Monday 15 November 2021

Food For Thought

Yoruba epistemology must not be reduced solely to cultural aesthetics and spirituality. Yoruba epistemology must be seen as the active precursor of Yoruba natural and moral philosophies. What good is epistemology if it does not sequentially evolve into philosophy, and what good is philosophy if it does not sequentially evolve into moral principles and science? 

IFA is the totality of Yoruba's spiritual, moral and natural (i.e. scientific) philosophies. Many, out of ignorance or sheer laziness, only see IFA as a spiritual philosophy. But my research into the natural or scientific philosophy of IFA has shown me that IFA is a powerful applied ethno-mathematical tool.

In IFA, we find the binary concept.

In IFA, we find the concept of logic gates. In IFA, we find the ontological nature of reality (I.e. the concept of two truths or universal opposites). In IFA, we find the concept of recursion and feedback loop. In IFA, we find the concepts of determinism, randomness, uncertainty and pure free will.

In IFA, we find game theory. And in IFA, we find the art and science of divination.

When you reduce IFA to cultural aesthetics or even spirituality, you miss out on the natural and scientific principles of IFA. And  when you fail to study IFA, you fail to study the ontological nature of reality.

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