Thursday, 10 October 2024


D.O. Fagunwa was born in 1903 or circa 1910, in Okeigbo, Ondo State, Nigeria. He was a prominent Yoruba figure from southwestern Nigeria. Fagunwa passed away on December 9, 1963, near Bida.

He was a distinguished Yoruba leader and educator who crafted captivating novels, earning him recognition as one of Nigeria's most esteemed authors. Fagunwa's debut novel, "Ogboju Ode Ninu Igbo Irunmale" (1938; "The Forest of Endless Spirits"), blazed the trail as the first full-length novel published in the Yoruba language.

His subsequent works include:

(1).⁠ ⁠"Ogboju Ode Ninu Igbo Irunmale" (1938)

(2).⁠ ⁠"Igbo Olodumare" (1949)

    - English Title: "The Sacred Grove"

(3).⁠ ⁠"Ireke Onibudo" (1949)

    - English Title: "The Guardian's Gift"

(4).⁠ ⁠"Irinkerindo Ninu Igbo Elegbeje" (1954)

    - English Title: "Journey Through Elegbeje's Realm"

(5).⁠ ⁠"Adiitu Olodumare" (1961)

    - English Title: "The Almighty's Secret"

In addition to these novels, Fagunwa authored numerous short stories and two travel books, solidifying his lasting impact on Nigerian literature.

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