Saturday, 8 July 2023

Who is an OLUWO?

Oluwo is a person through which another person get initiated into IFA or OGBONI spirituality. He is a spiritual godfather to the initiatee (Omo-awo) and every proceedings in IFA or OGBONI initiation goes through him. He has many say and authority in deciding how proceedings in IFA or OGBONI spirituality should go. And Oluwos are usually Male.

Being an Omo-awo, Oluwos are the last persons to have issues or dispute with. Always take good and proper care of them. 

Without OLUWOs, it is impossible to get initiated into IFA or OGBONI spirituality and it is the sole reason why one must treat them like biological parent because they took many risks to make sure one have a good Spiritual life. Forget about the fact that you paid to get initiated. No sum of money can amount to the spiritual life they gave you. It is one of the things money can't buy.

Many persons in IFA or OGBONI spirituality failed to manifest their destinies in life after getting initiated. Unharmonious relationship with Oluwo is one of the factors that hinders progress of Omo-awo.

You're really disadvantaged If you're not on good terms with your Oluwo, kindly amend things as soon as possible for the sake of your spiritual life. If your Oluwo is late, always make sacrifices regularly to appease their spirits.

Regardless of how successful your initiation into IFA or OGBONI Spirituality is, problem start to arise the moment you go astray with your Oluwo. It is a big taboo in IFA or OGBONI spirituality & one must take conscious of it. 

Just like how important your parent is, your Oluwo is as important as them because they gave you a purpose and guidelines to manifest your destiny.  

Though, some Oluwos are too demanding and greedy. Don't let that discourage you from doing good or distance you from them. Do your part and make sure you don't get crossed with them even if they upset you.

In IFA or OGBONI spirituality, prayers and blessings from Oluwos always go a long way in manifestation of one's destiny. Seek and receive them at every chance. 

The gods are wise. 

Take note of this small idiomatical expressions.

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