Wednesday, 17 July 2024

History of the World timeline that includes African history

- 350,000 years ago: Emergence of Homo sapiens in Africa

- 300,000 years ago: Early humans develop advanced tools and long distance trade

- 198,000 years ago: Earliest beds discovered in Africa

- 150,000 years ago: Development of early human language

- 130,000 years ago: Seafaring and trade in Crete

- 100,000 years ago: Jewelry and adornment in Africa

- 91,000 years ago: Advanced fishing techniques in Katanda

- 78,000 years ago: Ceremonial burials hint afterlife beliefs

- 75,000 years ago: Ochre engravings in Blombos Cave

- 61,000 years ago: Bows and arrows in Sibudu

- 60,000 years ago: Early written symbols in Diepkloof

- 41,000 years ago: Mining activities in Eswatini commence

- 35,000 years ago: Lunar calendar using Lebombo bone

- 25,000-8,000 years ago: Sacred cows domesticated in Africa

- 14,000-5,000 years ago: Gobero Kiffian culture flourishes

- 13,000-9,000 years ago: Qadan culture in North Africa (Paleolithic Egypt)

- 10,000-9,000 years ago: Ounjougou culture in Mali emerges

- 9,700-4,000 years ago: Nabta Playa constructs astronomical structures and calendars (Neolithic Egypt)

- 9,000 years ago: Astronomy guides early human societies

- 7,000 years ago: Trepanation and circumcision practices begin

- 6,000 years ago: Early forms of religion emerge

- 6,000-4,000 BCE Decentralised Egypt (Dakhleh Oasis, Bashendi culture, Merimde culture, Faiyum Oasis)

- 4,000-2,600 BCE Competing city-states, Predynastic Egypt (Naqada I, II, and III) and Thinite Confederation 

- 4,000-2,600 BCE In China, the Yangtze and Yellow River Basins played pivotal roles, witnessing cultures like Yangshao, Beixin, Majiayao, Longshan, Dawenkou, and Hongshan. These cultures showcased early farming practices, pottery, and social developments.

- 3,500-3,200 BCE: Diplomacy practiced in Ta Seti

- 3,500 BCE: Qustul incense burner depicts boats

- c. 3100 BCE: Unification of Upper and Lower Egypt

- 3,000 BCE -1 AD: Bantu expansion from West and Central Africa

- 3000 BCE -1 AD: Neolithic Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda

- 2,500-1,500 BCE Kingdom of Kerma

- 2,600-334 BCE Dynastic Egypt (Old kingdom to Late Period)

- c. 2500 BCE: Construction of the Great Pyramids of Giza

- c. 2,300-1,800 BCE: Iron Age Begins in the Southeast Nigeria, Cameroon, and Central African Republic

- 4,400 years ago: Loom weaving begins in Africa

- Circa 2200 BCE: Introduction of wheeled vehicles by the Afanasevo culture.

- 4,000 years ago: Domestication of donkeys in Sudan; spreads worldwide across Afro-Eurasia appearing in the book of Genesis and impact transportation and communication across several cultures.

- c. 1600-1100 BCE: Rise of the Mycenaean Civilization

- 1500-500 BCE: Early Israelite and Judean (Yehudi) states emerge from Egypt (according Josephus, the Torah, Tacitus, Diodorus Siculus, and Philo of Alexandria)

- 1500-500 BCE: Nok Civilisation

- 1500-500 BCE: Daima Civilisation

- c. 1200-900 BCE: Iron Age Begins in the Near East

- Circa 1000 BCE: Turkic tribes of Central Asia develop significant Bronze Age monuments, including deer stones and kurgans.

- c. 776 BCE: First Olympic Games in Ancient Greece

- 6th century BCE Zoroastrianism and Buddhism founded

- The Achaemenid Empire ruled from approximately 550 to 330 BCE.

- c. 509 BCE: Establishment of the Roman Republic

- c. 332 BCE: Alexander the Great Conquers Egypt

- c. 209 BCE: Formation of the Iron Age Xiongnu Empire, establishing pastoral nomadism.

- c. 221 BCE: Qin Dynasty Unifies China

- c. 27 BCE: Augustus Becomes First Roman Emperor

- 0-40AD Birth of Christ and ministry for three years

- 1st-5th centuries: African Church Fathers' significant impact

- 1st century to 9th century: Aksum Empire in East Africa

- 1st-12th centuries: Swahili states expand trading links with India, China, Persian Gulf and Arabia attracting merchants.

- 2nd century AD: 1st African Roman emperor Septimius Severus and 1st African Pope

- c. 313 CE: Edict of Milan Legalizes Christianity

- c. 476 CE: Fall of the Western Roman Empire

- 700-1600 CE: Ghana Empire thrives in trade

- c. 622 CE: Muhammad's Hijra to Medina

- 8th century: Islamic expansion across North Africa, and start of Arabic slave trade in 7 million Africans and 2 million Europeans (including mainly Spaniards, Portuguese, Italians, Frenchmen, Dutchmen, Greeks, Portuguese, Irish, Scandinavians, Russians, and Georgians)

- 711 AD - 1492: Moorish Rule of Spain and Portugal

- c. 800 CE: Charlemagne Crowned Emperor of the Romans

- 10th - 13th centuries AD: Agaw/Zagwe Dynasty destroyed the Aksumite Empire and built the rock-cut churches of Lalibela in Ethiopia

900 BCE - 1850 AD: Precolonial Africa's 2,000 states and societies (During the Middle Ages, Islam spread west from Arabia to Egypt, crossing the Maghreb and the Sahel. Some notable pre-colonial states and societies in Africa include the Ajuran Empire, Bachwezi Empire, D'mt, Adal Sultanate, Alodia, Aro theocracy, Dagbon Kingdom, Warsangali Sultanate, Buganda Kingdom, Kingdom of Nri, Nok culture, Mali Empire, Bono State, Songhai Empire, Benin Empire, the Oromo confederacy, Oyo Empire, Kingdom of Lunda (Punu-yaka), Ashanti Empire, Ghana Empire, Mossi Kingdoms, Mutapa Empire, Kingdom of Mapungubwe, Kingdom of Sine, Kingdom of Sennar, Kingdom of Saloum, Kingdom of Baol, Kingdom of Cayor, Kingdom of Zimbabwe, Kingdom of Kongo, Empire of Kaabu, Empire of Kanem-Bornu, Kingdom of Ile Ife, Kwararafa confederacy, Tiv confederacy, Ancient Carthage, Numidia, Mauretania, and the Solomonic Dynasty)

c. 1206 CE: Genghis Khan Unifies Mongol Tribes

c. 1250-1350: Mongol Empire Expands Across Eurasia

- 1218-1886 AD: Kingdom of Warsangali thrives

- 1200 Olofin Ooni of Ife Oduduwa unites Ile Ife

- 13th - 15th century: Mali Empire rises in power

- 1324 CE: Mansa Musa's pilgrimage to Mecca

- 14th century: Mogadishu becomes a trading hub

- 15th century: Songhai Empire reaches its height

- Medieval period: Coptic manuscripts document early Christianity

1454 - 1865 AD: Transatlantic Slave Trade in 12 million - 15 million Africans

1492 - 1800 Theft of 42.5 million square kilometres in the Americas and Caribbean; and the death of 55 million native Americans due to mass-murder and diseases (“Discovery of the New World”)

1500-1914 Colonization of Asia, the Pacific and Africa including the deaths of 50 million people (across India, Indonesia, Indochina [today known as Vietnam], the Congo Free State claiming 10 million - 20 million lives, and other regions)

- 1517: Martin Luther's 95 Theses Spark Protestant Reformation

1600- Present: Asante Kingdom Founded in Kumasi.*

- 1614: Arrival of the Jesuits in Japan

- 1618-1648: Thirty Years' War in Europe

- 1776: American Declaration of Independence Signed

- 1789: French Revolution Begins with Storming of Bastille

- 1807-1834: Abolition of slave trade in 1807 and slavery in 1834 in British territories

- 1861-1865: American Civil War Fought

- 1884: Western Europe hold a conference in Berlin to plan an invasion, murder millions of people, and steal the resources of Africa

- 1914-1918: World War I Occurs (40 million people die)

- 1936-1945: World War II Occurs (60 million people die)

- 1949: People's Republic of China Established

- 1952 - 1994: African Independence Begins

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