Friday, 6 September 2024


(1). They will always play the victim.

(2). They act like they are so empathetic but in reality have no empathy.

(3). They have a humble demeanor and appear vulnerable and sensitive, but upon closer observation, you will come to see intense resentment, envy and jealousy they have towards others.

(4). They do things for others but they always expect something in return. Be it a lot of praise or some kind of future obligation.

(5).Their reputation for being a "Nice Guy" or a "Nice Girl" is everything to them. Image is more important than reality.

(6).They have a passive-aggressive nature and never deal with conflict in a healthy direct manner.

(7). Ultimately they can seem like the most caring, sensitive people in the world. Only to realize they are only sensitive and caring when it comes to themselves. 


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