Thursday, 21 April 2022


The CHRISLAND SCHOOL GIRL who was caught in a sex scandal has an online page where she posts dance but erotic videos. The child who posts her self-recorded videos on an app called Likee, titled her page “madness and cringe”.

Her handle called “bhadgurl4k (bad girl fuck) already has over 24,000 likes. She has posted over 526 videos with 4,134 followers as at Easter Monday.

Investigation revealed that the videos were recorded in her home. She tries to show off dance moves with erotic mannerisms. Keep eyes on your children don’t entrust them to uncle’s or aunties, nannies or maids alone. You are the parents! You bore the pains of 9months pregnancy, ante-natal and pre-natal pains including that of delivery. You burn the candle to care for them when they are infants/toddlers. Why then suddenly left them on their own in this evil world when they aren't upto 25 yet!.

Career Parents, wake up! Your career won't sustain you in place of your children!

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