In 'modern' scientific terms, Orishas can be defined as representing specific cyclical spiritual and philosophical electromagnetic essences emitted by various ways, most important of which are planetary bodies. Yoruba Cosmos science encoded in Orishas is so deeply fascinating especially when you realize the interrelationships between Orishas philosophical essences.
For example those of the opposites, Yemoja being the mother of Obaluaye, explaining the fact that water receded to give birth to land. Another is the power interrelationships between Oya, Ogun and Shango.
Oya was named after the great River now called River Niger, the one river all humans had to cross out of the true Eden, the origin of humanity, and forever change humanity as her winds of change blew peoples across the world. As Ogun was labelled the Orisha of action and metallurgy that enabled human migration, before the full understanding of Oya, her spiritual and philosophical essences were believed to be that of Ogun. However Oya (revolutionary change) is an applied Ogun (force) towards social justice (Shango her husband). Shango blows hot air over injustice but it is Oya that makes it happen by structuring (Obaluaye) it into revolutionary change.
Oya essences are tied to the planet Pluto, the boundary of the Solar system and tied to the astrological house, Scorpio. Though the labelling of planets are now in Greco-Roman names, these are originally African denoted spiritual scientific essences that had been observed and conceptualized over 80,000yrs, long before Whites evolved about 7,000yrs ago, and can only be fully understood if converted back to their Original African meanings.
Oya is both a personal and global phenomenon of deep philosophical implications, whose 250yr cyclical essences spans more than any human life, and can be only be fully accounted for by collectives - states, empires and even civilizations. Humans with Oya influences when positively applied are regarded as revolutionary in nature like Nnamdi Azikwe with an Oya/Scorpio Sun, or those with Oya moons like Ooni Aderemi regarded as a pain in the backside of the British Empire, and the present day Ooni Ogunwusi capable of revolutionizing Yoruba and Original African civilization. But, if the Oya influence is misconstrued or misused they could be regarded as greedy and corrupt like President Jonathan despite his industrial revolutionary intentions. However Oya cyclical orbit of 250yrs is more visible with the rise and fall of empires and civilizations.
To fully understand how she works, Oya is tied to Whirlwinds that slowly builds in a dusty marketplace, like rumors swirling around until it becomes an agitating force that sweeps revolutionary change in a society. Sweeping the coasts of West Africa, it ultimately heads across the Atlantic Ocean for 7 weeks, angrily tearing up the plantations and lands her children were carted away into slavery, from the Caribbean up the East coast towards New York, the empire state built on Oyas children. Often weak by the time the winds get to New York, only to retry another day. However, one day Oya will be one day.
Oya is known to sweep nations into and out of existence every 250 years. Her full strength is experienced once in 250yrs, so her effects are felt and obvious on empire, states and civilizations. Like all orbits are divided into 12 sectors of different essences, she is known to shake and bring changes to wherever she visits. Oya most visible effect is shaking global political structures to their foundations every 250 yrs when she is in Obaluaye house of Structure, and entire civilizations and global consciousness every 2000 years, eight 250yr cycles.
She has been in Capricorn, Obaluaye house, since 2008 and will make complete her first full cycle in USA in 2022 before she moves to Shangos house of Justice from 2023 to 2041. The last time she was in Shangos house of Justice between 1778 and 1798, we witnessed global struggles for Justice which included American, French and most importantly the Haiti Revolution, inspired by sacrifices to Ogun and Oya, the first and only slave rebellion to ever become a nationstate.
Before moving to Capricorn (Obaluaye house) in 2008 she was in Obatala house of organized knowledge from 1995 to 2008, where she made revolutionary changes to knowledge, Apocalyptic in nature (revelation of hidden knowledge, like the DNA evidence that revealed Yoruba as the oldest full sized human group and enabling order to the evolution of the Original African civilization.
250yrs ago when she was in Obaluaye/Capricorn house, Oya swept up USA in 1770 while started the process which French, English, Oyo and others began to decline. The previous 250yrs was in 1520, when the 1500yr Roman Catholic Empire was challenged and crashed by the English and French for a role in transatlantic slavery, while Oyo and Benin departed from the Original African civilization, based on cultural linkages, to one based on Ogun arms for slavery empire building. 250yrs earlier in 1270 was the development of Guns, the reversal of Muslim domination in Europe.
2000yrs ago, at the change of global consciousness and civilizations, Roman Republic broke up in 23AD but in 27AD reunited into Roman Empire that developed Cathocism and the foundations of global White supremacy doctrines. Now, we are set for another 2000yr battering of Oya winds, first at global structures starting since 2008 with global economic meltdown into 2020s global pandemic before finally torching the flame of global Justice from 2023 to change global consciousness and civilization.
Nigeria is at the center of the wind as the Black Race must break free of the restrictions of the last two civilizations to gain global racial parity. However, the universe provides the conditions by sending the cyclical electromagnetic pulses but we must be in tune with the universe, be receptive and act, otherwise it could be used negatively by others against us.
Like Oya, the winds of change must start as a small whirlwind in our market and other public places, where we educate, educate then agitate towards desired and universe intended consciousness.
On September 2 2021, there would be an Oya festival in her ancestral home, like none before. May Oya bring favorable winds of change to energize her children towards a higher level of consciousness and existence. Ase
Source: ASHEFoundation
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