Wednesday, 11 September 2024

The Virtues of Northern Nigerians

Ndubuisi Dan, a writer and traveler, recently returned from a journey through Northern Nigeria, offering a vivid account of the region's unique virtues. According to Dan, Northern Nigeria is one of the few places in the country where gossip is virtually nonexistent. Instead, a strong sense of brotherhood and community prevails. Assistance is freely given without the need for formal introductions or official protocols—just speak the local language, and doors will open. Although there are many languages spoken in the North, there is a common tongue understood by all.

Dan observed that sharing is second nature in the North; people join meals without the need for an invitation, provided they are hungry. This is considered normal and carries no shame. Food is abundant, with a modest amount of money enough to buy a substantial meal, reflecting the region's affordable cost of living. Dan noted that there is little envy among Northerners, and people seem genuinely content with what they have.

He was also struck by the humility of many wealthy Northerners. Despite owning multiple properties, including lorries and trailers, some do not own private cars, maintain bank accounts, or live in luxurious homes. Instead, they live modestly, often spending nights in their trailers or in nearby mosques, which are open to all. Even their dress reflects simplicity, with many attending important events in basic attire like bathroom slippers.

Dan reported that Northern women maintain modesty in their dress, and cultural norms are distinctly upheld. Those who seek a different lifestyle have specific quarters, but the majority of women are known for their refined elegance. The beauty of Northern girls is renowned, and it is rare for them to remain single for long.

In Dan's view, humility, generosity, and contentment are defining traits of Northern Nigerians. They do not boast about their achievements but share what they have, often providing free meals in mosques. While acknowledging that Northerners are not without flaws, Dan believes their way of life offers valuable lessons in simplicity, community, and quiet strength. He suggests that their virtues are deserving of recognition and celebration.

Disclaimer: His travel journal reflects the observations and experiences of a short visit and may not capture the full complexity of life in Northern Nigeria. The perspectives offered are based on limited interactions and may differ from the views of those who live there permanently.

Source: Ndubuisi Dan

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