Tuesday 19 October 2021


For those new to the African Mami it is usually presumed that this pantheon of spirits is all about women. This is not true. While the Mami women are highly sought after, in Africa, for their numerous attributes (beauty, their propensity to attract wealth, their alluring nature and others) the pantheon of Mami has just as much a male component as any other pantheon of spirits. And, as in other pantheons of spirits these men can be just as prone to attract money, women, or be extremely gifted and talented as well. Very little is ever discussed of the Mami male. But, I assure you that some of the most talented, good looking, and heart-stopping to women is often a Mami male. That spirit living within them can lure just as the Mami women can lure. For he is the male counterpart of the Mami female. And as in the Mami women his head spirit can be male or female.

In fact, the man doesn't have to be the most gorgeous on the planet. But, there is something about that man, his way of dealing, his manner of speaking, his sexiness, his talents or gifts. All of these things point to a spirit of the Mami pantheon. And once he has captured you it is hard to let go. That is the Mami male. An ordinary or not so ordinary man encasing a divinity that was here before the world was ever formed.

In fact, African priests who embody the Mami spirits often attract women all over. Priests are especially prone. However, spiritually speaking, it is generally because there is a spirit within the person being attracted that is needing spiritual assistance. But, often, if a Mami priest is not honest and a woman desperate for a man in her life shows up things can go array. Such women not understanding the spiritual ramifications of this attraction may find themselves spending more time with the priest on their backs rather than getting genuine spiritual assistance. Such a man unwilling to explain the attraction can often take advantage if his character is not the best. It is like the patient falling in love with the therapist. An unscrupulous therapist as well as an unscrupulous priest can end up with the same result... an unethical situation all around. But, this is not just in the pantheon of Mami. Unscrupulous priests all over can get caught up in these type of shenanigans. So, sistahs, if you go in for spiritual work but end up spending more time on your backs instead, you need to evaluate what you are doing. You were probably lured for the spiritual work you so desperately needed not to get your cobwebs cleaned out. Thus, you just may end up with a broken heart. Keep it spiritual. And if that man is for you it will be revealed. But, get your work done first. Sadly though some sistahs don't wait. They see that the man has other wives but still proceed. Only time will tell what that attraction was really all about.

But, getting back to the Mami male, there are just as many men in the pantheon of Mami as women. Yes, the female priestesses of Mami are often powerful. But, this is because that power is coming from within. In African Vodun priests and priestesses are only as powerful as their relationships with their personal divinities is strong.

But, be careful of the male Mami. He can be most alluring.

(The photos attached are of ceremonies that were started, in Togo, this past Thursday (October 14, 2021) by Hounnon Behumbeza, the Supreme Chief of the Mami Dan at two separate temples. These ceremonies are still being conducted as I pen this narrative.)

By Hounnon Houedossi Ahouegnon_

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