Wednesday 8 May 2024


CHEIKH ANTA DIOP "When I came acròss Egypt ... It dazzled me but it bothered me. Because I said to myself, I'm going to be accused of intent, they're going to say that we're going to invent a story to boost (the morale of our peoples fìghting for independence).

And they were analyzing my consciousness to find out what psychological motivations could be that could push me to do this and that? They said all sorts of calumnies and arguments, except the good one, which consists in arguing with me on the scientific ground... I waited for them and smiled. 

I assumed all the adjectives, all the epithets (insults) that were heaped upon me, and I cheerfully assumed them. And I only invited them to come and discuss in the scientific field." 

We are the children of Cheikh Anta Diop, we will continue the work he started. To debunk Eurocentrics lies about African histories.


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