Tuesday 24 August 2021


Do we believe you have two hands or do we know we have two hands? Knowing we have two hands do not call for the need to believe we do. If we know something, why do we need to believe it? The word believe essentially means you do not know something but you believe it is so, as religious faith does... Respect to all chosen faith. Believing we have nice friends does not mean they are nice, they may turn out to be terrible. 

First we really need to understand the distinction between knowing something (convinced knowledge) and believing something. It is most honourable and human of us to say "I do not know" If we truly don't know. I once  shared an experience of how I condemned a particularly group of cult, calls them all sort of names and share same to everyone that I came across. I just believe that was what they were cos I was told so by someone who do not have any personal experience with them. I believe he too was told so.

Then a time came I had to personally experience these people, pick their books, walks to them and today I am still regretting in pain... I still don't know how to redeem the karma of falsehood I have shared into Creation. How many generations my falsehood has affected. Going by this experience, I have consciously look at things from my personal experience before I share to the public, that's if it's a necessity for me to share.

I do not know is a tremendous possibility to open oneself to universe as an humbly seeking soul but the moment we destroy 'I do not know" by over feeding our ego, what then happen is that we destroy all the frequency that should connect us to true knowledge and we begin to live in fantasy and fallacy of knowledge. When you are always the knowing one, you short down yourself from the entire learning and expansion process which is what we do when we choose to always just believe without having conviction. Again there is a clear distinction between knowing of the existence of Elédùmarè and other Forces of creation and just believing in HIS existence because we are fed so... Truly, knowledge is an accumulated information. 

Today everybody who claim knowledge about most things doesn't mean they truly KNOW it because most people have shun their personal ability of self experiencing. All what we call knowledge today are majorly bias thoughts of people we gathered through books, phones and Internet. So sad! Believe is something else, if we live in TRUTH, knowledge becomes attractive, what we do not naturally know, our intelligence will come into motion. The moment you truly admit "I do not know" our intelligence will start working. 

The problem is we always want to use believe to cover what ordinarily we do not know (Spiritual laziness). Perhaps materialism has taken the larger chunk of our time. This is where again I do not blame commercial spiritual men, even though most of them practice one sidedness because to live on this gross matter, Materialism and Spirituality must balanced... So if you developed one sidedly it is just logical that you should pay for the aspect that's lacking.

But again, are you paying for the real value? They are you also selling the real value? This is the part life that causes serious trouble for us as human beings when we subject our knowledge to mere assumption of thought. (For me, I am a child of creation, I am a sojourner gathering all the values I need not necessarily want, I am just walking the path of knowledge and I am open to received humbly with care).

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