Monday, 14 October 2024


The cowrieshell was the first symbol of money and wealth known to mankind. In Africa, the cowrie was used much like any top currency is use today. They were wealth and they were traded for goods and services. 

In African legend, a love of cowrie shells shows that you could be family to an ôcean śpirit of wealth and earth. It also represents the Gôddess of protection in the ocean. In Africa, and in the Americas, the cowrie symbolized destiny and prosperity. 

The shells are known to bring good luck and to protect the spirìt of the wearer, and many ethnicities use them in spiritual ceremonies. They also are a sign of fèmininity and fertility, with women often wearing them not only to help them cõnceive, but to help them givè birth safèly.

Cowrie shells contain multiple meanings and use. These are commonly being shown up in the form of jewelry and money. Moreover, most of the people also use them in most of the accessories which are related to religiõn. These are being used in almost every part of the globe. Most commonly cowrie shells are found in the Indian Ocean. However, these gained tremendous popularity throughout ancient Africa.

Traditionally these shells contain a specific meaning and history. Nonetheless, there are still various people all around the world who are unaware of the spiritüal meaning and use of cowrie shells. Because of which people more often misinterpret the cowrie shell meaning and misunderstood the facts about them. As cowrie shells are not just meant to be a mare fashion, therefore, the people need to understand the cowrie shells meaning and importance in the best possible way.

#Africa #Black #History

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