Tuesday, 22 August 2023

King Taharqa, Kushite Ruler of Kemet, 25th Dynasty

Detail of a granite sphinx of King Taharqa, who reigned circa 690-664 BCE during the 25th (Nubian) Dynasty. He wears a skull cap with two uraeus serpents. Taharqa is identified by a cartouche enclosing his throne name on the chest. This sculpture (EA1770) is now in the British Museum, London, England. Photo (edited for size): © The Trustees of the British Museum.

"Following the Egyptian withdrawal from Nubia at the end of the New Kingdom, a number of small political entities rapidly established themselves in the ensuing power vacuum. In the course of the three centuries after the Egyptians withdrew, these various small entities were gradually united into the second kingdom of Kush."

― Strudwick, Nigel, Masterpieces of Ancient Egypt, The British Museum Press, London, England, 2006.

It should be noted that the Kushite's victory in Egypt was not an invasion but rather they came to their defense and took control from the Meshwesh (Libyans) whom at the time were posing as the Ancient Egyptians while at the same time pillaging and plundering the royal tombs. In contrast the Kushite Kings did not pillage or plunder but rather restored and rebuilt the great monuments and stele's including repairing the Temple of Waset known as Thebes to the Greeks and Luxor to modern Egyptians. The Kushite's also took the Old Kingdoms texts and transferred them into stone for better preservation. According to the Kushite's in the Shabaka Stone, he came into Kemet to restore the land of their ancestors. "They were the natural successors of the 18th Dynasty Kings". - Joan Fletcher, Egyptologist.

The 25th Dynasty lasted for circa 95 years.

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