Friday, 27 September 2024


In the 7th century, when Prophet Muhammad and his followers were being persecuted in Mecca, the Christian King of Axum (Aksum) offered them refuge in what is known as the first Hijra, which occurred in 615 AD.

This event took place six centuries before the birth of Mansa Musa, 1,000 years before the birth of Shaka Zulu or the creation of modern Germany 🇩🇪, and three ìjn before William the Conqueror invaded England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 in 1066. 

The first Hijra in 615 AD occurred long before Charlemagne the Great was born. Charlemagne, also known as Charles the Great, was born in 747 or 748 AD, more than 130 years after the first Hijra.

This fact of history contradicts several stereotypes about Black history, particularly the notion that African civilizations were isolated or lacked interaction with the broader world before European colonization. It challenges the myth that Islam and Christianity only entered Africa through colonization, highlighting Africa’s early engagement with both religions. The First Hijra illustrates Africa’s role as a place of refuge and diplomacy, refuting the idea that African societies were culturally inferior or static. Additionally, the timeline underscores Africa's rich and dynamic history, well before iconic European figures like Charlemagne or William the Conqueror.

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