Electricity is present in Nature.
That's Sango.
Your body generates electricity for nervous coordination.
That's Sango in you.
Two identified areas where Sango essences can be revealed to humanity as a tool of production in the Electricity (power) sector and the Medical sector.
But you will find out that members of the Sango cult in Yorubaland are simply celebratory Sango - used for yearly shows and festival of art. The science, which is the profession of the Sango practitioners of the age is not in anyway utilized (if they still know it) for the benefit of Yorubaland.
Why do you think that is so?
The Colonizer took the science from its crude form with the scientists they captured as slaves and developed everything into what it is today. Then went further to create an academia that was designed to send the descendants of the scientists on an entirely different path from where the source of Knowledge is.
From the proceeds that they make marketing the science, they fund the advancement of their religions in our land. The PRIMARY ESSENCE of their religion is to take us Away from the knowledge of our science, labelling it evil.
Do you understand this?
This pouch (picture) below is a security pouch that's coded with rechargeable high energy compounds that can be used to neutralize enemies be it man or beast. It was developed for use by an scientist (Ìmẹ̀gùn) who was also a hunter. This one is close to 200 years old.
It is called "Bàǹtẹ́" in Yorubaland. The science is still very much available.
Now, this is how this security pouch was made 200 years ago. Imagine how much advancement would have happened to this technology if for 200 years it has got consistent funding for research and development as what is done in sane climes?
Consider the economic benefit of the development of thousands of this kinds of technology and the countless derivatives that would have been discovered in the process of practicals.
The arresting powers of colonization don't want an advancement to African science, they want an extinction to Africans so that they can comfortably take the land. But when they first tried to live in the land, it killed them - with Malaria. They can't live on the land so they found culpables amongst us to spread their agenda - they go by the names Bishop, Pastor, Archbishop, Deacon, Deaconess, Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Professor, Doctor and the likes.
Guess what? We are Awake and Aware.
Àwa Oṣó.
By Ayobami Ogedengbe
Copyright: © 2021
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