While many rush to celebrate Valentine's day, it’s a known fact that many break up after Valentine. You haven't seen anything yet. As you are reading this, Many fights are going on. On the phone. On WhatsApp, Twitter and in person.
This dick and pussy ownership matter is not a joke. And a sad matter too.
Ask yourself this. Why is it that people around 40-55yrs old are mostly divorced or separated but keeping up appearances. At a time they are supposed be enjoying their union. Look around us ...
Single mother by choice or accident is the order of the day. Senior play boy or man friend is the cherished desire of most girls now. No one has time for true friendship companionships or love. All is done for a reason or reward and if not gotten, they are out. So who is still in it for the reasons. Do u see why getting with a partner is difficult and if done, it’s always skewed.
It is said that married women are more promiscuous than young ladies but coded. In fact, they have second husband as a new statement about their social levels.
A lady of that age in that situation is still requesting to get s single loaded man. Even at that middle age. While a man of same age just wants a woman to respect him and offer good companionship. Men are from Mars, women are from Jupiter. It’s as if morals and coupling have scattered and everything in disarray.
Men having second wife is no news but diaspora men keeping Nigerian wives in Nigeria is growing because they are not happy with the one in the house, and they are as well not ready to replace with another open eyed diaspora lady yet stay in the marriage because of the kids. Same at times apply to the ladies in diaspora too. They travel on hold to meet up and be happy for a period and then come back to hell called a house instead of it being a home.
The whole marriage this isn’t deemed as a sacred institution anymore, rather, a useful or useless necessity. I therefore worry for the old ages of this generation and the loneliness ahead. The example to there kids is another write up and disaster waiting to explode. Their children don’t believe in marriage but just to copulate. Hmm!
Sadly, women seem to be the enemies of women in all this if the truth must be told. Misinformation, wrong advice, hot temper, sense of ownership and entitlement, complacencies, vendetta and many more behavioural anomalies are amongst the long list of recipes for separation and the men are not absolved totally in this if I might add.
Come Valentine, we will all commercialise it and start the sad routine again. If you can’t treat your partner like everyday is Valentine then just know you are waiting to become a fallout statistic of Valentine.
Romeo, Romeo where for at thou Romeo, come and see the commotion on ground o!
Thanks for reading.
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