Wednesday 1 September 2021

The Death of A Pope

When a Pope dies, the Prefect of the Pontifical House must announce the news to Cardinal Camarlengo, the Substitute for the Secretary of State, the Master of the Liturgical Celebrations of the Holy Father and the prelates of the Apostolic Chamber. All the aforementioned prelates arrive at the place where the corpse of the Pope is. The Camarlengo addresses everyone with a few words, to revive his faith. 

Later, the Director of the Sanitary Services of the Vatican City, examines the body to verify the death and its causes. When he has done so, the Camarlengo says: 'Pastor nostro, Románus Póntifex N, cum Christo mórtuus est', that is, 'Our Pastor, the Roman Pontiff N, has died with Christ'. After a moment of silence, he invites everyone to pray. And he sings or says a response, which ends with the Salve. The Camarlengo removes the fisherman's ring from the pope and proceeds to destroy it together with the seal, in order to avoid falsifying documents. 

Afterwards, the doctor arranges everything for the preservation of the corpse and the Master of Liturgical Celebrations is in charge of covering it with the ornaments for the Red Mass, and of putting the miter and pallium on it. He also puts on the splint. Formerly, to verify the death of the Pope, the Camarlengo struck him three times on the forehead with a silver hammer. After each hit, he called him by his first name. If he did not respond, the Camarlengo said 'vere papa mortuus est', 'truly the Pope is dead'. After the death of Pius IX this rite was omitted. 

The same happened with the following Popes, so this rite fell into disuse until it was suppressed by Saint John XXIII. When the death of the Pope is announced, the bells of St. Peter's Basilica begin to ring to the death, and the bronze gate of the Apostolic Palace is closed in the middle. When the corpse of the Holy Father is covered, it is taken to the place of the Apostolic Palace designated by the Master of the Liturgical Celebrations. 

Next to the lifeless body the paschal candle and a container with holy water are placed. Upon arrival, the Camarlengo, in a choral habit and red stole, presides over the prayer of a response, which ends with sprinkling the corpse with holy water. After the response, the corpse is watched by the Penitentiaries of St. Peter's Basilica, who wear a red stole. In that place there are brief moments of prayer, celebrations of the word, the Liturgy of the Hours is said and rosaries are recited.


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