Friday, 5 November 2021

Yoruba History

In complexity, structure and poetic sublimity, Ifa is very similar to Chinese I Ching. In fact, outside of Africa, Chinese I Ching is the most similar geomantic system to Ifa. However, Ifa is a tetragram system (2^4) while Chinese I Ching is a triagram system (2^3). So, it's safe to conclude that Chinese I Ching is a child of Ifa, for its triagram system is subsumed under the tetragram system of Ifa.

Structurally, Ifa is also similar to Arabic Al Raml yet markedly different. Ifa and Arabic Al Raml use the same markings, but their logical operations are obversely different. For example, Ifa operates on this basic logical principle:

If the Ikin is odd (I.e. 1), then a double mark is made, but if it's even (I.e. 0 or 2), then a single mark is made. That is, if X=1, then II, but if X=0 or 2, then I - same operation applies to the Opele casting. However, Arabic Al Raml does the opposite.  Another obvious difference between Ifa and Al Raml is, every Odu Ifa is accompanied with poetic verses, but Arabic Al Raml has no poetic verses. Clearly, Ifa and Arabic Al Raml are markedly different.

It's exasperating that in spite of the notable differences between Ifa and Arabic Al Raml, the proponents of foreign conception model continue to argue that Ifa is a derivative of Al Raml. 

Ifa did not originate from Al Raml; athough, the two systems might have borrowed from each other in the distant past. Ifa's origin can be traced back to Yoruba's binary world view of tibi tire (two truths) - the idea that reality is a dynamic balance of complementary opposites. This idea is well-documented in the Odu Ejiogbe:

I favor in twos 

I do not favor only one 

We divine for a twin (Tayewo)

We share with his pair (Kehinde).

And this idea is why twins are elevated to Orisa status in Yorubaland, for twins are visible manifestations of two truths. 

Culled from my project: What is Ifa?

By Ifa Dare

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