Saturday, 3 June 2023



The Pilgrimage for this year took a new turn. The Pilgrims who attended this year's event was unprecedented. So far, we recorded the highest number of Pilgrims. Also, people came from Rep Du Benin, Rep Du Togo, Cote d'Ivoire, Yoruba people from Gambia were in attendance. Also in attendance were Pilgrims from USA, Venezuela, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, etc. Those who could not attend physically sent their various Ifa messages on Ogunda Ose. Messages came from Brazil, Cuba, Argentina, Spain, Germany, Ecuardo, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbedos, Jamaica etc. It was truly a Pilgrimage and Festival of World dimension. It is completely beyond the shores of Yoruba land!!!


Right from the 20th of May when all Pilgrims converged at Ado Ekiti, our Medical teams were busy attending to the medical needs of the people, both Pilgrims and indigenes of the communities that we went to. The health of the people is one of our major priorities.

Transportation and Logistics:

Because there were more Pilgrims who attended this year's Festival and Pilgrimage, there were more vehicles which conveyed the Pilgrims to the various Holy Sites. Everything went smoothly, all thanks to the Green Circle International and the Ekiti State Ministry of Arts and Culture. The Director of Arts and Culture deserves our  special mention. His diligence made everything stress free for us throughout the 9-day period.

Our thanks and gratitude go to all the Royal Fathers who stood by us throughout the Pilgrimage period.

Our thanks also go to His Excellency, the Governor of Ekiti State who graciously released Oke Igeti, the home of Orunmila to us. Not only that, the Governor promises to develop Oke Igeti to Holy site of International standard. The International Council For Ifa Religion will forever be grateful to you sir. I enjoin all Ifa devotees throughout the world to please remember the Governor of Ekiti State in your daily prayers. Ase!!! In view of this heartwarming development, i enjoin all devotees throughout the world to come and see the seats of Orunmila-In-Council; the misterious water that Orunmila was using to initiate and heal people; the  wonder Opon Ifa that Orunmila was using for consultation at Oke Igeti. This Opon Ifa is made of quartz stone. Come and see the Ope Awonyin that Orunmila was using; come and marvel at the Irosun trees that produce iyerosun powder for Orunmila and his Awo. In short, come and see Ifa wonder at Oke Igeti!!! All these become possible through the grace of the Governor and our Royal Fathers, especially the Ewi of Ado.




Elders in 17 countries were present for the World Annual Ifa Consultation in Oke Igeti. Eleven countries physically gave messages on Oke Igeti while eight other countries sent their messages via internet and other social media.

The Odu that was revealed during consultation is Ogunda'See, Ogunda Ose. Ifa came with the IRE of cool prosperity for all devotees in the next 12 months and beyond.

For this reason, all Ifa and Orisa Temples need to feed Ifa with one white pigeon each. Each temple also needs to feed each Orisa in the Temple with one eku emo, brown rat. If there are 20 Orisa in a particular Temple, there is the need to procure 20 eku emo and give one to each Orisa in that Temple.

Each member also need to procure six catfish, three to feed Ori and three to feed Ifa.

For those who are born by this Odu during Ikosedaye or Itenifa, there is the need to feed Ifa with one eku emo, apart from the materials mentioned above.


1. Ifa says that all Temples around the world will be blessed with success and prosperity. Ifa says that all Temples shall also be blessed with free gifts that will change our lives for good.

Ifa advises each Temple to offer ebo with 4 hens, 16 pigeons and money. There is also the need to feed Ewiri, the blacksmith's anvil as recommended by Ifa. On this  Ifa says:

Ogunda'see ni o m'ese oyun

A o m'ese osika l'ona

Dia fun Ewiri

Ti yoo maa f'enu re fa ifa wo'le

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb'ebo, o ru'bo

Ko pe, ko jinna

E waa ba'ni ni jebutu ire.


Ogunda'see does not know the footprint of a pregnant woman

We cannot identify the footprint of a wicked person on the road

Ifa's message for Ewiri, the Anvil

Who will use his mouth to attract free gifts to his home

He was advised to offer ebo

He complies

Before long, and not too far

Join us in the midst of all ire of life.

2. Ifa says that apart from feeding Ewiri, the Anvil, there is equally the need for all Temples to procure sekere made with cowries. This sekere is to be played regularly in all Temples. Doing so will attract wealth and prosperity into our Temples and all members will benefit from the grace of the Divinities. On this, Ifa says:

Ogunda Sense

Babalawo Sekere to dia fun Sekere

Ti n s'awo re'lu il'Aje

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb'ebo, o ru'bo

Nje Sekere ma rin, maa yan

Ara a re l'okun

Ara a re l'Aje gbe n so.


Ogunda Sense

Ifa cast for Sekere

When going to the land of prosperity

She was advised to offer ebo

She complied

Sekere walk and match majestically

Your body is filled qith Okun beads

Your body germinates wealth and prosperity.

3. Ifa says that even though success and prosperity are guaranteed for members of all Temples this year, Ifa however warns all men never to maltreat their spouses for any reason whatsoever. Ifa also advises all women never to provoke their spouses. Ifa says that women in the Temples will be protected and blessed by Orunmila this year. What all women need to do is to support, assist  encourage and bless their men to succeed.

Ifa advises each Temple to offer ebo with 4 rats, 4 fish, 4 pigeons, 4 hens, 4 guinea fowls, 4 roosters and money in the multiples of four. There is also the need for each Temple to feed Ifa with a mature she goat. On this, Ifa says;

Ewekewe inu igbe okan soso ni n so

Dia fun Ifajinrin

Ti n s'omo bibi inu Agbonniregun

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se 

O gb'ebo, o ru'bo 

E ma na 'Fajinrin aya Awo

E ma na 'Fajinrin aya Awo

Eeyan to ba na 'Fajinrin

Yoo ri'ja Ifa

E ma na 'Fajinrin aya Awo.


All mysterious leaves in the forest germinate only one

Ifa's message for Ifajinrin

The child of Agbonniregun

She was advised to offer ebo

She complied 

Do not maltreat 'Fajinrin, the wife of Awo

Do not beat 'Fajinrin, the wife pf Awo 

The person who maltreats 'Fajinrin

With face the wrath of Ifa

Do not maltreat 'Fajinrin, the wife of Awo

4. Ifa assures all devotees that they will be protected against all forms of violent or untimely death. Iga says that no matter how dire the situation may be, they will be protected and spared. Ifa advises all Temple members to make Orunmila their sanctuary. Each Temple is advised to offer ebo with one mature he goat, lead and money and feed Ifa with one mature she goat. 

Orunmila wi o m'oju jo emere

Emi naa wi, mo lo m'oju jo emere

Orunmila ni omo Ogun to m'oju jo emere

To dabi wipe yoo kuu

Orunmila ni ko nii ku

Orunmila wi o lo m'oju jo emere 

Emi naa wi, mo lo m'oju jo emere 

Orunmila ni omo Ija to m'oju jo emere 

To dabi wipe yoo kuu

Orunmila ni ko nii ku

Orunmila wi o lo m'oju jo emere 

Emi naa wi, mo lo m'oju jo emere 

Orunmila ni omo Osoosi to m'oju jo emere 

To dabi wipe yoo kuu

Orunmila ni ko nii ku

Orunmila wii, o lo m'oju jo emere 

Emi naa wi, mo lo m'oju jo emere 

Orunmila ni omo oun to m'oju jo emere 

To dabi wipe yoo kuu

Orunmila ni ko nii ku 

Orunmila ni bo ba se bi ise omo toun ba ni

Oje kii ku l'emere

Sunmunu, omo oje a d'agba.


Orunmila declares that he looks like someone destined to die young

I chorus that he looks like someone destined to die young

Orunmila says that the child of Ogun who appears like someone destined to die young

Orunmila says that he will not die young

Orunmila declares that he looks like someone destined to die young

I chorus that he looks like someone destined to die young

Orunmila says that the child of Ija who appears like someone destined to die young

Orunmila says that he will not die young

Orunmila declares that he looks like someone destined to die young

I chorus that he looks like someone destined to die young

Orunmils says that the child of Osoosi who appears like someone destined to die young

Orunmila says that he will not die young

Orunmila declares that he looks like someone destined to die young

I chorus that he looks like someone destined to die young

Orunmila says that the child of Agbonniregun who appears like someone destined to die young

Orunmila says that he will not die young

Orunmila declares that the lead does not die young

The child of oje, lead is boung to enjoy long life.

5. Ifa says that Temple members looking for the blessing of the fruit of the womb shall be blessed according to their hearts desire. Ifa advises those looking for the fruit of the womb to offer ebo with 4 rats, 4 fish, 2 hens one she goat and money. Out of these ebo materials, 2 rats, 2 fish and one hen will be used to feed Ifa. On this, Ifa says:

Orunmila wi o da'see

Mi o da'see Bara a mi Agbonniregun

Orunmila wi eyi to da'see si'kun omo eku

Oyun lo maa fi ni

Omo lo maa fi bi

Orunmila wi o da'see 

Mi o da'see Bara a mi Agbonniregun

Orunmila ni eyi to da'see si'kun omo eja

Oyun lo maa fi ni

Omo lo maa fi bi

Orunmila wi o da'see 

Mi o da'see Baraa mi Agbonniregun

Orunmila wi eyi to da'see si'kun omo eye

Oyun lo maa fi ni

Omo lo maa fi bi

Orunmila wi o da'see 

Mi o da'see Bara a mi Agbonniregun 

Orunmila wi eyi to da'see si'kun omo eran

Oyun lo maa fi ni 

Omo lo maa fi bi 

Orunmila wi o lo da'see 

Mi o da'see Bara a mi Agbonniregun 

Orunmila wi eyi to da'see si'kun Apetebi aya Akapo toun

Oyun lo maa fi ni 

Omo lo maa fi bi.


Orunmila declares the menstral fluid is no longer flowing

I chorus that it in no longer flowing, Agbonniregun my father

Orunmila says that the fluid that ceases to flow in the womb of the rat

It will lead to pregnancy

The outcome will be babies

Orunmila declares that the menstrual fluid is no longer flowing

I chorus that it is no longer flowing Agbonniregun my father

Orunmila says that the menstrual fluid that ceases to flow in the womb of the fish 

It will become pregnancy

The outcome will be babies

Orunmila declares that the menstrual fluid is no longer flowing 

I chorus that it is no longer flowing Agbonniregun my father

Orunmila says that the menstrual fluid that ceases to flow in the womb of the bird

It will become pregnancy

The outcome will be babies

Orunmila declares that the menstrual fluid os no longer flowing

I chorus that it is no longer flowing Agbonniregun my father

Orunmila says that the menstrual fluid that ceases to flow

It will become pregnancy 

The outcome will be babies 

Orunmila declares that the menstrual fluid is no longer flowing 

I chorus that it is no longer flowing Agbonniregun my father 

Orunmila says that the menstrual fluid that ceases to flow in the womb of the beast

It will become pregnancy 

The outcome will be babies 

Orunmila declares that the menstrual fluid is no longer flowing 

I chorus that it is no longer flowing Agbonniregun my father 

Orunmila says that the menstrual fluid that ceases to flow in the womb of Apetebi the wife of my Akapo

It will become pregnancy 

The outcome will be babies.

6. Ifa assures all devotees that they will be protected against untimely death, especially the type that affects multitudes. Ifa warns that all devotees needs to avoid the consumption of mushrooms of any kind in the next 12 months.

Ifa advises each Temple to offer ebo with one mature he goat and plenty of different mushrooms. On this, Ifa says:


Dia fun orunlojo esun

A bu fun Etipatiro

Won ni ki won ru'bo

Ki won ma baa ku iku ajoku

Etipatiro nikan lo nbe leyin to n s'ebo

Nje gbo esun lo n ku

Etipatiro nikan ni kii ba won ku iku ajoku.



He cast ifa for 165 different mushrooms 

And also for Etipatiro

They were advised to offer ebo

For them not to experience death in multitudes 

Only Etipatiro complied and offered ebo

All myshrooms die

Only Etipatiro was spared.

7. Ifa says that Ifa and Orisa Temples and their devotees will be blessed with success, good luck, prosperity and longevity.

Ifa advises each Temple to offer ebo with one he goat, one she goat and money. There is also the beed to feed Ogun with one rooster, roasted corn, roasted yams and palm oil. On this, Ifa says:

Ewu l'ori arugbo

Kasan l'orun aj'ewa

Akutapa okete

Dia fun Olori-Ire

Tii s'omo Ogunda Ose 

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb'ebo, o ru'bo 

Gunnugun kii ku l'ewe

Kangere, ma d'agba ma d'arugbo, kangere

Akalamagbo won kii ku l'ewe

Kangere, ma d'agba ma d'arugbo, kangere.


Grey hair fills the head of an aged person

Veins appear round the neck of beans consumer

When big rat dies, its limbs are stretched before it is smoked 

Ifa's messages for Olori-Ire, the Lucky One

The offspring of Ogunda Ose 

He wasadvised to offer ebo

He complied

The vulture never dies young

I will live to my old age

And Akalamagbo vulture never dies young

I will live to my old age.

8. Ifa says that Ifa and Orisa devotees throughout the world will be blessed with all ire of life. Ifa however warns that we need to be contented with the blessings that Olodumare has given to us. We must not be greedy; we must not cheat; we must not tell lies and we must not be diabolic in all our undertakings in life.

Ifa advises each Temple to offer ebo with one he goat, one she goat, four pigeons and money. There us also the need to feed Ifa with one she goat.

Apaadi to d'oju de ogiri

T'ogiri nii se

Dia fun Orunmila 

Baba n sunkun oun o ri're pe

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb'ebo, o ru'bo 

Nje ti'nu-t'eyin mi re e o

Labalaba kii s'ede

Ti'nu-t'eyin mi re e o.


Any potshwrd that faces the wall

Belongs to the wall

Ifa's message for Orunmila 

When lamenting and complaining his inability to have all ire of life

He wasadvised to offer ebo

He complied

I harbor no secret anywhere

The butterfly harbors no diabolical plan

This is me in and out.

9. Ifa warns all devotees not to be foing out in the dead of the night. All Temple leaders and administrators need to warn all their members to desist drom going out in the night. It is to protect members from danger. 

Ifa advises each Temple to offer ebo with one he goat  three guinea fowls and money. On this, Ifa says:

Alapandede nii ko si'le ana a re koro

Oko eni nii wo'le to'ni

Dia fun Oru

Ti n loo gbe Olowo n'iyawo

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se 

O ko'ti ogbonyin s'ebo 

Nje Oru o ma m'Olowo

Ifa k'eni ma rin l'oru.


The bat flies into its mother's nest quietly

One's husband is he who has the right to enter one's room

Ifa's message for Oru, the Dead of the Night

When going to marry Olowo as wife

He was advised to offer ebo 

He failed to comply

The dead of the night has no respect for any honorable person

Ifa warns all not to go out at night.

10. Ifa advises all devotees to take very good care of their hygiene. They need to eat healthy meals. This will help chase ailments away from all members. There is the need for Temple leaders to lay emphasis on personal and enviromental hygiene to members of their congregations.

Ebo materials here are one he goat, three guinea fowls and money. Special akose can also be prepared for members suffering from any ailment.

Ogunda-see o m'ese oyun

Aba o m'ese onde

Oosa gbagbe, ko la'se e pepeye

A ti nba won rin

A o mo'nu u won

A o m'eke

A n b'eke l'owo

Dia fun Olofin

Won ni ko ru'bo

Ki arun-un kange-kange o ma baa se e

O gb'ebo, o ru'bo 

Ipepe la mu sin'ra

Agbon la fi gb'arun danu.


Ogunda Ose cannot detected the footprint of a pregnant woman 

The chain cannot detect the legs of its captive

Orisa forgot to separate the toes of a duck

We are miving with them

We do not know their mind

We do not know the liar

We are shaking hands with cheats

Ifa's messages for Olofin

When he wasadvised to offer ebo 

In order to avoid being inflicted with ailments

He complied

We have used strong barks to strengthen our body 

And used basket to chase ailments away

11. Ifa says that there is the need for all Temples to offer ebo for the protection of the young ones in the Temples against untimely death and calamity.

Ebo materials here are one completely black she goat, one completely black female sheep and one completely black hen. These materials will be used to feed Iroko tree. On this, Ifa says:

Okun ya di'na

O mi lengbe sihin-in

O mi lengbe sohun-un

Dia fun Iya Irenre-Molode

To yoo ma f'omo re da'jo

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se 

O gb'ebo, o ru'bo 

Ewure dudu mo mu bo Iroko

Ki'ku o ma pa Irenre-Molode omo o mi o

Aguntan dudu mo mu bo Iroko

Ki'ku o ma pa Irenre-Molode omo o mi o

Adie okoko dudu momu bo Iroko

Ki'ku o ma pa Irenre-Molode omo o mi o


The sea overflows its bank

It flows to this side

And flows majestically to the other side

Ifa's message for the mother of Irenre-Molode

Who had been losing herchildren to death

She was advised to offer ebo 

She complied

A black she goat i have procured to feed Iroko

May death not snatch away Irenre-Molode my child

A black ewe i have brought to feed Iroko

May death not take away Irenre-Molode my baby

I have brought a black hen to propitiate Iroko

May death spare the life of Irenre-Molode my child

12. Ifa warns all devotees not to inflict pain on those who had once helped them in one way or the other. Members must never pay good deeds with evil. Not heeding this warning may lead to serious repercaution for the culprit.

Ebo materials here are three he goats and money. On this, Ifa says:

Oka lo m'ori jo ade

Okuuku lo fi fifa jo ere

Dia fun Ogun 

Ti a bi l'ode Ire

Ti won o ja a lo wo ni'luu Ibese

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se 

Oore qaa d'ese n'Ibese 

Oore d'ese

Eyin ara Ibese

E ma ma s'oore mo o

Oore d'ese n'Ibese o.


The head of a cobra resembles a crown

The cloth weaver's box drags like a python

Ifa's message for Ogun

Who was born at Ire town

And was trained in Ibese land

He wasadvised to offer ebo

Good deeds has turned to a sin in Ibese town

Benevolence has become a sin

Inhabitants of Ibese

Dont display benevolence anymore

Good deed has become a sin in Ibese town.


1. Ifa

2. Ori

3. Esu Odara

4. Ogun

5. Egungun

6. Egbe

7. Sango

8. Osun

9. Orisa Oko

10. Iroko


1. Must never kill or eat a snake

2. Must never deny responsibility over pregnancy issue

3. Must never pay good deeds with evil

4. Must never eat mushrooms

5. Must never wear black or red dress

6. Must never go out at night

7. Must never cheat, lie or be diabolical

8. Must never snatch another person's spouse or lover

9. Must never give false promises

10. Must never fail to take care of personal hygiene


Solagbade Popoola, ficssmn

President, International Council For Ifa Religion

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