Wednesday, 14 August 2024


The Kandake or "Candace" was the title for queens and queen mothers (and often means the first royal wife) of the ancient African Kingdom of Kush, which was an ancient Nubian state centered on the confluences of the Blue Nile, White Nile and River  Atbara in what is now the Republic of Sudan. The Kingdom was a prosperous land ruled from the capital, Meroe.  They were known as Nubian warrior queens, queen regents, and ruling queen mothers.  They controlled what are now Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt.

 Kandake means “great woman”, and was used as a royal title or dynastic name.  It is sometimes translated into English as “Candace”.  Some of the queens ruled in their own right;  others ruled with their husbands, but these queens were not merely consorts, they usually had equal power with the king.  At least one kandake was the ruler while her husband was consort.  kandakes were warrior queens who led their armies into battle.


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