Friday, 10 June 2016

Ndiaga Mbaga, Senegalese Percussionist and Musician

Ndiaga MBAYE is a Senegalese musician and percussionist. He is well known in his country for his musical prowess and activities. He has taken part in a lot of festivals around the world because he always researches on how to improve on his works. He is a friend of my group The African Percussionists (TAP). He has just completed a cultural programme in Senegal involving cultural activists from other neighbouring African countries. 

The project is interesting and it is entitled ° history of Gorée ° with the slaves. The interesting aspect of the project is that it is like the festival theatre, Carnival, Fanfare etc. And it is a group that is made up of musicians from five different countries. These musicians are Senegalese, Guinean, Gambian, Ghanaian and Ivorian. And this group plays afro-mbalakh music with orchestra that uses typically African instruments like two kora, balafon, and flip. 

The group is also accompanied with  three guitars, two keyboards, drums and other percussive instruments that enhance good African music. This group is prominent in cultural activities and social events in Senegal and they are also collaborating with other cultural groups in their neighbourhood in Africa to put up entertaining, educative and informative programmes.

Ndiaga Mbaye is a gift to the continent of Africa and his group will go far because they are original in all their musical works. They are currently based in Senegal and they are looking forward to be invited to participate in cultural programmes in Africa or across the world.

Copyrights: © Olalekan Oduntan 2016

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