Wednesday, 3 November 2021



Contrary to many beliefs that someone with the  Ogundabede Odu must be a thief, cheat or stylishly steal to make it in life, ifa warns Ogundabede's children not to steal, cheat and lie.

Let's look at these  ifa verses in Ogundabede ;



Otooto laa jepa

Otooto laa joomu

Oun tori ni tori

Oun tori ni toori

Oun tori toori laa fii tooro fun Oba Iranje 

Ko baa le foun tori-toori tani lore

Dia fun Atioro bagebage

Ti nsawo rele Onikoyi

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se 

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Ibi orii mi ran mi re ni mo lo

Atioro bagebage ti nsawo rele Onikoyi

Ibi ori ran mi re ni mo lo o

Here ifa warns that Ogunda ogbe must never tell lies, must never do anything that the society is against, must never engage in antisocial activities and must never engage in any criminal or ungodly deed.

Let's look at another verse;

Eke nii pa elekee 

Ile dida a si maa pa awon Odale

Dia fun Orunmila

Baba nsawo relu Eke

Baba nsawo relu Odale

Won ni ki baba sakaale ebo ni sise

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo

Eyin ti nfi suuru pe suuru


Yoo maa wo yin lorun o

Olodumare, Oba adake dajo

Eyin ti n fi ewe Iroko pewe oriro


Yoo maa wo yin lorun o

Olodumare Oba adake dajo.

This verse is telling us that Ogundabede's children must never be a liar, must never move with those who are dishonest.

In conclusion, let's all be honest with our dealings, do not cheat, lie or steal, Olodumare oba adakedajo is watching us all.

Babalawo Dada Ifakunle

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