Monday, 18 September 2023

The first Statues of Deities were Black

India : The first statues of the Indi-Kush pantheon were represented with black skin (Krishna, Kali etc,,) and before Buddha looked like a Chinese, he looked like us and was worshiped as such throughout Asia.

Mexico: The Olmec civilization begins around 3400 before the birth of Lumumba, that is to say thousands of years before the Mayas and the Aztecs and the first divinities were represented with black skin, such as for example Ixtlilton (Little Black) comparable to Bes.

Egypt : All early Neteru were also depicted with Black skin, so the further back you go in the history of the Nile Delta the more Negroid the statues become.

Vietnam: The first statues of the Vietnamese pantheon were also represented with a very black skin like for example Vishnu or Champa and in this connection, the Chinese called the Empire Champa or the people of Cham, now known under the name of VietNam;  the country of the Black Men.

Thailand: The first statues of the Thai Pantheon were also represented with Black skin and the old representation of Buddha had a very dark complexion and African features.

Greece: The first statues of the Greek pantheon were represented with Black skin such as Afrodite, Heracles and many others.

Roma: Many important deities were also represented with black skin such as Hermes or Isis.

China: Even the first Chinese statues were represented in the same Africoid mold.

Russia: The first representations of the Virgin and her Son were black, and they were revered as such throughout Europe until the idea of ​​white supremacy arose.  Russia and Poland still love the original images even if little by little the same bleaching phenomenon is gaining ground.

Cambodia: Angkor Wat is a temple that was built in the 12th century by the Khmer king;  Suryavarman and it is still considered the greatest religious monument in the world.

The Chinese have always portrayed the Khmer people as short.

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