Sunday 26 December 2021

Lagos Dance Festival

Dance is a choice.

Some of us chose it not because we can or can dance but because DANCE CHOSE US!

The only choice we made was to not resist being chosen. 


On the 18th of December, the Lagos Branch of the Guild of Nigerian Dance Practitioners, Eko GONDP organized the Lagos Dance Festival and  I was humbled by their sheer guts of making things happen in spite of all the odds. 

You see, the dance industry (I want to believe and hope that it is gradually becoming an industry) is one grossly misunderstood and hence underrated -but that is gradually changing. The dancer, to an unsuspecting public, is at best, merely an entertainer- one,  needed to create spectacle and amusements. If these were all a dancer is, what would be the fate of those who need such spectacles and amusements without the dancer? While I leave us to think about this, may I humbly submit that a professional dancer is more than the above. To the professional dancer, ‘dance is the hidden language of the soul’.

It is a deep expression of consciousness. Its economic importance to a discerning society is monumental too. Dance is life. Let me not even begin to make any attempt at talking about dance. 

Now, considering the level of structures in place and the appreciation of the art of dance in our clime, those who dare to strive to not only live their dreams but also plough the hard ground of creativity to plant the seeds of hope which they wet with their blood and sweat, deserve accolades and more. 

On the 18th of December 2021, I found myself among the few, selected for honour. How I got there, I really do not know, but when you find yourself in the midst of giants, being honoured by those with whom you ‘ply the same trade’, ask no question. Dance the dance of gratitude.

It is in this light that I want to say A BIG THANK YOU to:

The brains behind the Lagos Dance Festival.

The Chairman of Eko GOND, a true and worthy leader. 

Our precursors in the industry, those who cleared the jungle before our arrival. 

The gallant soldiers still dancing their hearts out to change the narrative, home and abroad. 

The Chosen Ones, those special people who not only appreciate dance but also encourage and contribute to its sustenance.


Let the dance begin. 

Let the dance continue. 

Great GOND!


(Oriade. December 2021)

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