Thursday, 31 December 2020

The Yoruba Had Democracy Brefore The West

The Europeans did not bring democracy to Yorubaland. We have been practicing it, especially in Oyo, before their coming. Our forefathers could elect a king and also depose him. If he was tyrannical like Alaafin Karan, aloof like Alaafin Aole, pusillanimous like Alaafin Ajaka (in his first term) or vengeful like Alaafin Odarawu, he could be told to abdicate and commit suicide where necessary.

There was a King (President) and then Basorun (Prime Minister). The same kind of system the UK has. In fact, Great Britain had its first Prime Minister in 1721, we had ours since Oranmiyan became Alaafin circa 1200. A whopping 521 years difference.

In 2018, President Buhari travelled to London for 103 days and nothing happened. In fact, he came back in triumph welcomed by his non-performing governors. Oranmiyan travelled to Ile-Ife, reportedly, for less than 100 days. Even though he left his son as acting Alaafin, he was eased out of office when on his return to the kingdom, he heard the sound of the Kaakaki, which meant a new King had come to power. You know what happened to him next. I don't need to talk about that.

We had our own diplomats and an embassy in Portugal when Alaafin Obalokun sent over 80 emissaries to King John of Portugal in 1580. He was believed to have even spoken Portuguese. Don't let us even talk about America, Abiodun was Alaafin when the immigrant settlers in America started their revolution in 1774 and then became a nation in 1776.

Alaafin Abiodun had his royal courts who could read and write in Arabic. So, we are not unlettered.Lest I forget, as recently as 1949, a woman caused a king in Abeokuta to abdicate and go on exile. It was  unprecedented in Egba history. We practised democracy. We obeyed court orders (Ifa) and there were checks and balances.We had the military, led by the Aare Ona Kakanfo. You didn't need connections to join.

So, if you think we are practising democracy in this present dispensation, think again. If you think this country will prosper based on the 1999 Military Constitution, relocate from Utopia.

A country where the police can kill citizens and still roam the streets as freemen? Oh, gosh. So, until we return to the real democracy, we would just continue to demonstrate craziness in our governance.....

By Aremo Adepoju

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