Sunday, 17 October 2021

What does it really mean to be a wizard or wizardress?

[The mysteries of Idan-Agbara]: The revealed secret of the true meaning and significance of being a wizard or a wizardress.

Yoruba people believe that a spiritually empowered female with mysterious abilities is called Aje [an enchantress or wizardress] and a spiritually empowered male with mysterious abilities is called Oso [an enchanter or wizard].

Some Yoruba believe a male cannot be an enchanter or wizard which is not true. A male can definitely be a wizard and they are known as oso [pronounced osho]. A woman can definitely be a wizardress and they are known as aje.

Usually the words aje and oso are translated as witch/sorceress and wizard/sorcerer in the english language. In the english language the words witch and wizard usually carry a negative, superstitious and low meaning because they are associated with european witchcraft. The Yoruba words aje and oso do not carry the same meanings and values as the english words that are used to represent aje and oso.

There are different types and/or qualities of spiritually empowered persons known as aje and oso. All aje and oso are not the same and not all believe and practice the same things. The power and abilities of the aje and oso is something divine. It is not intrinsically negative.

The aje and oso can be exclusively good. These are known as white aje and white oso.

The aje and oso can be dedicated to dishonest and hurtful things. These are known as black aje and black oso.

There are aje and oso whose temperament, attitude and disposition are passionate. They tend to act quickly or impulsively rather than thinking things out first. These are known as red aje and red oso and they can direct their abilities for good ends or destructive ends. For some red aje and red oso the primary inclination is towards the good. For others their main inclination is towards what is not wholesome. They use their ability for selfish and petty ends.

Generally speaking aje are females, or a group of females who have an inherent magnetic, charismatic and attracting spiritual power and ability. This wondrous and magical power and ability is known as idan-agbara [magic, magical, wondrous and/or wonder-working power]. This idan power is intrinsically neutral, clean, natural and pure. It is the use which they give to it and the temperament and attitude with which they use it which makes them white, red or black and hence you have ‘white’, ‘red’ or ‘black’ aje. Some have been initiated and trained in the use and development of this power and ability, and some have not. Some simply discover that they have it and then they learn over time thru trial and error how to employ it.

Generally speaking oso are males, or groups of males who have an inherent magnetic, charismatic and attracting spiritual power and ability. This wondrous and magical power and ability is known as ida-agbara [magic, magical, wondrous and/or wonder-working power]. This idan power is intrinsically neutral, clean, natural and pure. It is the use which they give to it and the temperament and attitude with which they use it which makes them ‘white’, ‘red’ or ‘black’ oso. Some have been initiated and trained in the use and development of this power and ability, and some have not. Some simply discover that they have it and then they learn thru trial and error how to employ it. 

There are human beings who are aje and oso, and there are spirit-personages [spiritual-beings] who are aje and oso.

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