(1). Hesiod - In his poem "Works and Days," Hesiod briefly mentions the Egyptians in a list of foreign peoples, describing them as "long-robed and bejeweled." This suggests that the Egyptians were known for wearing distinctive cl0thing and jewelry. (Works and Days, 8th century BCE).
(2). Homer - "Egypt, where many men are dark-skinned."(The Iliad, 8th century BCE).
(3). Herodotus - "The Egyptians are black with woolly hair." (The Histories, 5th century BCE)
(4). Aeschylus - "Egypt, mother of the world, mistress of rivers, who art thou? Thy skin is black." (The Suppliants, 5th century BCE).
(5). Manetho - "The Egyptians were black and curly haired." (Aegyptiaca, 3rd century BCE) Manetho was an Egyptian priest.
(6). Diodorus Siculus - "The Egyptians have black complexions and wo0lly hair." (The Library of History, 1st century BCE)
(7). Strabo - "The majority of the Egyptians have black skins." (Geography, 1st century BCE).
(8). Diodorus Siculus: "The Egyptians shave their heads and go about barefoot, except for those who wear sandals. They wear linen garments, which they call ‘kalasiris, and which are made like tunics with sleeves. The women also wear linen robes, and over them a cloak cãlled a 'himati0n."
(9). Horace - "Egyptian men are woolly-haired." (Satires, 1st century BCE)
(10). Ovid - "The swãrthy Ethiopians and Egyptians." (Metamorphoses, 1st century BCE).
(11). Hippocrates - "The Egyptians are of a dark hue, and have curly hair." (Airs, Waters, Places, 5th century BCE).
(12). Polybius - "The Egyptians are black with thick curly hair." (Histories, 2nd century BCE).
(13). Agatharchides - 2nd century BCE - "The people of Egypt are.. black and curly-haired" - On the Erythraean Sea.
(14). Lucian of Samosata - "The Egyptians are black and kinky-haired." (The Syrian Goddêss, 2nd century CE).
(15). Clement of Alexandria - 2nd century CE - "Egyptians are black in color" - Exh0rtation to the Greeks.
(16). Philo of Alexandria - "The Egyptians are black from the sun." (On the Creation of the World, 1st century CE).
(17). Josephus - "The Egyptians are black and curly-haired." (Agaïnst Apion, 1st century CE).
(18). Galen, Mixtures, Book 2, 1st Century AD "The hair of Egyptians. and in general all peoples who inhabit h0t, dry, places, has poor growth and is black, drƴ, curly, and brïttle."
(19). Claudius Aelianus - "The Egyptians are brown." (Various Histories, 2nd century CE).
(20). Juvenal - "Egyptians have dark skins, hair turned back." (Satires, 1st-2nd century CE).
(21). Pliny the Elder - "The Egyptians have woolly hair, more fiery than their complexions." (Natural History, 1st century CE).
(22). Suetonius - "The Egyptians are dark and kinky-haired." (The Twelve Caesars, 1st-2nd century CE).
(23). Julius Africanus - 3rd century CE - "The Egyptians are brown in complexion" - Kestoi.
(24). Athenaeus - 3rd century AD - "The Egyptians are black with a narrow waist" - Deipnosophistae
(25). Aelian - 3rd century CE - "Egyptians are dark" - On the Characteristics of An!måls.
(26). Damascius - "The Egyptians are black and have short curly hair." (The Life of Isidore, 5th-6th century CE).
(27). Theodoret - "The Egyptians are black." (Ecclesiastical History, 5th century CE).
(28). Ammianus Marcellinus - "The Egyptians are dark and curly-haired." (Res Gestae, 4th century CE).
(29). Augustine of Hippo - "The Egyptians are black." (City of God, 4th-5th century CE).
(30). Cassius Dio - "The Egyptians are black-skinned and woolly-haired." (Roman History, 2nd-3rd century CE).
(31). Maximus of Tyre - "The Egyptians are black and curly haired." (Orati0ns, 2nd Century CE).
(32). Lysimachus - "The Egyptians are dark and curly-haired." (as quoted in Athenaeus' Deipnosophistae, 2nd century CE).
(33). Solinus - 3rd century CE - "Egypt is inhabited by a dark-skinned rãce" - Polyhistor.
(34). Julius Africanus - "The Egyptians are black and kinky-haired." (as quoted in Eusebius' Chronicle, 3rd century CE.
35. Philostratus - 3rd century AD - "The Egyptians have thick lips, black skin, and kinky hair" - Life of Apollonius of Tyana
(36). Sêxtus Empiricus - "The Egyptians are black and woolly-haired." (Outlines of Pyrrhonism, 2nd-3rd century CE)
(37). Hippolytus - "The Egyptians are black and curly-haired." (Refutãtion of All Herêsies, 3rd century CE).
(38). Tertullian - 3rd century AD - "The Ethiopians were the first to depict the g0ds in human form, and to assign to them black countenånces" - Apol0gy.
(39). Eusebius of Caesarea - "The Egyptians are black and have woolly hair." (Preparation for the Gospel, 4th century CE).
(40). Macrobius - 5th century CE - "The Egyptians, who are black and have kinky hair" - Saturnalia.
(41). Procopius - "The Egyptians are of a dark complexion and curly hair." (History of the Wãrs, 6th century CE).... 🖤 🤎
(42). Kemet People, the black people, Africa are the 0rigïnal 0wnērs of that land Cãlled Egypt and no invådērs can wipë out the evidênce no matter what aræbēgyptiãns Do...
Therefore, wake up and kn0w your right 👍▶️.
#History #Africa
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