Thursday 23 May 2024


Based on current scientific evidence, linguistics, genetic research, and fossil remains suggest that the Sumerians, like all other Homo sapiens, likely originated in Africa. Linguistic studies often trace the roots of Sumerian to the Afro-Asiatic language family, which has its origins in Africa. Genetic research has consistently shown that all modern humans share a common African ancestry, with genetic diversity decreasing the further away from Africa populations are found. Fossil evidence, including ancient skeletal remains and genetic studies of ancient populations, also support the theory of a single African origin for modern humans. Therefore, while there may be ongoing debates and research regarding specific migration patterns and interactions between populations, the evidence strongly suggests that the Sumerians, like other early civilizations, ultimately descended from African Homo sapiens.

Like all Afroasiatic Civilizations descended from the East African protoafroasiatic the Sumerians wrote from right to left. Sumerian cuneiform, one of the earliest writing systems, was typically inscribed on clay tablets using a stylus. The direction of writing was generally from right to left, although there were variations depending on the period and the specific context in which the writing was used.

Evidence suggests that the Sumerians practiced circumcision. Depictions on artifacts such as cylinder seals and other ancient texts indicate that circumcision was indeed a cultural practice among the Sumerians. It's believed to have had both religious and cultural significance in their society.

Three Greek sources, namely Herodotus, Strabo, and Diodorus Siculus, all mention the practice of circumcision originating in Africa. Herodotus, known as the "Father of History," discusses circumcision among Egyptian, Ethiopian, and Colchian peoples in his "Histories." Similarly, Strabo, a Greek geographer and historian, references circumcision in his "Geography," highlighting its prevalence among various African groups, including the Egyptians. Diodorus Siculus, another Greek historian, also includes mentions of circumcision in his "Library of History," noting its practice among Egyptians, Ethiopians, and others. These accounts collectively provide valuable insights into the ancient cultural practice of circumcision in Africa.

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