Saturday, 3 July 2021


When Adolph Hitler started his plans against the Jews in Germany there were many Jews who couldn't bring themselves to believe that such a scheme against them was possible.

They reasoned like Nationalists, it was such a "parochial" argument by those who carried the "rumours" and traded in "primordial sentiments".

They argued that they have been in Germany and indeed other parts of Europe for CENTURIES and were fully assimilated therein. They considered themselves no less Germans than the race Hitler claimed to be a superior race over theirs.

They were WARNED AND ALERTED but they refused to believe.

There were many men like the great Scientist,  Albert Einstein who stayed back until it was nearly too late.

Then it came and it caught millions unprepared.  it is said  that over 6m Jews, many from the very cream of Jewry,  eventually got caught in the insanity of Adolph Hitler and were killed in a wave of genocide.

Same thing is playing out in Nigeria right under our noses.

We are seeing it but we are too unprepared to believe it is happening.

Even with the benefit of hindsight and the MANY SIGN POSTS we see roundabout us we fail to understand the clear dangers of an approaching Genocide on the indigenous people of Nigeria especially the Yorubas and Igbos.

The FULANIZATION AND ISLAMIZATION AGENDA started a long time ago when the Federal Government of Nigeria took over the Missionary schools and at about the same time encouraged a proliferation of warped doctrines of Christianity and Islam which have totally changed the configurations of the social balances all over the country.

The signs are just too obvious. It is so amazing that we refuse to learn from history, history is full of all the ways and styles of operation of the Fulani ethnic group, even history as recent as what happened in the Congo, Sokoto, Ilorin, Zango-Kataf, His, Benue etc.

The FULANIS have never bothered to cover their tracks, not until recently when they are desperately trying to discourage the study of HISTORY in the curriculum of our schools.

1. By clandestine overtures, the Fulanis have taken over the EXECUTIVE, LEGISLATIVE AND JUDICIAL ARMS OF NIGERIA.


3. They control the SEAS AND WATERS through the NAVY, NPA, NIMASA CUSTOMS etc.

4. They have taken control of the NATIONAL REVENUES majorly determined by NNPC and FOREX.

5. They are in firm control of FOOD by using the Ministry of Agriculture and CBN to encourage the farmers of the North while frustrating those of the South and middle belt by the unceasing incursions of Herdsmen Militias and their cattle roaming all over the place.

6. By a dangerous play of the highest CONSPIRACIES, they have FLANKED a network of a group of barbarians masquerading as BANDITS, HERDSMEN MILITIA AND BOKO to cover the entire Northern region from the NW through the NC to the NE. It is only too obvious that these guys are only getting prepped up for their eventual entries down south which is already happening.

7. Over the last 10years there has been a VERY NOTICEABLE mass movement of foot Soldiers all over the south who are currently masquerading as Okada riders, Alms beggars, Mai guard, scrap metal pickers etc.

Those guys are all over the place studying every inch of the land and neighborhoods.

The Fulanis inter-mingle quite pretentiously as though they were assimilating while in actual fact they are erecting a FULANI CIVILIZATION right under the noses of our people and altering the demographics of these areas.

While all these are going on our  forest reserves are full of heavily armed Militias who are constantly harassing farmers away from their lands, taking People hostages for ransom payments, raping women and killing innocent citizens who happen to be unlucky to meet them.

The combination of these actions further IMPOVERISHED the people, poverty is worsening at an alarming rate and the people are consequently now more malleable and easier to conquer.

8. Our local people are still very much capable of rising up to the challenges of security around us but our POLITICAL LEADERS have been caged through the instrumentality of POLITICAL EXPEDIENCY and  GREED which have blinded then from reason and the FEAR OF EFCC [ controlled by same Fulanis ] keeps them in check.

The same Political Leaders prevail on our TRADITIONAL INSTITUTIONS, KEPT THEM ON TIGHT LEASH, and our people are rendered impotent.

9. Meanwhile, ISA PANTAMI, a man who is heavily sworn to ISLAMIZATION, is the one in charge of our data. He knows every of our information. He got us into SIM Registration, NIN and very soon, PHONE REGISTRATION.

The skills and resources available to him haven't been able to detect how the Bandits and Boko Haram are able to manage their communications for YEARS.

10. Very so often we hear from AGF Abubakar Malami, SSA Garba Shehu, MIYETTI ALLAH, HISBAH,  FUNAM, GUMI, EVEN ONION SELLERS  and a host of others talk freely, threaten as much as they wish, sometimes they issue ultimatums  and they simply go to bed.

Ahmad Gumi can even publicly accuse Christian SOLDIERS of killing Muslim BANDITS and warning us that we MUST NEGOTIATE with Bandits if we ever hope to find peace.

Garba Shehu can publicly tell Benue People that MUST give lands to Herdsmen for their private businesses if they want to live in peace.

Nasir El-Rufai, a sitting Governor told us publicly that he took money to FULANI BANDITS to beg them to stop killing People.

Aminu Bello Masari, another sitting Governor was happily posing for pictures with an arm-bearing bandit even as a soldier of the Nigerian Army stood beside them.

11. But Nnamdi Kanu and Sunday Igboho do not have the right to talk freely about their desires of SELF DETERMINATION ON THEIR ANCESTRAL LANDS even when they hadn't carried arms.

Even as the Army, DSS and Police know the locations of the Bandits all over, they don't go there but will rather visit the homes of Kanu and Igboho WITH SOLDIERS to "deal with them".

12. Even as Hisbah can stop the sales of BEER IN KANO, publicly destroying the goods of a trader, and the same Hisbah Perverts are telling Tailors to stop using Mannequins for display on their clothes, THE COMBINED DECISION OF 17 GOVERNORS OF THE SOUTH TO STOP OPEN GRAZING will not be allowed by the Northerners!

Even when Zamfara and many Northern State Governors can implement Shari'a and their Hisbah Police to PROTECT RELIGION, the same people will not allow the Governors of the SW to have ÀMÒTÉKÙN to PROTECT THEIR CITIZENS.

Oh My God!!!

13. A small Okada rider in Sángo in Ibadan must not hurt his foot otherwise you will have to recieve many Governors from the North accompanying the local Seriki of the area to go BREATHE DOWN THE NECK OF THAT STATE GOVERNOR.

The "Hausa-Fulani" man starts a fight in Ile-Ife and he got beaten by his Yoruba opponent,  the immediate reaction of the police is to send invitation to the Yoruba man and chiefs of Ile-Ife TO REPORT TO ABUJA immediately.

Iskilu Wakilu was openly terrorising the people of Igangan for years, even said to have boasted that he owned his part of town and no one could remove him. Even when he was heavily armed, some brave sons of Igangan went after him, got him and took him to the Police. The men who thought they were bringing peace got themselves locked up for over three months.

If you as much as have an argument with an "aboki" in Abeokuta here  you will get MOBBED in matter of minutes by his fellow "abokis". If you attempt to take the matter to the Police station, you will only be wasting your time because you may yourself end up in the cell if you are not careful. They will NEVER be the ones in cell, NEVER!

When a PEOPLE get to the 13 points listed above, they are ripe for any other things that will hit them.

We have now reached the stage where the Fulanis are just short of proclaiming themselves a Superior race/ethnic group in Nigeria.

We are a few years away from TOTAL SUBJUGATION, especially the Yorubas.

These things are happening at a very alarmingly fast rate in the last 6years of Buhari but we are just too UNREALISTIC AND BLINDED BY THE PRIDE AND FOOLISHNESS OF "CORRECTNESS" to see the clear sign posts of dangers that stare at us.

There will never be a RESTRUCTURING in Nigeria, banish the thought because it doesn't serve the interest of the emerging agenda.

Nothing short of a breakup of Nigeria will save us.

The YORUBAS of SW are particularly the most endangered ethnic group in Nigeria, the earlier we know this the better for us.

By: Ayoade

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