Friday 26 February 2021



an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

A Country's Trade and Industry are controlled by private owners for (private) profit:

Capitalism has to market the love for money and hype on the quest for material acquisition. At least, the things that are being produced won't buy themselves, it has to be bought by the world population and something has to motivate them.

So how do they sell it?

First, they attack the Soul/Spirit. 

The John Calvin doctrine of predestination posits that one of the indices of salvation is material prosperity. This is Christianity in a nutshell. It is why the preachers dress in fine suits or some other fine clothes to look "expensive" so as to attract the ones who would love to look like that too. They are marketers.

Then they hype on - if you come to Jesus, all the blessings of Abraham (material riches) shall be yours and you will make heaven. 

In that way, Christianity is used to drive Capitalism. Think of the Subtle serpent: "the woman SAW THAT THE TREE WAS GOOD FOR FOOD".

Second, they poison the minds. 

The champions of capitalism also control the media. They take the attention of people through systemic education via entertainment from the true idea of community and wealth, to material acquisition which can only assessed by money. This is why the hip-hop music is filled with bragging about wealth. Think of Lil Wayne, Rick Ross, etc.

Thirdly, they control the economy. Money is a human invention and the owners of capitalism are the ones who print the paper called money. They are the ones that give the ordinary paper the value it has. They decide the amount of money to be printed. They make it scarce and make (inspire) the entire world population to work for having a bit of it. 

The value of the currency can either increase or decrease depending on which one will pay the industry owners at any point in time. A few people will get rich but the idea is to keep the majority poor.

Fifth, they know the importance of poverty. They know that poverty inspires/ensures loyalty. They know that they need to keep the people poor enough for the people to be able to work hard in the hope that one day they too will breakthrough - religion is meant to keep giving this hope to these poor working class people.

Sixth, they finance their candidates into power. These men don't vie for public offices. They are too big. They are the ones politicians answer to. They employ politicians. They choose the presidents, the governors, the senators. This is because they need to drive the policies that will sustain their profit margin even as they look forward to break new territories. Since they own the TV stations, they know how to create the needed perspective and narratives that will make the masses fall in love with a particular candidate that they have chosen as one through which they want to drive their agenda. The President of your country answers to these men.

This is how our present society is structured. 

Not many people know what is really going on here. 

But who are the owners of Capitalism?

Let's take a little lesson from how it evolved:

The perpetrators of evil (social injustice) in the world over the years have not changed. They are still with us in their descendants who continue their forefathers legacies.

The muscles behind Capitalism can be traced back to the families of the Slave owners from history. 

When slavery became too expensive to manage due to slave uprisings - not because the meek Jesus entered the hearts of the slave owners who were predominantly Christians (for the ones in Europe) - the slave owners became Feudal lords.

It was some form of evolution, they still held the means of production but now instead of slavery, the people had to work for their wage. You can read up more on Feudalism.

After Feudalism was also fought against and it became unbearable for the oppression to continue, the same bloodline evolved and now we have capitalism.

The means of wealth has therefore remained in the hands of a few for generations past, but even though slavery has ended and no one can be forced to work now, a sort of religious and psychological programming is needed to keep the peasant in a continuous rat race in service to the selfish forces. 

In other words, the capitalist needs our greed to stay in business. This is why artists like Davido, Naira Marley and all those who entertain with the idea of living a flamboyant life will continue to find Ambassadorial positions with multinationals and governments.

This is the world we live in. 

Shall we evolve further? Perhaps. 

By Ayobami Ogedengbe 

Copyrights: © 2021

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