Thursday, 12 September 2024


''Even the clever one is advised." African proverb

For those seeing that word for the first time, atychiphobia is simply a fear of failure.

This particular problem cripples some people from thinking up new ideas, preventing them from starting a new business, for fear of financial loss, failing to start a new relationship, for fear of rejection, or failing to embark on a particular project, for fear it'll not succeed in serving its intended purpose.

When Thomas Edison - inventor of the incandescent light bulb, was asked why he didn't quit after failing about 10,000 times! His response was, "I didn't fail 10,000 times, rather, the bulb was an invention of 10,000 steps." Do you see that kind of tenacious spirit!?

How many of us see failure as an opportunity to learn? Because life is not simply about achieving goals, but also about growing,  gaining experience, maturing, as well as contributing meaningfully to lives of others.

Keep these in mind:

- Efforts may fail, but never fail to make efforts

- Failure is not the opposite of success, rather, it's a part of success

- Don't be afraid to fail, be afraid of not trying

- One who fears failure, has already failed

- If you succeed, you'll be happy. But if you don't succeed, you'll learn. It's not win or lose, rather, it's win or learn. Failure gives wisdom and experience, because next time you approach the same issue, it'll not come from a place of ignorance, but with some corrections you've made through the process of learning.

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