Friday, 8 September 2023


Mahatma Gandhi the Racist. While living in South Africa, Mahatma Gandhi described black Africans as “savage,” “raw” and living a life of indolence and nakedness.

He routinely expressed "disdain for Africans," and he also campaigned relentlessly to prove to the British rulers that the Indian community in South Africa was superior to native black Africans.

One of the first battles Gandhi fought after coming to South Africa was over the separate entrances for whites and blacks at the Durban post office.

Gandhi obiected that Indians were "classed with the natives of South Africa," who he called the kaffirs, and demanded a separate entrance for Indians.

In a petition letter in 1895, Gandhi also expressed concern that a lower legal standing for Indians would result in degenerating "so much so that from their civilised habits, they would be degraded to the habits of the aboriginal Natives, and a generation hence, between the progeny of the Indians and the Natives, there will be very little difference in habits, and customs and thought."

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