Wednesday, 30 March 2022

The true spiritual function of an authentic [spiritually awake], realistic, tender-hearted and down-to-earth oluwo and/or baba

Èlà mo yin aboru.

Èlà mo yin aboye.

Èlà mo yin abosise.

What is the true, loftiest and most highest spiritual [esoteric] function of an authentic oluwo and/or a true baba? The SACRED, POWERFUL AND DIVINE SPARK of Enitolodun [the supreme absolute truth and power] is dormant [and sleeps] in the average person. The function of a [true] oluwo and/or a [true] baba is to ignite and set that spark on fire. The true function of an oluwo and/or baba is to encourage, to inspire, to uplift and to help others, and to live an exemplary life, setting an uplifting example of how one can live a truthful, honest, fulfilling and holy life within the realty of the topsy-turvy world in which we find ourselves living in today.

The true function of a true oluwo and/or baba is to inspire genuine faith, to awaken the divine in others, to reveal divine truths with grace, virtue, authority and power, to reflect divine dignity and to be an uplifting beacon of hope. The true function of an oluwo and/or baba is to help others to find themselves and to become settled in their own confidence, certainty, faith, power, convictions and mind. An authentic and duly qualified oluwo and/or baba brings out the best in others and helps others to discover their own true value, dignity, potential and beauty.

A true oluwo and/or baba is not a business man. The spirituality, wisdom, love, relief and power of a true oluwo and/or baba is not for sale. A true oluwo and/or baba does not barter with his faith, his virtues, graces [spiritual-powers] and spiritual vocation. A genuine and bonafide oluwo and/or baba is driven by love, compassion, generosity and sympathetic-understanding and not monetary greed, pride, conceit or arrogance.

A true [spiritually awake, mature and virtuous] oluwo and/or baba awakens the DIVINE POWER, ENERGY, TRUST, FAITH-POWER, RECEIVING-POWER, DISPENSING-POWER, UNDERSTANDING and CONFIDENCE in a disciple and/or sincere spiritual seeker. The [true] oluwo and/or baba leads and takes the disciple directly to Olódùmarè-Enitolaaye [to the direct experience of the sacred, divine and holy]. The true oluwo and baba seeks to establish the aspiring devotee in a direct, living and personal relationship of friendship with the SUPREME, SUBLIME, LOVING, LOVABLE, UNFAILING AND MOST EXCELLENT BABA, OLÓDÙMARÈ. 

The [true] oluwo and/or baba awo is an EMPOWERED, GRACE-FILLED, LOVING, LOVABLE, WISE, DISCERNING, CARING AND AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE AND MOUTHPIECE of the SACRED, DIVINE AND HOLY. Hence the DIVINE TRANMISSION of POWER, CERTAINTY,  GRACE AND COMFORT which comes from the oluwo and/or baba, in fact, comes directly and only from Olódùmarè-Enitolaaye [the supreme absolute truth].  Such a DIVINE TRANSMISSION OF SPIRITUAL VIRTUE, CERTAINTY, COMFORT, ASSURANCE, DIVINE KNOWLEDGE, STRENGTH and ÀSE becomes the foundation and catalyst for true change and the acquisition of peace, health, vitality and lasting happiness and fulfillment.

This ÀSE [divine light, virtue and power] accompanies, surrounds, fills, protects, guides, uplifts the disciple. It confers efficacious inner-power, strength, indefatigable inspiration, spiritual-vision, divine confidence, strength, health, wellbeing, clarity and protection. Therefore any spiritually awake, mature, spiritually developed and sensitive person can discern, know and find out through direct spiritual perception [experience] who has received the DIVINE TRANSMISSION [INITIATION] of ÀSE because such a person has also known, received and experienced the divine transmission [initiation] of àse. 

The sincere aspirant and devotee should never abandon or forget his oluwo and/or baba and the sacred transmission of DIVINE KNOWLEDGE [direct spiritual experience], LOVE, CLARITY, PEACE, COMFORT, BLESSING AND POWER which he or she has received. If the disciple continues to be true to this divine empowerment and continues to cultivate and practice the empowered truth and divine virtue that he or she has received, he or she is sure to become a veritable embodiment of the sacred, divine and holy and will be filled with virtue, grace, beauty and power.

The blessing, support, loving encouragement, teaching, personal example and divine transmission of a [true] oluwo and/or baba is one of the best endowments, blessings, benefits and protections that one can ever hope to have. The sincere aspirant and devotee should be never abandon, forget or neglect the divine àse that he or she has received. The sincere aspirant and devotee should be true to the àse received. 

The sincere aspirant and devotee should preserve, respect, honor and cultivate his or her initiatory empowerment in purity, cleanliness, gratitude and love. If one does this one will experience, see and realize wonders. One who does this will become an agent of grace, virtue, comfort, safety, hope and inspiration 

to others. 

A true oluwo and baba loves and unselfishly cares for his spiritual children and spiritual friends. A true oluwo and baba is loved and cared for by those who have been recipients of his love, care, attention, consideration and concern.

Demonstrated love, unselfishness, divine character, exemplary conduct, sincerity, empathy, manifest compassion and exhibited respect are the true hallmarks of a true oluwo and/or baba. Oluwo means one has has iwa and who is an embodiment or has fully integrated iwa into his life. Iwa is more precious than life itself to a true oluwo and/or baba. A baba is one whose life, being, words, actions and conduct are permeated with love, sincerity, patience, understanding empathy, affection, strength of character, divine knowledge, wisdom and divine virtue [power]. A true baba is a spiritual father and friend in the most highest and truest sense. If someone does not have, exhibit and/or display these divine qualities and characteristics then they cannot be a [true] oluwo and/or a baba. 

If someone does not have, exhibit and/or display these divine qualities and characteristics then have nothing to do with them, stay away from them. Spiritual leaders must live by and be held to a higher standard. If you expect little or nothing from your oluwo or baba then be prepared to receive little or nothing. Seek spiritually awake, virtuous, inspiring, humble and mature guides. Seek spiritual guides who live clean, respectable and honorable lives. 

It is better and more preferable to have no guide than to have a bad, insincere, deceptive, conniving, petty, stingy, immature, money-hungry, dishonest, unstable, irregular, impulsive, unreliable, unqualified and disingenuous guide. If you seeking and endeavoring to find a true oluwo and baba then be prepared to commit yourself to living by a higher value and standard. Be ready to rise above mediocrity, shallowness, nonsense and superficiality. 

The true oluwo/baba will inspire, encourage and ennoble your. The true oluwo/baba will relieve you of your fears, doubts, insecurity, anxiety, confusion and misunderstanding. The true oluwo/baba will steer you away from nonsense, superficiality, superstition and fantasy.

The true oluwo and/or baba elevates, strengthens and inspires the aspiring devotee, but it is equally true that the sincere and genuine devotee also elevates, strengthens, encourages and inspires his oluwo and/or baba. Both the oluwo/baba and the devotee shield, defend, protect, nurture, uphold and purify each other. They keep each other on the honest, straight, pure and upright path. They keep each other in check, in balance, in reality. 

Always remember that the truth will never and can never hurt you if you acknowledge it, receive it into your heart, embrace it and cultivate it.

Èlà descend! Èlà descend! Èlà descend! Àse.

Èlà Manifest! Èlà Manifest! Èlà Manifest! Àse.

Èlà extend the rope of life to us! Àse.

Èlà extend the rope of life to us! Àse.

Èlà extend the rope of life to us! Àse.

Èlà remove all hindrances, obstructions and obstacles and establish us in peace, health, happiness and prosperity. Àse.

Èlà remove all hindrances, obstructions and obstacles and establish us in peace, health, happiness and prosperity. Àse.

Èlà remove all hindrances, obstructions and obstacles and establish us in peace, health, happiness and prosperity. Àse.

Èlà fill us with divine love, rectitude, forgiveness and courage. Àse.

Èlà fill us with divine love, rectitude, forgiveness and courage. Àse.

Èlà fill us with divine love, rectitude, forgiveness and courage. Àse.

Èlà may peace, health and prosperity pursue us! Àse.  Èlà may peace, health and prosperity go before us! Àse. Èlà may peace health and prosperity be on our left and on our right. Àse.

Èlà awaken us and help us to understand the true purpose and precious value of our lives so that we can make the best use of our time which is a divine gift. Àse.

Èlà relieve us of our pain, suffering, melancholy and grief and establish us in a life of radiant joy, wellbeing, clarity and satisfaction. Àse.

Èlà bestow comfort, harmony, orderliness and balance to our lives. Àse.

Èlà look upon me and reach down to lift me up so that I do not drown in the ocean of stress, sorrow, pain and conflict in which I presently find myself in! Àse!

Èlà I am weary, discouraged and tired and I can no longer stay afloat. Èlà even if you descend and extend the rope of life to me I am afraid because I fear that I have no strength in me to take firm hold of it! So I ask you Èlà-asiwaju to take firm hold of my hand, don’t ever let me go and lift me out of the ocean of despair, sorrow and loneliness. Èlà-iwori  my own strength is not enough I need your help, I need reinforcement! Èlà-iwori breathe LIFE into my life, breathe FAITH into my faith, breathe HOPE into my hope and established me in unshakable strength, vitality and happiness. Èlà-iwori remove my confusion, misunderstanding and unclarity and establish me in clarity, brightness and serenity! Àse!

Èlà-asiwaju guide and bless me so that I can live benefit conferring lives. Àse. Èlà-asiwaju  guide and bless me so that I may be sensitive to pain and suffering of others. Àse. Èlà-asiwaju guide and bless me so that I can be true human beings. Àse.





Oh Èlà! Èlà-asekanmaku! Èlà-ariwarehin! Èlà-alewilese! May our prayers rise to heaven and be received, accepted and approved! Àse!

Oh Èlà! Èlà-asekanmaku! Èlà-ariwarehin! Èlà-alewilese! May our prayers rise to heaven and be received, accepted and approved! Àse!

Oh Èlà! Èlà-asekanmaku! Èlà-ariwarehin! Èlà-alewilese! May our prayers rise to heaven and be received, accepted and approved! Àse!

Èlà kot’ina ko to ro, Èlà omo Osin mo wari ooo! Àse!

Èlà kot’ina ko to ro. Èlà omo Osin mo wari ooo! Àse!

Èlà kot’ina ko to ro. Èlà omo Osin mo wari ooo! Àse!

Èlà mo yin aboru.

Èlà mo yin aboye.

Èlà mo yin abosise.

/!!!\ A.O.M.C. /!!!\

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