Saturday, 12 August 2023


“The white man is very clever. He came quietly and peaceably with his religion. We were amused at his foolishness and allowed him to stay. Now he has won our brothers, and our clan can no longer act like one. He has put a knife on the things that held us together and we have fallen apart.” - From 'THINGS FALL APART' 1958, written by Chinua Achebe and was translated into Italian, French, Hungarian, Portuguese, Russian, Swiss, Flemish and other languages.

According to historian, Dr John Henrik Clarke, "every group of people that came into Africa meant nothing good for the Africans... and the very first thing each and every one of these groups did was to declare war on African culture..." What followed was the bastardization of African spirituality and ways that held the societies together for millennia before there was a Greece or Rome or before "the first European learnt to wear a shoe or live in a house that had a window." Or as Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan put it, "Before there was Rome, Greece, Jerusalem or Mecca... Before there was a Jehovah, Jesus or Mohommet" (Muhammad ibn Abdul'Mutallib). 

 It most be noted that the first Hebrew to ever come into existence was a Chaldean from Ur, known as Abram in 1675 BC. Before then, their was no concept of a Jehovah or Jesus, whatsoever, and no Hebrew as a tribe, the world over, from as far as history revealed. By this time, the 82 pyramids in Kemet, and the over 203 pyramids in Meroe, the smaller Nsude pyramids in Udi highlands were already built. The Africans had their own spirituality through which they connected to the non-material world, through which they learnt science like iron smelting, as well as which herbs could heal what sort of disease, agricultural practice, astrology, alchemy, mining for useful minerals from the earth and so on. 

 Most of Africa were connected to the worship of a deity, Ptah. This was over 5000 years before the first Hebrew came into existence, it was thousands of years before Greece or Rome came into existence and before any Abrahamic religions (which are Judaism, Samaritanism, Christianity and Islam etc) came into the knowledge of anyone at all. Abram, the father of it all had not even come into existence. 

 In kemet, there was a belief that if one died far away from the Nile, one would not resurrect in the afterlife. Hence Kemet became the place of high culture for all tribal nationalities along the Nile from its source through modern day Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia Sudan etc. Abydos was a city of pilgrimage where most Africans, who could, travelled up the Nile, through the Sahara (Which was not a desert until about 5000 years ago, as archeological discoveries indicated), to worship and commune with other Africans. Osiris later become the god in Abydos while Memphis became the home for Ptah, after several foreign invasion from across the Mediterranean and the sands of Arabia. 

Most of the magicians in Kemet came from Gao, a city-state of the Soudan(west Africa then). African regions and cities had their own gods and it was necessary to pay homage to the god of a land when visiting or passing through as a sojourner, merchant or gypsy. By this time, Arabian peninsula was the colony of Africans (Study from 'From Babylon to Timbuktu',  'The African Origin of Major Religions, Herodoctus, and Strabo's geographica).

Around this era, too, there was nothing like an Allah(alat) anywhere, whatsoever, the world over. The concept of an Allah came up in the 2nd century CE, when the Mashjid Al Haraam (which in Arabic means, the forbidden gathering place) was built as a "place where all Arabs could gather in one place, under a peaceful atmosphere, away from the incessant cutthroat societies around the tribal groups in the Arabian peninsula, such as the Quar'sh tribe. This place was located in modern day Petra, in Jordan, before Islam as a sociological ideology was initiated by Mohammad ibn Abdul'Mutallib, a caravan trader, in 622 CE. 

In 713 CE, an earthquake destroyed this place in Petra and the Mashjid Al Haraam became known as 'Becca' (meaning 'a place of weeping' in Arabic). After then, Ibn Zabyr, while hiding from his adversaries in the Mashjid Al Haraam, hoping no one would ever attack him in the holy place of the then Muslim cosmos, but seeing the futility of it, began destroying the Mashjid Al Haraam. He eventually rooted out the Blackstone (this was one of the sacred item of worship for the Arabs, which was among the several gods that were placed therein by merchants and gypsies, with the hope that when they prayed towards that direction from wherever they may be, their gods would hear their prayers).

But ibn Zabyr eventually moved south with the Blackstone and placed it in another place, in another town known as Mecca (from Becca). This then, later, became a place of pilgrimage for those who became adherents of the sociological ideology that was initiated by Mohammad ibn Abdul'Mutallib in 622 CE.  Mecca does not appear on any ancient map, or written document, cameo, cartouche or anything at all before the 8th century CE. In Sura 42 of the Koran or Qu'ran of the Muslims (followers of Mohammad ibn Abdul'Mutallib), is the only place where Becca was mentioned as Mecca.

The christian ideology had began in 30 CE, as initiated by one Yeshua or Yehoshua, son of a carpenter from the plains of Galilee. He was said to have been impaled in 33/34 CE by Roman authorities in Judea, and his ideology was outlawed all over the Roman empire. Mitiades (Pope) was an African and head of the followers of Yeshua in 312 CE, he introduced the Roman emperor Constantine to the christian ideological movement, and Constantine, seeing the political advantage of the movement, made a remarkable decision to became a follower of Yeshua. In 325 CE, he called up a council of Bishops in the city of Constantinoples, a city in what is modern day Turkey, which was the capital of the Byzantine empire. 

It is known to history as the council of Nicea. He made 'Christendom' a religion of the eastern Roman empire and from then on, followers of Yeshua were not to be persecuted and thrown alive to hungry lions in amphitheatres in north Africa, especially in what is today Tunis, which was a Roman province then. The christian ideology had nothing to do with Europe at this time until about the 9th century CE. Europeans worshipped sacred trees, waterfalls, mountains and so on. The Druids, then, would "kill any man of colour and eat up his brain and heart"(-Dr Yosef Ben Jochannan), believing that in so doing, they could capture and harness the person's spirit. Mostly, such groups were known as the "wild men." The Magyars were another feared barbaric tribes of Europe then, who seemed to stand against any form of civilized society, as a form of religion. There was a popular saying in Europe when the concept of a god came to Europe thus; "God save us from the arrows of the Magyars."

The mass killings ceased, the council wrote out what became the christian 'bible' and took over the christian ideology from the Africans who were engendering the spread of the ideology while at the same time Rome was killing the followers; such as Pope Mitiades(whose picture has since been removed from the Vatican), St Augustine, St Cyprian, Felicita and Perpetual (whom were the first to ever die in the name of Yeshua, the 'krst'(an Egyptian word for saviour then, that was later coined out as 'Kristus' and later 'Christ' in the 16th century CE, when king James of England, had a disagreement with Rome and decided to write 'his' own bible).

This bible (meaning a book of 'writings of spiritual knowledge'; and this could be imagined, an allegory or folklore or actual facts as the case may be), known as king James bible then, spread around the world as the British empire took over most of the world from the 16th-19th century CE. This was about the time, when the christian ideology came to Africa, alongside the enslavement of over 60 million Africans, as well as colonialism that ensured that Africa remained plundered and left as the "Wretched of the earth" as Sadat wrote.

 It most be noted too that, "there were 16 crucified saviours of the world that existed and were crucified in history. Jesus just happened to be last" (- Dr Ivan Van Sertima), and the known saviour of the world for the past 2000 years. Others lived for millennia before Yeshua. But their stories; birth, prophesies, death and resurrection was the same, except for the names and places or times. (For this, Study Kersey Graves' 'Sixteen crucified saviours of the world' or the researches of J. Jackson on the same subject).

 Every invader into Africa "institutionalized a system to perpetually entrenched their dominion over African societies... The Europeans have no illusion about this, the Arabs have no illusion about this. The only ones with an illusion about this is the African...." He thinks the foreigners are around to fan his ego. "Christendom was the imperial child of the Europeans; Islam was an imperial child of the Arabs." Africa has nothing of its own that is in its entirety African, as it was from antiquity. "Every wealth producing resources in any African country, with no exceptions, is controlled by foreigners." 

Obviously "Christianity was the 'trojan horse' of white superiority which is all based in racism."  

All African societies were progressing at different pace in ancient and medieval times. But there was something similar about almost all African kingdoms, empires, chiefdoms and civilizations: most polities were matrilineal, their food culture was almost the same, their cultural elements were similar, religious beliefs differ from place to place but their general concept of spirituality was the same until foreigners began coming into Africa for refuge and in search of grains. The first of these foreigners in history were the Chaldeans who came into kemet in 1675 BC. They were allowed to stay. But when their Persian 'cousins' invaded Kemet (the only place in ancient Africa that connected Africa with the rest of world on land), the Chaldeans sided up with the Persians.

{[IMAGE: The 'inner circle' of the Mossi people. Not every king on the throne rose to the societal status, necessary to attend this gathering. The first shattering effect on this 'inner circle' began when the Arabs arrived west Africa in the 7th century CE, while extending the trans-saharan trade routes through the desert.]}

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