Sunday 30 April 2023


The 14th OLOKUKU OF OKUKU LAND, and his friend ATAOJA OF OSOGBO Oba Adisa Samuel Adenle

Yoruba Proverb was coined for their friendship. ''Agba ni wo agba, Olokuku ni wo Oba Adenle''. 

Some years back, in a rich cultural and traditional town in SOUTH WEST, OSOGBO OSUN STATE.

The Two Kings are best of friends. The respect and mutual love for each other were so great that they both would lay down their life for one another. The peaceful town of osogbo at that time was just like human changes got tired of their King Oba  Adisa Adenle ATAOJA OF OSOGBO.

One special annual rite, meant for the King, where the Oba Needs to visit a shrine, and the Priest will take the King and Bring him back to the palace without meeting or seeing anybody. The Town was against Kabieyesi. Those days, when a King errs, constant calamity befalls a town, or just a conspiracy either asks you to go out of the Kingdom before seven days or asks you to find a way to D! E. Oba Adisa Adenle rites as a King, was canceled, which means he has options of D£ATH. The Oba OLOKUKU heard what might happen to his closest friend King. By the night of the annual rites day, the town of Osogbo was silent am sure some chiefs and families of ATAOJA OF OSOGBO  started mourning the King then it was common Kings either d! e by Suicide or leaving town. 

The OLOKUKU of OKUKU land was a very close friend of ULLI BIER, the German historical lover of Yoruba Land who has millions of great pictures and best festivals photos of kings and towns ULLI archives content was superlative it took Former President Obasanjo to recover such historical content and others to have UNESCO FOUNDED INSTITUTE in Nigeria.

The night to the RITE day, OLOKUKU, who has collections of nice cars, drove himself to the Palace of his friend The ATAOJA Deep into the night, Kabieyesi picked him up 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲  shrine, according to tradition he was meant to see only the chief priest after the rite so the town can blossom for another or more years without calamity. The OLOKUKU made himself available for his friend. Save him from SU!CIDE without ending his tenure as king. They both lived many years more.


Beyond my simple write-up are strong ties to RITE in Yorubaland, it’s deeper than this short form I put them together. The heroic act of OLOKUKU suppose to be in historical archives, ULLI BIER made some pictures and other content saved. Why not visit one of the HISTORICAL ARCHIVES IN AFRICA?

In the archives are pictures of some kings who were high chiefs prostrating to the kings earlier both are claiming the right to the throne now.

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