Sunday, 19 May 2024


In Ethiopia 🇪🇹, there's a raw meat eating tradition that goes back to many centuries. 

 This unique practice is showcased in two renowned dishes known as Tere siga and Kitfo. While making Kitfo, the meat is finely chopped and gently warmed, but not cooked, in a pan with a touch of butter and a spice blend called mitmita, which is crafted from chili powder. 

On the other hand, Tere siga is comprised of thick strips of raw meat, which is often beef or mutton.  The raw meat is elegantly presented on a round metal tray, complemented by a dipping sauce. Since the act of cutting the meat is an integral part of the ceremonial experience, each tray is equipped with knives for chopping the meat.

Different stories attempt to unveil the origins of Ethiopia's raw meat-eating tradition. 

One popular account traces it back to the Abyssinian-Adal war in the 16th century, where eating raw meat became a survival tactic. By not lighting the fires to cook their meat, fighters could remain undetected by their enemies.

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