Monday 22 February 2021

Alkebulan spirituality Ka-Ra-Nga

Chapter 102


1.  Ka-The spirit which dwells in Alkebulan, the nature of the divine (ubungoni-the desire for purity and cleanliness, righteousness, empathy and humanity, Ubuntu the very breath of NTU locked in the chest of Bantu. 

2.  The relationship blender singaBantu- we are humanbeings- we belong to NTU, sakubona/mhoroi/dumelang I see NTU in you and I experience the presence of the plural ancestry, the council, in your body as the meeting place of your geneology. I honour and respect whose through whom you have become.

3.  In  greeting we merge spirits and recognise the divinity in each other: acknowledge ancestors' presence within you, through them your KA/spirit  has physical form.  

4.  Khnum/the Creator on a clay wheel/Musikavanhu, uMdali, the  potter placed the KA into the clay form. 

5.  Alkebulan has a clear knowledge of creation way before the writing of the Bible and arrogance of Christianity. The creation story was told before the Bible was written.

6.   In all her languages she has a Name for the Khnum as creator, as source, originator, ancestor, the one within our forefathers. 

7   The life within the form(clay), the very force of life and existence, impilo/vupenyu is the undying presence of Ka/which is part of NTU in Ba-ntu. 

8.  Ra- the light/ the sun/the heat/Amun-Ra, Ra/Re (manifest every morning form the East, and dies in the west.

9.   In the night Ra's shadow goes to the  underworld (shadow of death) darkness which covered the waters, darkness in the womb, and the season of the seed under the ground.

10.  It is from the Mlambos/waters/occean waters that life begins even our mothers wombs carry the waters  of birth. 

11.  In Alkebulan  totems and use of water is as sacred as life and rebirth. Water washes within and without, all life is connected to her.

12.  Ra -sun (dryness), water(humidity), and land become the venue for life with the sun/Ra as the ruler high up on the sky represented by the (falcon/eagle/Hungwe/ukhozi). 

13.  The tribes of the south (suthu/Tswana would continue to use Ra(male)/Re (female) as greetings and Ramaseli-the lord of light.

14.  Nga-the wisdom/knowledge and understanding, not just wisdom of words but harmony life, inclusive are herbs and secrets of life. 

15   The healing powers as in the serpent above the crown of ancient Pharaohs. The snake has come to represent the healing arts in modern societies from this ancient symbol of Alkebulan.

16.  Ka my spirit  desires (Kara) Ra- light/wisdom  Nga and healing.  It is a descipline (ranga). When one  spirit lives in the  Light (Raka) they find true Nga. 

17.  The tribe  Ka-Ra-Nga/kalanga-belonging to the sun, the totems of Zwide-Ka-Langa(langa-sun), mh-langa-reeds in the sun, are great Angoni links to the Embo-kemitic connections. 

18.  If every tribe would define itself Alkebulan will have an Embodiment/embroidery of her identity.  

19.  Colonization has taught how different we are... But our history shows us how connected we are. Alkebulan you are one nation, a Nation filled with the light of Ra and the wisdom of healing arts is within you.

20. What is your tribe? What does it mean? I am Ka-Ra-Nga!

21.  That they may know themselves, smell themselves, see themselves in the true light, purify their thoughts, unblock their ears,and taste the sweetness of the land, and reach out to touch each other.

I am the watcher from the future living with you in the present with solutions from the past. the past! The gospel according to Maponga j Farmers of thought Maponga Yahshua iii Marara.

Farmers of Thought.

Kiing Prophet Priest (KPP) Svosve Changa Mbire Dynasty Dzimbabgwe.

AiM (#AfrikanIndegenousMovement) #AIMfor cultural unity11 #FarmerOfThought #Afrikansolutions #AIMforGreen

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