Wednesday, 15 June 2022

African Freedom Fighter La Múlatresse Solide of Guadeloupe who fought the Europeans

La Múlatresse Solide was born around 1772 in Saint Claude, Guadeloupe and she fought the Europeans also against Slavery in 1793, a rebellion started, which made the upper classes turn to British and ask them to occupy the Island.  British attempted to seize Guadeloupe in 1794 and French retook the Island under the command of Victor Hugues who succeded in freeing enslaved Africans and they revolted then turned on slave owners who controlled the sugar plantations,  Bonaparte sent forces to supress the rebels and re institute slavery in 1802,  Solide was an African of Congolese heritage,  her mother was from Present day Republic of Congo, She spoke her native language and not creole.  Solitude was part of the Maroon army in Guadeloupe which they fought against the French military, the struggled until they surrounded and outnumbered the French troops at Dangle mont sugar plantation,  Solitude was only 8 years when her mother died and she was an orphan,  when she was born in the morning of the following day,  the doors of jail opened to the older woman, no one recognized, her skin was described as skin furrowed to the bone,  her hair whitened and shinning in the sun,  she stepped forward peacefully between two rows of spectors, while maternity’s milk slowly stained her night shirt yet she was 30 years old.

Solitude was a Afro- Guadeloupean of Congolese ancestry and her mother belonged  to the Bakongo ethnic group of Republic of Congo, they both spoke Kikongo language and not creole language. According to Ivettero mero in 1999, to commemorate the abolition of Slavery, a militiasre in the memory of Solitude was inaugurated of the victims of the Slave trade and anti- slavery resistance leaders.  

The Statue was installed at the De la Croix roundabout intersection on Boulevard des Hèros, in Abymes,  Guadeloupe and It is alleged that her exquiste good looks led powerful bèkès to fight one another with the hope of getting Solitude,  her mother fled the plantation where she was enslaved but she was forced to leave Solitude with her french slave owner.  Solitude freed in the first abolition in 1794 but,  after Bonaparte Napoleon restored Slavery in French colonies in 1802, She joined freedom fighter Delgrès and others, She is always remembered as a fierce fearless warrior and Maroons settlement at La Goyave was made up exclusively of Bossales who were also called Saltwater blacks, they were directly from Africa, they were unlike Island born sweet water blacks. 

The young woman became the leader of the Survivors, taking her first steps into legend, her small band made a noise over all of Guadeloupe so she wandered hunted by French troops and black militias, until consul. Napoleon came to power, Napoleon had his mind set on officially re establishing Slavery and a large fleet dropped anchor on 5th May, 1802, in the waters off of pointe a pitre, in order to enforce that decree. An Afro- Guadeloupean was on fire then Solitude was at that point expecting the child of Africa but brought her all the tenderness of othe world her friends died in a battle on May between 26, 27 and 28 the Delgres and his comrades died in explosion,  Solitude was among them and sentenced to death but she became pregnant, she could not be put to death, she was executed after she gave birth on 29th November, 1802 and Solitude was hanged by her enslavers, who would murder her until after she was delivered of a little child destined to be a material for another Slave master.

She was involved when hundreds where involved in a revolt of Latulipe In 1737 and revolution in 1789 that causes uprising of thousand who rebelled during the Marie Galante Martinque. According to Aker She was born in 1772, the daughter of an African woman and a French Sailor, In 1794 when Slavery was abolished in Guadeloupe and She was able to live freely until 1802,  Napoleon restored Slavery in the French colonies after that, Solitude became a Maroon and joined other fierce fighters, swinging a machete at General Richepance a French man and his troops, She was injured in a explosion that killed Delgres and his other comrades and was later captured at the time she was pregnant so she was not immediately put to death, Instead it was believed to execute her the day after she gave birth, which was 29th November, 1802 and no one knew what happened to her child.

According to other accounts her statue was created by an Afro- Guadeloupean called Jacky Poulier the statue was Inaugurated on 27th May, 1999 and She was described as a Guadeloupean of Congolese origin who had been abused and raped by a French Sailor and She was sent to west Indies after the abolition of Slavery in 1794, She joined a Guadeloupean maroons army,  when Bonaparte re established Slavery in Guadeloupe in 1802, Solitude rallied the call of Louis Delgrès and fought with him to obtain freedom.

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