Saturday, 14 October 2023

Is Egypt in Africa?

This is a thorny question that has always been a mystery to many, and confusion continues over the years. The North African country is almost in a continental tug of war. Is it in Africa or Asia? This is the truth about everything. Is Egypt considered part of Africa? Egypt is what we call a transcontinental country. It is located in both Africa and Asia. However, the most important part of Egypt is located in Africa, which is why most consider it Africa. The other little piece of Egypt is located in Asia. It is the Sinai Peninsula, in the southwestern corner of the country. Egypt is one of the oldest countries in the world. The Mediterranean Sea separates Egypt from Europe.

Palestrina, the Gulf of Aqaba, and the Red Sea separate Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan from the east. Egypt is also bordered to the south by Sudan and to the west by Libya. Read also: Cloud kitchen platform Egypt Food Lab raised $4.5 million So when answering this question: Is Egypt located in Africa, keep in mind that it extends across Africa and Asia. Step pyramid in Egypt. Is Egypt in both Africa and Asia? Egypt is located in both Africa and Asia. It finds itself in the middle east and west of the Suez Canal. There are only three other countries in the world that find themselves in such a unique situation. Read also: IFC invests US$15 million in Algebra Ventures to help Egyptian tech startups While many continue to explore the topic about Egypt in Africa, just know that it is a member of the African Union. They joined in 1963. Since the other part of Egypt is in Asia, they are also a member of the Arab League. Is Egypt part of Africa or the Middle East? In the case of Middle Eastern countries, people often refer to those closest to Africa (Egypt) as African. At the same time, the countries closest to Asia, such as (Oman, Iran, Iraq, and others) are Asian. However, they are collectively known as the Middle East. The Asian part of Egypt was once a desert inhabited by a semi-nomadic tribe. According to legend, this is the land where Moses and the entire Hebrew nation wandered for 40 years. The Asian region of Egypt is sparsely populated, with the canal on one side and a barrier on the other.

What Do Egyptians Call Egypt?

People may not see Egyptians as Afro ethnic, which probably makes them feel like they can not claim the African title. Some do not relate to Africa, and so deny the identification. But Africa claims them and is proud to have Egypt as one of them. With geography usually winning the argument, we can not discount the Asian ties.

The sub-Saharan landscape of Egypt’s west and south has long been difficult to traverse. Still, the Sinai Peninsula provided a more direct route to Asia. This allowed more trade and commerce to move across land and better relations with Asian and Middle Eastern countries. It had a more significant influence on Egypt’s culture, customs, food, and way of life than in Africa.

Egypt had closer links with the Indian subcontinent and Europe. Thanks to its 1,522-mile coastline and access to the Mediterranean and Red seas, this influenced Egypt. When they created the Suez Canal, Egypt and the rest of Asia and the Middle East became even closer. This as a result of increased commerce and cultural interaction.

As a result, Egypt remains part of Africa physically. Still, it may be called Asian or even Middle Eastern in all other respects. This is, however, a question of opinion rather than fact.

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