Wednesday, 18 May 2022


There are ways you can throw your kolanut based on your knowledge and geographical location.

All the 4 down which can be interpreted as Oyeku is yes in some temple, is a weak yes in some places which they will further ask for 2 up and 2 down to confirm the yes. 

Some temple will consider all the 4 down as no.

I support all 4 down as yes. Even I will regard it as strong yes after all the 4 up (Eji Ogbe) because to me all the 4 down means plenty of food.

My own analysis of 4 lobes kolanut :

2 up 2 down yes.

1 down 3 up no.

3 down 1 up no.

4 up yes.

4 down yes.

When it comes to 3 lobes you must consider the male and female Obi.

I hope we all know the lobes of  kolanut have male and female.

Most time is always 2 males and 1 female

For the Ofo Obi :

Ofo Obi is the 5th lobe that is for 5 lobes of kolanut.

You must check the one that is diff from the others in shape at the bottom, some times is always 3 shape and above.

When it comes to 6 lobes of Kolanut only 1 up 5 down is no and also 5 up and 1 down is no. Others are yes.

In better kola you can divine with one bitter divide it into two with your teeth and use it for a readings or you use knife to divine two bitter kola in to 4 pieces just like 4 lobes of kolanut and use it inform of 4 lobes of kolanut. 

For the one bitter divided into two with your teeth. One will be better than the other. Once you have the bigger one up, the answer is yes.

Some are using 4 lobes of kolanut to divine and get odu in Opele. Yes is possible.

Let me briefly give analysis on this:

We all know Eji Ogbe is all the all four halfnut are up and Oyeku is also when all the four halfnut are down too.

Then 3 down and 1 up is regarded as Okanran.

The family of Okanran on Opele are: 




2 up and 2 down family in Opele are :







3 up and 1 down is considered as Eta

The families are :





By Araba Ifa Yoruba Kabbalah

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is very informative. thanks for Sharing this blog.


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