Tuesday, 31 August 2021


Recognising the four building blocks of creation is of great importance in present day humanity. From the pinnacle of creation down to the last precipitate of the cooling off, the building blocks of fire, water, earth and air are measured in systematic accommodation to suit the various species of life. For example, the fire element in Valhalla (Olympus) are in a much purer form and scintillating light of brilliance not perceptible to human eyes. You can’t even view the sun directly without burning out your retina how much more “the eternal flame” in the sanctuary of Valhalla that spits a fraction of its brilliance to generate the atomic power of the sun which gives life and warmth to our solar system. Same with the 3 other elements in their purer states. I cannot even dare to venture into their purest states in the divine spheres of existence and supreme intelligence.  Valhalla is close and the blessed ancients could sense it and some even told stories of their activities and adventures in the various cultures of the world with todays civilised man receding them to fables, mythology and fictions…. 

In Nigeria for example the Urhobo people were guided under the elements of fire and earth, while Itsekiri and Ijaw people were under the guidance of water and air. It is no accident that the ancestors in migrating to the lands allocated to them by the entitials, dedicated their shrines to fit the substances of the activities of the guardian beings. Every ethnic or group around the world have their primordial models. For example, sticking within Nigeria, Igbo spiritualism was centred on fire and earth, whilst Hausa Fulani was linked to fire and earth. Yoruba had stronger linkage with water, air and earth whilst Benin had linkage with all four building blocks of creation.

In the time of the Ogisos of ancient Benin empire, these four elements had become visible. Early man was able to recognise the influence of fire, water, earth and air. The universal Titans had laid the foundations of these elements. In my last write up, I had mentioned that these four elements sensed with the four senses of man are in their heaviest forms or precipitates from their primordial heritage in the highest spheres of Primordial Creation. Chemistry students of science will know from the periodic table, that “elements” in their finest forms have various subsets of finer substances. 

However, in the pinnacle of “life” forces, the four basic spiritual elements of creation are centred on the four axioms mentioned above: Fire, Air, Water and earth. In the Hindu religion there is a slight addition to these four elements called “Akash” otherwise in every spirituality and religion, the four elements are the same from Zoroastrianism, Egyptology depiction of creation, Christianity, Islam, Tao to mention a few, these elements are the same and their Lords are the same only bearing different names in the various culture, religion and history.

In Christianity for example: The Holy Spirit sent forth the guardians of the four elements to map out the size of the universe and fashion life: They are: Archangel Raphael for air, Archangel Michael for fire, Archangel Gabriel for water and Archangel Uriel for earth. These four archangels for eons of years toiled alongside a retinue of millions of beings in building the expanse of the 7 universal parts of visible and invisible creation. Do not try to imagine or measure their works else your little brains will fry not able to comprehend the working machinery and the majestic grandeur of the specialized activities of these beings.

Today’s Royal fathers must first recognise their primordial elements and reverting to the old ways of continual upbuilding clean up the environment which have been desecrated by dirt. Naturalness is the way forward. Whether you are a Christian, Muslim or pagan, you must wrest your gaze in understanding the building blocks of creation. 

It is a duty of every Royal Traditional ruler to acquire deep insight by approaching their elements in which their various ethnicities was built. In this upbuilding they will once more resonate with the tones, colours and blessings from on high.

Farmers should approach earth and give thanks before thrusting a shovel into the soil, Fishermen and leaders of oil communities must strictly task themselves and the federal government to setup a team for dredging and cleaning up spillages in the local water ways. The greed for money through oil has destroyed our marine peacefulness and beauty. In those days, mermaids could be seen sat on the beaches and creeks laughing and combing their hair. The waterways were enchanted in peaceful rhythm of dreamy like paradise. Presently, they are sunk in death, oil stench and foul odours.    Not one marine creature must be caught without the express permission from the deities of the water ways. It is a task for you to approach the elementals not to worship them but to work hand in hand with them. Some persons may find this approach unnecessary and even make a mockery of it, let us ignore them and turn forward in making our home a paradise once more for the betterment of our children and children’s children. Then you royal fathers will have come full cycle in atoning for the guilty past when you allowed your people to fall into the darkness of ignorance and apostasy.

Written by Gavwaine Ak Gaw

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