Thursday 16 December 2021

Osun, the Mother of Abundance

In the beginning before the lands, when the world was a mass of water and sea, Olodumare sent 401 deities from heaven and the sky to create the earth. Ogun is the first to be sent followed by Obatala and others before sending Osun lastly. As they began the work Osun demanded how she could assist but they told her that the job was meant for men alone by making jest of her. 

So, they commenced lifting, building, hemming, hawing, huffing and puffing. They worked long into the night and patted themselves on the back for their hard work. However, Osun whom was not allowed to take part had reported them to Olodumare. He assured not to worry that she is the mother to all of them and they can do nothing without her because her womb produces life and that sooner or later they would be begging her to help. 

With this info Osun strapped her child to her back and was on her way. The next morning Osun and the 400 Irunmole arrived for another day of work. Osun demanded to assist again and they  soon started to mock her. However, their laughters turned to yells of incredulity because all the work they had been doing became spoiled. The tools broken and their work brought to a halt and everything was turned upsidedown. The mountains they took time to make were now mud. The grass was so much fodder. 

They all left assuring themselves that they would start the work anew because they are deities and very strong. Again Osun asked to be included and being refused again. This scenario went on for several days without success and they consulted Olodumare that the crops they planted had withered and the mountains they built had become mud. And God replied that despite all their power Osun would be one to assist you because she is their mother. 

Irunmole were humbled. With grace and charm, Osun appeared, tied her baby to her back and led the way back to Earth with powerful Irunmole in tow. Henceforth whenever there was work to be done, the Irunmole always made sure to propriate their mother and all was right with the world.

Copyrights: © 2021

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