Friday, 29 September 2023


There were three types of people in the world from inception: the people of the Sun (Africoid type, the first to have emerged); the people of the sand (the western Asiatic type, today called middle-east by Europe); the people of the ice( the European type, who was the last to come into that arena called 'civilization.') 

According to John Henrik Clarke, "...leave these three types, each in their own habitat, the whole world would have been a more peaceful and stable place... But Africa always had what others wanted and can't do without, but weren't ready to pay for.... "These groups had different temperaments, and maybe they were not supposed to Mix. The mixing of these three had done more harm than good.'' It is like making oil mix with water; serious heating is required. This 'heating' process, of the mixing of these three different groups had brought more devastation, than any other thing to the Africoid group, much more than on any other groups that followed... It had almost, by design, left Africans as "the invisible man in history." Almost like Africa came into existence in the 15th century CE. But let's look at historical facts from as early as can be reasonably pulled together.

The first known outsider to have come into Africa was a Chaldean known as Abram in 1675 BCE. The 'ka'(land or landmass) connecting the lands across the Mediterranean was called Kemet and most of what is Africa today from south Sudan (of today) to the cape was known as Aethiopia and the people were all known as Aethiopes, and Kemet was a child of Aethiopia, both in origin, spirituality and early civilization. By the time of the Chaldean's arrival, 82 of the pyramids in Kemet were already built and the civilization around the Nile was in its 21st dynasty. At this point, there was no Europe yet. The land of the 'icemen'' existed but the Iceman 'was yet to learn to wear shoes on his feet or live in a house that had a window.' There was no Greeks at this time, no Romans, no etruscans, Picts nor the Magyars, no Jerusalem, Mecca... and the concept of a Jehovah or Allah (a'lat) were not known, or heard of, whatsoever, the world over. It was yet to come into any form of known existence.

When the Chaldean came to sought grain and shelter away from the harsh conditions in the north, he had no culture, no concept of spirituality and he had no people yet. When his descendants left about four centuries later, they had all three, and most importantly, they had a language of their own and an African prince by the name 'Moshe' or Moses to lead them. They were asked by African kings to obey African laws or leave... This gave birth to the folklore that became the story of the exodus which the Hebrew people would later write about while in exile in Assyria in the 5th century BCE. The historical version differ greatly from Hebrew-araimic biblical version. 

In 701 BC, Tirhakah, king from the south(around what's today South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda, Ethiopia and part of Kenya) had to go across the Mediterranean to stop those who were fighting up the Hebrew who were now a people after leaving Africa, and who had developed their own concept of spirituality from Africans and had their own God called Jehovah, Yehovah or Yahweh. This was a concept of a 'godhead' that research showed to have probably been derived from 'Ptah' and 'Aten' in Africa, known around the area along the course of the Nile in Uganda, to have formed man from clay.

The next groups to have arrived, came in the 16th century BC and later brought about the bronze age collapse in the form of the 'sea peoples'. Then Assyrians came in 665/6 BC. In 550 BC, the Elamites and the Midians sacked the Assyrians and gained control of Kemet at the Nile delta. A century later, the Africans were so crushed that they were recorded to have 'prayed' for liberation or at least, for a conqueror who would be kinder.

Researched records showed that it was at this time that the folklore of a 'child born in a manger, who would become a liberator' became popular, and was to influence historical events in the future(-John Henrik Clarke). At this time also, came Alexander, son of Philip of Macedonia into Kemet. 

The 'admixture' between the foreigners and the Africans was at an advanced stage now. The queen in the south, in Kush, at this time was Candace. She marched on an elephant, surrounded by her mighty army and sent a message to Alexander, "if you are coming south, I have more armies to show you." Alexander withdrew and instead left for India where he had a disagreement with his African commander Krios Nigra and later died of a drunken stupor in 332 BC.

The Greeks Alexander left behind in Kemet oppressed the population to an "unbearable extent... Bastardizing the culture of the people."  It was at this stage that the well dressed thugs, who couldn't read or write, but could fight like hell appeared on the scene(although some of the higher hierarchy of this group learnt to read and write in later centuries). These were a bunch of thugs(still are), the 'forerunners to the Mafia' known then as the Romans; and they had entered into history at this point. When they could read and write, it was with this group that all we came to know as 'spirituality'(which was a bastardization of African ancient spirituality) began to take shape. These were indeed the 'icemen.'

We shall be delving into this, one bit at a time, in subsequent articles. This is a conscious effort meant to engender a better understanding of the subject matter.

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