˆDรˆ YORร™Bร!

Awolowo was strategical and methodical in his administration of western region, it's ร’oduร  Investments and never Yoruba Investments!

The book was bereft of the historical accounts of all the Oodua nations but very detailed about the exploits of Alaafin dynasties in old Oyo empire!

At the expense of Bini empire? 

The first black man empire as recorded in Ifa in prehistoric life time!

Bini empire in the contemporary historical times have ambassadors in Italy and Portugal!

Bini empire that’s destroyed and pillaged by the queen of England in the late 18 century here.

And how old was Oyo empire and its Yoruba that came into being at the behest and height of Kiriji war?

Meanwhile, Oyo was the military wing of Oodua nation!

Alaafin is the avowed defense minister of the Oodua race till date!

ร’oduร  nation encompasses all lands where IFร is spoken and practiced as a spirituality,

Bini, ketou(Benin republic) Jekiri, Ijoo, Ijumu Yaagba, Ekiti, แปŒ̀yแป́, Igomina, Ijumu, แบธ̀gbรก, รŒjแบน̀bรบ, Ufแบน̀, Ujesa, แปŒ̀wแป̀, Ukale, Ilaje, รŒbร rรนbรก, Awori and our cousins in Brazil, Cuba, USA, the Pacific and Caribbean Islands.

We are all ร’oduร 

For ร’oduร  nation! 

รˆแนฃรน da Oracle

Ifรก is not a divinatory tool... IFA divination is just one aspect of the gigantic cosmos umbrella called IFA!

Picture Portrait "Orunmila" Credit: Artist Erik Olivera

Under the umbrella!

We have many aspects of it like Science, Technology, Herbalism, Exotericism, Mathematics, Ethnomathematical, Music, just name it...

The IFA divination aspect was what gave birth to the religious aspect of it, which is normal but one aspect of IFA cannot define IFA, it is never possible. This is why IFA is not a religion but have religion in it.

IFA is not just mathematics but have mathematical calculations in it.

I have been preaching this all these while. We can't afford to be calling IFA a religion and make sense! IFA is more than all that.

This is why I have been calling on brilliant minds of all fields to come near and seek the authentic content of IFA corpus, this is very important to me. This is what I teach. We want folks of different professions on it. We must all come together and look into what IFA really is.

It is true that our fathers had been researching on the divinatory and herbal aspect of IFA for years, this is why alot of people think IFA is just a divinatory phallus...but no, IFA is beyond that.

Medicine, Poetry, Chemistry etc are all aspects of IFA!

I am using this medium to call on all brilliant men and women to come and seek the wisdom of IFA, this is where our civilization is! Without it, we can't go no where.

We must be able to move IFA from cultural level of information to technological level of information.

By Olusegun Daramola

๐๐„๐‡๐ˆ๐๐ƒ ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐Œ๐€๐’๐Š

Atแปฅ-แปŒ̀kแป̄รฑkแป̀ in modern day Opobo.

๐“๐ก๐ž ๐€๐ญ๐ฎ̣-๐Ẓ̌̀๐ค๐จ̣̂๐ง̃๐ค๐จ̣̀ ๐ฆ๐š๐ฌ๐ช๐ฎ๐ž๐ซ๐š๐๐ž ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐Ž๐ฉ๐จ๐›๐จ ๐ค๐ข๐ง๐ ๐๐จ๐ฆ.

Atแปฅ-แปŒ̀kแป̄รฑkแป̀  is one of the masquerade groups in Opobo Kingdom of Rivers State. The Masquerade's unique costumes distinguishes it from the other masquerades in the kingdom. 

It is notable for the spikelike horns and animal fur on the head, the bell on the waist and the rattle shells fastened to the waist by strings, as well as a piece of cloth tied to the waist.

The Masquerade's name is derived from two words "รtแปฅ́", which is the Igbo word for the buffalo and "แปŒ̀kแป̄รฑkแป̀", which interpret as "The Buffalo Okonko". 

The Okonko masquerade, has its origin in North-Eastern Igbo land, in the old Bende Division. 

It is linked to the Ibini-Ukpabi oracle of Arochukwu. 

Atแปฅ-แปŒ̀kแป̄รฑkแป̀ play of late Chief Ogolo of Opobo,  photographed by Arthur Tremearne, c. 1913. MAA Cambridge.

It is the fusion of the Akang and Mboko stages of the Ekpe society, bought from  the neighboring Efik, with the Igbo Mmแปnwแปฅ traditional systems.

.The Okonko spread from Arochukwu to other areas when the Aro confederacy in the East Lower Niger area.

The Aro (mostly the agents of Ibini-Ukpabi) who possesed the secret "Mgbara",  established the society in the areas where they settled.

Okonko masquerades are outed during festivities such as Iwa ji and at burial ceremonies of members. 

The Okonko spread to areas like แปŒhแปฅhแปฅ, Ngwa, Bende, Obowo, Ndแปki and from there to their Ubani kith and kin at Bonny and Opobo. 

As time went on, there became several varieties of the Okonko, with different masking. The Atu grade are considered aggressive minor players

The Atแปฅ-Okonko is one of such, inspired by the African buffalo.

The Buffalo is one of Africa's most dreaded animals, one of the “big five,” a term grouping them with leopards, rhinoceroses, elephants, and lions as the most dangerous animals to hunt in Africa..

A buffalo has a reputation of lying in wait for pursuers and charging at the last minute. They are aggressive and unpredictable, tending to charge unrepentantly and for no apparent reason. Due to its dangerous personality, it is also known as "The Black Death".

A Buffalo is also a very fast animal, with an average speed of  57km/h.

Looking at the head of the Atแปฅ-okonko Masquerade, one would see a cluster of curled horns. These represents a herd of Buffalos. Buffalos are always found in herds, leading and themselves against predators such as Lions, leopards, hyenas, etc. They usually kill such predators with their powerful horns and hooves.

This signifies the philosophy of "Igwe bu ike", which means the herd (crowd) is strength. This is also a pointer to the members of the community who watch the Atแปฅ-Okonko Masquerades that there is strength in unity, symbolized by the multiple Buffalo horns.

The Atแปฅ-Okonko Masquerade in its performance is unpredictable, just like the Buffalo is. This symbolizes life's unpredictability and how humans should not be unprepared to face any part of life. 

There are other qualities of the Buffalo that made it totemic for  this variant of Okonko. These are: strength, determination, fearlessness. In Africa, the buffalo is also regarded as a symbol of fertility. 

It is believed that if one was in trouble and dreamt of a buffalo standing and facing him, he would find a friend who would help him out of trouble. 

Also, if one was chased by a buffalo in the dream, it is  believed he would be attacked and defeated by very powerful enemies.

One could see the skin and fur beneath the horns. That's the Buffalo's skin, signifying toughness. The meat of the Buffalo is so tough and takes so much time to cook.

The rattle shells and the bell on the Masquerade's waist represents alertness. 

The piece of cloth on the waist signifies honour. Before the 19th century, the  cloth used to be of traditionally woven fabric. However, from the mid 19th century,  the popular "George" wrapper became prized amongst most tribes in the defunct Oil Rivers Protectorate, as well as in the Crossriver Igbo areas of Bende, Arochukwu, Abriba, Abam and Ohafia. 

The fabric is expensive and was reserved for ceremonial purposes. 

It holds a cane on one hand which represents discipline. The Okonko played judicial and religious roles in the precolonial Igbo administration.

The Atแปฅ-Okonko is a graceful embodiment of the characteristics of two totems: the Buffalo and the Leopard.

The leopard is the inspiration behind the Ekpe society that had given rise to the Okonko Masquerade, although the Okonko was a quasi-Ekpe society, having just two out of the seven to nine grades of the full Ekpe society.

This blend of characters of two out of the five most dreaded mammals in Africa, it is a wonderful one. It is indeed. 

The Mmแปnwแปฅ system is stemmed out of the belief in that the spirits of the ancestors take forms to visit humans and send various messages. Masquerades are therefore seen as "the spirits of the ancestors" speaking to the living humans in various ways. 

The Atแปฅ-Okonko portrays the messages of the ancestors "Ndichie" through its very own appearance and costumes. 

This message clearly states that we humans should like the Buffalo should be determined, United, strong, tough, unpredictable, and defensive.

When next you see an Atแปฅ-Okonko, don't just see a nefarious Masquerade, but be reminded of these positive characters of a buffalo and remember that nature always has something to teach humans. 

The Atแปฅ-Okonko are living letters and counsels of the ancestors, speaking the wisdom embedded in nature.

African masks are not just made. They are of significance. But such are embedded in mystery. Remember, the elders (Ndichie) eat their words with the oil of proverbs.

What do you think of the Atแปฅ-okonko Masquerade of Opobo Kingdom?

By Akachukwu Vitalis

Source: Igbohistory3000BC

Over 100 Catholic Officials Come Out As Gay In Germany

More than 100 Catholic church officials in Germany came out as LGBT, queer or non-binary on Monday, adding to calls for reform within the crisis-hit church.

Demands for a more liberal attitude to homosexuality within the German church have coincided with uproar over reports of widespread child sex abuse by Catholic clergymen in the country, including allegations of cases where former pope Benedict XVI failed to act.

The 125-strong group, which includes priests and workers in education and administration, published a statement demanding an end to the "discrimination and exclusion" they had experienced.

"I don't want to hide my sexual identity anymore," Uwe Grau, a priest in the diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, was quoted on the group's website as saying.

"We are part of the church," added Raphaela Soden, who works in pastoral care for young adults and identifies as queer and non-binary. "We always have been. It's time to finally make it clear that we exist and how wonderfully queer the body of Christ is."

The statement called for "free access to all pastoral vocations", and an end to what the signatories called a "system of concealment, double standards, and dishonesty" surrounding LGBT issues.

"Entering into a non-heterosexual relationship or marriage must never be considered a breach of loyalty and, consequently, an obstacle to employment or a reason for dismissal," they said.

The issue of homosexuality has caused a major rift in the Catholic Church between modernisers and conservatives.

Credit: AFP

The Origin of Agbor and the Obi of Agbor

Agbor is an Ancient Kingdom. It is originally called Ogwugwunagbor - it means "The Heart of the Fertile  Earth" in Igbo. It can also mean a deep crevice or ravine. There are  also  shrines of Ogwugwu all over Igboland where the Igbo god of the Earth called Ali or Ani is worshipped. Other places referred to as Ogwugwu include Ogwugwunsugbe for Nsugbe at Anambra State. Some of the villages of Agbor are named after the Earth goddess eg Alishimi, Aliobume Alifekede etc.

Agbor is from Local history, thousands of years old and came into being at the same time as Bini Kingdom of the Ogiso Dynasty.

The King of Agbor is a First Class Eze. He is referred to as Obi,  the title of Kings in West Igbo territories. His fellow Obis include the Obi of Aboh,  Obi of Ubulu -  Ukwu,  Obi of Issele-Ukwu,  Obi of Owa to name a few. 

Like all Kings of Igbo land,  the Obi of Agbor holds an OFO - EZE. Ofo is a Staff of office  for Kings and the eldest Male of any Igbo community. It distinguishes the Igbo people from anyother people on Earth. 

The Obiship of Agbor like that of Oba of Benin is from father to first son. This leadership by primogeniture can be traced to Igboland were the OKPARA /OKPALA being the first son inherits his fathers OBI and leadership of the homestead. In parts of Ndokwa land and Ikaland the leadership by gerontocracy is evolved to mean OKPARA - UKWU where the eldest Male in the community is King. Primogeniture is when gerontocracy is limited to the Royal Lineage of the particular ruling King. 

In the West - Igbo area and beyond, the family of DEI (DEIN) is related to royalty. It is true of Ogwashi - Ukwu, Onitsha, Oguta, Agbor and others. 

The language of and culture of Agbor is Igbo and with garnishings of Bini as Agbor is in the fringes of Igbo land and shares boundary with Bini. . THE Agbor belong to the larger tribe called IKA of the Igbo Ethnic Group.

The Obis of Agbor come from the Royal Village of AGBOR - OBI and specifically of the  lineage of (Umudei)  UMU - DEIN. "Umu " in Igbo means Children therefore Umudei means the Village of the Children of DEIN. In West Igbo areas and beyond Umudei are related to royalty. This is true of Ogwashi -  Ukwu,  Onitsha,  Oguta,  Agbor etc.

The immediate past OBI of Agbor is Obi James Obika Ikechukwu,  he is the father of the Present King and DEIN of Agbor  Obi Benjamin Kiagborekwuzi Ikechukwu. 

By Victor Wilberforce

Why women don't see "Oro" but loved and blessed by Egungun (Masquerade)

Egungun in Eku (Eku means Costume)

Legend has it that, Oro and Egungun were brothers, they were both married, Egungun's wife was so prudent and thrifty... She believed in saving and not spending lavishly....

Oro's wife was the opposite, A spendthrift and a glutton, she was always eating and cared less about the welfare of her husband and family....There is this Yoruba proverb that connotes Oro and his wife's gluttony "o jeun ju Oro lo" He/she eats more than Oro....

We all know, Yoruba culture is so rich and we are blessed, we celebrate all kinds of festival...People dress in beautiful attire to show their wealth, affluence and success of the year.

Egungun as we all know and usually see( Lavishly dressed, regal) with accessories all over such as; mirror, beads, combs, owo eyo (cowries) etc... Was dressed in finest fabric, courtesy of his prudent and thrifty wife...she got blessings from her husband for making him a delight of people, because he was so unique and enjoyed the accolades and cheers from people, that's why masquerade usually blesses women when they see women, ola obinrin rere lo nje.

Oro was dressed in rags and couldn't go for the festival, because he had nothing to wear, he was so ashamed of himself and bitter...He blamed his spendthrift wife, who was always about eating, (Adidun kun inu akisa kun idi) (the one who has sweet things in his/her stomach, but dressed in rags) who wasn't prudent like the wife of his brother Egungun...

He was so furious and angry, he took a cutlass and decided to behead his wife for his Ill fate

She ran out of the house and hid herself where her husband, won't find her....

Oro vowed from that day, to behead her whenever he sees her, for bringing him shame....

Eti ni obinrin fi ngbo ohun Oro (women only hear oro's voice) once she hears his voice, she goes into hiding so Oro won't see her..

That is why, women don't see Oro, but moves with Egungun (Masquerade).

Moral lesson for women; Live a modest life, be prudent, support your man and honour him...If he fails, it's your failure, if he wins, it's your gain, pride and honour.

Egungun is believed to be a messenger from Olodumare, They are referred to as "Ara Orun" People from Heaven, who brings message from creator.

By Omodoyinsola


The coups that have happened in Mali, Guinea, Burkina faso, the terrorists that have been crossing from the middle east into Africa through Libya and all the way to Mozambique after the removal of Col. Gaddafi by imperialists with the negligence of the majority of African rulers and the whole neocolonial project being perpetrated by the current African ruling class and oligarchs that have brought nothing but abysmal economic growth are the triple threat facing the African people,  how to approach this problem and what is the solution to it?

It is only a Union government of African States that will put an almost eternal brake to the weakness of the Continent, external bullying of the African people plus the internal weaknesses of the many insignificantly disconnected African rulers. An African High Command should immediately be called for to address the problem of terrorist incursions and other external aggression.

How to transfer power from the current rulers is not a singular process, negotiable, coercive and forceful methods have to be employed by the critical mass of the African people organized by the Pan African body which already has the solutions to and for a new political and social political system to be ushered into the whole African Continent.

Tuesday, 25 January 2022


A group of Japanese Doctors confirmed that warm water is 100% effective in resolving some health problems such as:-

1 Migraine

2 High blood pressure

3 Low blood pressure

4 Pain of joints

5 Sudden increase and decrease of heartbeat

6 Epilepsy

7 Increasing level of cholesterol

8 Cough

9 Bodily discomfort

10 Golu pain

11 Asthma

12 Hooping cough

13 Blockage of veins

14 Disease related to Uterus & Urine

15 Stomach problems

16 Poor appetite

17 Also all diseases related to the eyes, ear & throat.

18 Headache


Get up early in the morning and drink approximately 2 glasses of warm water when the stomach is empty. You may not be able to make 2 glasses at the beginning but slowly you will.


DO NOT eat anything 45mins after taking the water.

The warm water therapy will resolve the health problems within reasonable period such as:-

Diabetes in 30 days

Blood pressure in 30 days

Stomach problems in 10 days

All types of Cancer in 9 months

Blockage of veins in 6 months

Poor appetite in 10 days

Uterus and related diseases in 10 days

Nose, Ear, and Throat problems in 10 days

Women problems in 15 days

Heart diseases in 30 days

Headache/migraine in 3 days

Cholesterol in 4 months

Epilepsy and paralysis continuously in 9 months

Asthma in 4 months


If cold water does not affect you at young age, it will harm you at old age.

• Cold water closes 4 veins of the heart and causes heart attack. Cold drinks are main reason for heart attack.

• It also creates problems in the liver. It makes fat stuck with liver. Most people waiting for liver transplant are victims of cold water drinking.

• Cold water affect internal walls of the stomach. It affects the large intestine and results in Cancer.


Tell someone to tell someone, IT MAY SAVE SOMEONE'S LIFE.



An acclaimed visionary leader, tested and trusted by his people. He had built several people into positions of influence. He had a protegee that he brought to lime light.

The protegee, a teacher, a pastor and a seasoned lawyer. The lawyer protegee had helped the leader in the administration of his tenure. A very capable hand indeed. Also a great orator.

When the leader had an opportunity, he put forward his protegee for the 2nd most important position in his land. The lawyer protegee took up the position.

Politics happened. The leader wanted a position, the protegee also wanted the position. The leader had one ideology, the protegee had a different ideology. Foot soldiers on both sides egging the leader and his protegee on. Discrediting one another. Forgetting  that they were brothers from the same zone. One with federal might, the other, with grassroots support. Both sides being played by external factors.

"After all i have done for my protegee, he ought to accord me respect and listen to me", the leader thought to himself in his private moments.

"I have been loyal enough, and I deserve to retain this exalted position for myself", the lawyer protegee soliloquised. 

The die is cast. A crack is created.

With the unrelenting supporters of both men, the crack became a schism. With the latching in of people of other ethnicities, the schism became a chasm. Yoruba land became the epicenter of a political war between two brothers that were once confidants.

No, I write not about those you think. I write about the great leader, Obafemi Jeremiah Awolowo; and his protege - the teacher, the pastor, and a cerebral lawyer, Ladoke Samuel Akintola. 

These issues happened exactly sixty years ago in 1962. 

That fight, ended the glorious years of Yoruba people being the ones ahead of other ethnicities.

In contemporary Nigeria, the golden years of the Yoruba people were between 1952 and 1959. The years Awolowo was premier of western Nigeria.

Those were the years of our firsts -  First Television station, Rediffusion, First Modern Secretariat, First Housing Estate- Bodija Housing Estate established in 1958, First Stadium- Liberty Stadium, First Dual Carriage Road- Queen Elizabeth-Secretariat Road, First Teaching Hospital (UCH) etc.

By the time the brouhaha settled in 1966, Akintola's daughter had been killed. Awolowo sent to jail. Many houses burnt, and a coup d'etat took the life of Ladoke Akintola.

The visionary leader never got there till he died. The Cerebral protegee died trying not to leave there.

We lost our regional leadership and even lost the regional governance. All because a visionary leader and a brilliant protegee didn't sit to reconcile themselves. 

The ideological difference? Awolowo wanted an alliance with the Igbos, Akintola wanted an alliance with the Hausa Fulanis.

Both sought alliance with others, but couldn't achieve an alliance between their own selves.

Sixty years later, Another visionary leader, another cerebral protegee who is a teacher,  pastor and lawyer. A leader with the strength of the grassroots, a protege with the strength of the Federal government. Foot soldiers on both sides egging both on, in derisive manners.

Would the southwest lose out again? 

May afflictions not rise a 2nd time. 

In line with the music of Hubert Ogunde that he released 60years ago and was banned, I repeat,.....  

YORUBA ROO'NU O.. Reflect,  O ye of Yoruba Ancestry.

Eye o dede ba l'orule, Hmmmm, แปแปrแป l'แบนyแบน n gbแป oooo.

Odรน Ifรก: Owonrin-แปŒ̀sรก

Iwรบre Ori (Sacred Prayerful Words For Your Head) Yorรนbรก & English Translations.

แปŒ̀rรบnmรฌlร  hรญ แป̀tแบน̀kรบlแบน̀jแบน̀ agbแป̀n, 

mi Orรญ รก gbรฉmi dรฉ ibi ire;

Hรญ Orรญ lรณ gbรฉ Torofรญnรญ tรณ fi d'แปlแป́jร  lรกwรนjแป แปmแป Eku, 

igba Eku lรณ ล„pรฉ jแป sรฌรญn

Ayรฉ wรก ล„ kii kรบ oriire.....

แปŒ̀rรบnmรฌlร  hรญ แป̀tแบน̀kรบlแบน̀jแบน̀ agbแป̀n, 

mi Orรญ รก gbรฉmi dรฉ ibi ire;

Hรญ Orรญ lรณ gbรฉ ร€kรกrรกbรก tรณ fi d'แปlแป́jร  lรกwรนjแป แปmแป แบธja, 

igba แบธja lรณ ล„pรฉ jแป sรฌรญn, 

Ayรฉ wรก ล„ kii kรบ oriire.....

แปŒ̀rรบnmรฌlร  hรญ แป̀tแบน̀kรบlแบน̀jแบน̀ agbแป̀n, 

mi Orรญ รก gbรฉmi dรฉ ibi ire;

Hรญ Orรญ lรณ gbรฉ แปŒ̀kรญn nรฌnรฌ tรณ fi d'แปlแป́jร  lรกwรนjแป แปmแป แบธyแบน, 

igba แบธyแบน lรณ ล„pรฉ jแป sรฌรญn, 

Ayรฉ wรก ล„ kii kรบ oriire.....

แปŒ̀rรบnmรฌlร  hรญ แป̀tแบน̀kรบlแบน̀jแบน̀ agbแป̀n, 

mi Orรญ รก gbรฉmi dรฉ ibi ire;

Hรญ Orรญ lรณ gbรฉ ร’dรนsแป̀ pร npร  tรณ fi d'แปlแป́jร  lรกwรนjแป แปmแป Ikin, 

igba Ikin lรณ ล„pรฉ sรฌรญn, 

Ayรฉ wรก ล„ kii kรบ oriire.....

แปŒ̀rรบnmรฌlร  hรญ แป̀tแบน̀kรบlแบน̀jแบน̀ agbแป̀n, 

Ifรก mi Orรญ รก gbรฉmi dรฉ ibi ire;

Hรญ Orรญ lรณ gbรฉ แปŒ̀kร nbรญ lenje lenje tรณ fi d'แปlแป́jร  lรกwรนjแป แปmแป แบธni, 

igba แบธni lรณ ล„pรฉ jแป sรฌรญn, 

Ayรฉ wรก ล„ kii kรบ oriire.....

Orรญ ire ni wแป́n ล„kรญ Alรกrรก, 

Ifรก jแบน́ kรญ wแป́n kรญ mi kรบ oriire.....

Orรญ ire ni wแป́n ล„kรญ Ajerรฒ, 

Ifรก jแบน́ kรญ wแป́n รณ kรญ wa kรบ Orรญ ire.....

Orรญ Ire ni wแป́n kรญ แปŒwรกrร ngรบn ร ga 

Ifรก jแบน́ kรญ wแป́n kรญ mi kรบ oriire.....

แปŒ̀tแบน̀kรบlแบน̀jแบน̀ agbแป̀n, 

ibi ire l'แปŒ̀pแบน̀ ล„gbรฉ mi rรจ, ibi ire.....

Orรญ lรณ gbรฉ Agbe dรฉ รฌlรบ รŒdรกrรณ, 

ibi ire l'แปŒ̀pแบน̀ ล„gbรฉ mi rรจ, ibi ire.....

Orรญ lรณ gbรฉ ร€lรนkรฒ dรฉ รฌlรบ รŒkosรนn, 

ibi ire l'แปŒ̀pแบน̀ ล„gbรฉ mi rรจ, ibi ire.....

Orรญ lรณ gbรฉ Lékeléke dรฉ รฌlรบ รŒkแบนfun, 

ibi ire l'แปŒ̀pแบน̀ ล„gbรฉ mi rรจ, ibi ire.....

แปŒ̀tแบน́kรนlแบน̀jแบน̀ agbแป̀n, 

ibi ire l'แปŒ̀pแบน̀ ล„gbรฉ mi rรจ, ibi ire.....


แปŒ̀rรบnmรฌlร  said "life, like the labyrinth of a woven basket, is full of twist and turns".

I replied, "my Orรญ  will lead me to a good place".

He said Torofรญnรญ aligned with his destiny and his Orรญ led him to a good place. 

He was celebrated, to the point of adoration by a multitude of the rat family.

แปŒ̀rรบnmรฌlร  said "life, like the labyrinth of a woven basket, is full of twist and turns".

I replied, "my Orรญ  will lead me to a good place."

He said ร€kรกrรกbรก aligned with his destiny and his Orรญ led him to a good place. 

He was celebrated, even to the point of adoration by a multitude of the fish family.

แปŒ̀rรบnmรฌlร  said "life, like the labyrinth of a woven basket, is full of twist and turns".

I replied, "my Orรญ will lead me to a good place."

He said แปŒ̀kรญn nรฌnรฌ aligned with his destiny and his Orรญ led him to a good place. 

He was celebrated, even to the point of adoration by a multitude of the bird family.

แปŒ̀rรบnmรฌlร  said "life, like the labyrinth of a woven basket, is full of twist and turns".

I replied, "my Orรญ  will lead me to a good place."

He said ร’dรนsแป̀ panpa aligned with his destiny and his Orรญ led him to a good place. 

He was celebrated, even to the point of adoration by a multitude of the Ikin family.

แปŒ̀rรบnmรฌlร  said "life, like the labyrinth of a woven basket, is full of twist and turns".

I replied, "my Orรญ  will lead me to a good place."

He said แปŒ̀kร nbรญ lenje lenje aligned with his destiny and his Orรญ led him to a good place. 

He was celebrated among his human kindred, even to the point of adoration.

Alรกrรก is eulogized for having a good Orรญ. 

Ifรก, let me be eulogized for having a good Orรญ 

Ajerรฒ is eulogized for having a good Orรญ

Ifa, let me be eulogized for having a good Ori.

Owarangun ร ga is eulogized for having a good Orรญ, 

Ifรก, let me be eulogized for having a good Orรญ.

It is Orรญ that led Agbe to the city of รŒdรกrรณ, where she got her unique dark dye.

แปŒ̀pแบน̀ is taking me to a good place.

It is Orรญ that led Aluko to the city of รŒkosรนn, where she got her unique Camwood dye. 

แปŒ̀pแบน̀ is leading me to a good place.

It is Orรญ that led Lรฉkelรฉke to the city of รŒkแบนfun, where she got her unique whitish dye, แปŒ̀pแบน̀ is taking me to a good place.

Life, like the labyrinth of a woven basket, is full of twist and turns, 

แปŒ̀pแบน̀ is leading me to a good place. 



Orรญ is known to be the divinity of destiny in รŒแนฃแบน̀แนฃe (Yoruba traditions).

- Torofรญnรญ is a species of rat. Yorubas believed he is the chosen king among the rats.

- ร€kรกrรกbรก is a species of fish. Yorubas believed he is the chosen king among the fishes.

- แปŒ̀kรญn is the Peacock.

- ร’dรนsแป̀ is the biggest palm nut among the Ikin that sits on the throne in front of the divination tray during divination.

- Ikin is sacred palm nuts.

- Okanbi is the name of a person. He is believed to be an heir to Odรนduwร .

- Alรกrรก is an Ancient traditional Yoruba stool/king in the city of Aramoko-Ekiti.

- Ajerรฒ is also an Ancient traditional Yoruba stool/king in the city of รŒjerรฒ Ekiti.

- Owarangun ร ga is also an Ancient traditional Yoruba stool/king in the city of รŒlรก in present day แปŒ̀แนฃun state.

- แปŒ̀pแบน̀ is the Yoruba word for the palm tree. It is also a name that Ikin Ifรก is called because the Ikin (sacred palm nuts) is gotten from the palm tree.

- Agbe is the Woodcock bird

- ร€lรนkรฒ is a species of the Woodcock bird

- Lékeléke is a White feathered bird

- Otekuleje agbแป̀n explains the pattern of a woven basket. It is used to explain the complexity of life, full of twists and turns.

Monday, 24 January 2022

Just Reflect On This

Olu is a house boy who drinks his boss' wine and then adds water for cover up.​ ​His boss became suspicious and decided to buy pasties (A french wine that change colour if water added)​.

​As usual, Olu drank the pasties and topped it up with water. ​Unfortunately for him, the pasties changed colour. When the boss came back home and notice the colour change, he told his wife about it.​ ​

Olu knew he was in trouble and decided to stay in the kitchen.

​The boss shouted, "Olu!!!"

​Olu answered.."Yes, Sir!"

​Boss.. "Who drank the pasties?"​ 

​Olu didn't respond.

​The boss ask again, still no answer. Then the boss went to the kitchen to confront him.​ "Are you insane or what? When I called you, you said 'Yes Sir', but when I asked you a question, you didn't answer me!

​Hmmm Oga, when you are in the kitchen you don't hear anything except your name,"​ Olu answered.

"Let's try it. Okay go to the bar and stand beside madam, while I will stay in the kitchen. Then call me and then ask me any question,"​ The Boss suggested.

Olu shouted, "Boss!"​

​Boss answered, "Yes!"

​Olu asked, "Who goes into the maid's bedroom when madam isn't around?"

​Boss didn't answer​.

​Olu asked again, the Boss kept quiet.

​The boss came out from the kitchen shouting, "Wonders shall never end!!!

Olu it's true. When one is in the kitchen, one doesn't hear anything except one's name"​.

​The wife interrupted, "That's not true. It's a lie".​

​Without argument olu ask if she'd like to enter the kitchen to be tested and she agreed.

​Olu called, "Madam!

​Madam answered, "Yes!"

​Olu asked, "Who is Junior's biological father? Me or boss?"​

​Madam rushed out of the kitchen saying, "This kitchen needs to be checked, I can't hear anything!"​

Don't just laugh about it but reflect on it as well.

Sin is a very shameful thing, it makes you lose your right, dignity, reputation, authority, conscience, boldness, gut and stand. Keep away from it


That a daughter is born in a family is seen as a good omen unlike in some societies. Both genders are welcome in the Yorรนbรก family with all fanfare.

The family members would even posit that ‘Owo ero lo fi bere (lit. She starts with softness/gentleness) when a wife gives birth to a baby-girl. ‘Gbogbo lomo (Either male or female child, there is no difference); ‘Ko si iketa omo; atokunrin atobinrin’ (there is no third child after male and female). Thus, woman is seen as a full and important member of the family from birth.

As the female child grows up, she assumes her roles and responsibilities ordinarily as a member of the family, NOT as a female. Although she is expected to fulfill extra responsibilities; it is as a form of further and former training to be able to meet up with her higher tasks as a mother in the not too far future in the same society. If she is not well trained, no suitor would want to seek her hand in marriage. It is only for this reason that a female child is seen to be performing more tasks in the house than the male child.

Woman are never downgraded in the Yoruba family because of her gender as earlier emphasised. As the Yorรนbรกs call the first son of the family DAODU; first daughter of the family is also known as BEERE.

In absence of her parents from the house, she assumes the responsibility of being the head of the family. Tradition does not allow any of her male siblings to go against her instructions. If the parents are present, all her aburos (juniors) are her errand boys and girls to facilitate her responsibilities for the family because she is Egbon (senior). Oyewumi (1997:40) has this to say on the issue of seniority among the Yorรนbรกs without an iota of bias against any gender:

Seniority is the primary social categorisation that is immediately apparent In Yoruba language. Seniority is the social ranking of persons based on their chronological ages… Age relativity is the pivotal principle of social organisation.

A very important aspect of social issues in Yorรนbรก society is inheritance. Woman are equal to inherit and never excluded in the inheritance of her parents in the traditional Yorรนbรก society. She has access to inheritance of both the father and her mother. Many philosophical sayings of Yorรนbรกs are full of information on this.

Example of such as translated  by Ajรญkรฒbi (op cit: 82-83) runs thus:

If you come across a woman

Inquire of her if she has some yam-cuttings

If you come across a man,

Inquire of him if he has some yam-cutting.

Since one cannot know whose deceased father must have left some yam-cuttings in his yam-heaps (for his children to inherit)

Ajรญkรฒbi (ibid: 83) further dilates on the above wit that:

This maxim simply indicates that both sexes have equal consideration in the inheriting of the vital means of life-the land in the Yoruba laws and culture.

Barnes, S.T. (n.d.) in Ajรญkรฒbi (ibid: 82) explains the inheritance opportunity for both women and men in the Yorรนbรก society that:

Women and men do, however, inherit urban real estate with equal rights shared among siblings, and they inherit rights to use rooms in their natal homes whether rural or urban.

As a wife, woman in the traditional Yorรนbรก society is pampered. Ajรญkรฒbi (ibid:75) explains this concept clearly that:

…it was a popular practice in the pre-colonial era in Yorubaland that newly wedded wives were not allowed to work for the first three years. They were fully catered for and pampered by their spouses.

He (ibid) cites an axiom in Ifa verse – Ogbe-Iyonu/ Ogbe-Ogunda as found in Popoola, A. (1990:24) to support this philosophy:

ร“ sรก taara

ร“ rรฌn taara

ร’tร ร rร , taara n’isร n odรฒ

Ojรบ Odรบn mรฉta,

L’obinrin fi i  jeun owรณ oko. [sic.]

He [ibid] gives its translation thus:

He who runs swiftly

He who walks rapidly

The stream flows rapidly

The total dependence of a housewife [i.e new wife] on a husband is for three years.

If in the course of any misunderstanding between her and husband; the society creates an avenue for the woman to be rescued from being maltreated by the husband. Members of Osu ile [Very senior daughters of the family] come to her aid; and even sometimes physically punish the husband without any male family member raising an eye-brow. 

From the foregoing, it is crystal clear that woman is seen and regarded as a full member of Yorรนbรก family who enjoys her status as one.

By: Qasim Oyetola



•Protect your heart.

•Strengthen bones.

•Control blood pressure

•Block diarrhea.

(2).  BEANS

•Prevent constipation.

•Help hemorrhoids.

•Lower cholesterol.

•Combat cancer.

•Stabilize blood sugar.



•Saves eyesight.

•Combats cancer.

•Protects your heart.

•Controls blood pressure.


•Combats cancer.

•Prevents constipation.

•Promotes weight loss.

•Protects your heart.

•Helps hemorrhoids.


•Save eyesight.

•Protect your heart.

•Prevent constipation.

•Combat cancer.

•Promote weight loss.


•Protects against Prostate Cancer.

•Combats Breast Cancer.

•Strengthens bones.

•Banishes bruises.

•Guards against heart disease.


•Lowers cholesterol.

•Controls blood pressure.

•Combats cancer.

•kills bacteria.

•Fights fungus.


•Protects against heart attacks

•Promotes Weight loss

•Helps stops strokes

•Combats Prostate Cancer

•Lowers cholesterol

(9).  GRAPES

•Save eyesight.

•Conquer kidney stones.

•Combat cancer.

•Enhance blood flow.

•Protect your heart.


•Combats cancer.

•Protects your heart.

•Helps stops strokes.

•Promotes  weight loss.

•Kills bacteria.

(11).  HONEY

•Heals wounds.

•Aids digestion.

•Guards against ulcers.

•Increases energy.

•Fights allergies.


•Combat cancer.

•Protect your heart.

•Control blood pressure.

•Smoothen skin.

•Stop scurvy.


•Controls blood pressure.

•Lowers cholesterol.

•Combats cancer.

•Strengthens bones.

(14).  OLIVE OIL

•Protects your heart.

•Promotes Weight loss.

•Combats cancer.

•Battles diabetes.

•Smoothens skin.

(15).  ONIONS

•Reduce risk of heart attack.

•Combat cancer.

•Kill bacteria(bactericidal).

•Lower cholesterol.

•Fight fungal infections.

(16).  ORANGES

•Support immune systems.

•Combat cancer.

•Protect your heart.

•Straighten respiration.


•Strengthens bones.

•Relieves colds.

•Aids digestion.

•Dissolves warts.

•Blocks diarrhea.


•Combat cancer.

•Protect your heart.

•Boost memory.

•Calm stress.


•Save your eyesight.

•Lift mood.

•Combat cancer.

•Strengthen bones.


•Protect prostate.

•Combat cancer.

•Lower cholesterol.

•Protect your heart. 

(21).  WALNUTS

•Lower cholesterol.

•Combat cancer.

•Boost memory.

•Protect against cardiovascular diseases.

(22).  WATER

•Quenches thirst.

•Combats cancer.

•Conquers kidney stones.


•Protects prostate.

•Promotes weight loss.

•Lowers cholesterol.

•Helps stops strokes.

•Controls blood pressure.

•Fights dehydration.

(24).  APPLES

•Protect your heart.

•Prevent constipation.

•Prevent diarrhea.

•Improve lung capacity.

•Cushion joints.


•Battle diabetes.

•Lower cholesterol.

•Help stops strokes.

•Control blood pressure. 

•Smoothen skin.

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