Wednesday, 25 January 2023


In Loving Memory.


Just called him AROLE ORUNMILA, honestly you would have sounded being in Order. Because the greatness of a man is not only what he knows but how far he has been able to established an enduring legacy for coming generation to gain fully upon his wide knowledge.

Baba Idowu Odeyemi remained a very sound Emeritus Professor of Applied Geology. He has successfully build an great Empire within numerous younger generations to realizes Africa's Economic Potentials across black race. Surprisingly, the great Professor created this Empire with perfect embodiment of our cultural dignity and knowledge.

I have met quite number of Academic Personalities and Seasoned Scientists that not only full of appreciations for being their Academic Father but that he continuously revamping their spiritual consciousness of all students that must have passed through him. Without ambiguities those Personalities are mostly from Christianity and Islamic homes/backgrounds, whereas, they attested IFA Spiritual divinities was introduced to them when they were under his Academic tutelages!

How else, can you identify a man that full of our heritage spirit without contradiction? Honestly, my relationship with this Emeritus Professor confirmed all the perfect accolades from numerous past students that are now Professors, Research Fellows, Scientists and professionals, to describe a man full of Yoruba heritage honour, cultural vigour and dignity. 

May Orunmila crown him with that honour that he really deserves in this world by the grace of Eledua (Ase)

From Prince Obaloye Otuko


Idowu Boloofinde Odeyemi ,Professor of Geology: A Glorious End to a Sterling Academic Career

After 48 years in academics, and 37 years of meritorious service to the Federal University of Technology Akure, FUTA, Professor Idowu Odeyemi formally bows out of active service on Monday, 27th July, 2020 on the attainment of statutory retirement age of 70.

...Profile of 


Professor Idowu Bolofinde Odeyemi, a renowned University Scholar, Consultant Geologist and a quintessential defender of African and Yoruba spirituality, was born on the 27th of July 1950. He attended St John's Primary School, Ilawe- Ekiti (1956- 1961) and Notre Dame College Usi-Ekiti (1963-1967). He taught briefly at the newly established Corpus Christi College, Ilawe- Ekiti in 1968 before proceeding to study for the Bachelor of Science degree in Geology at the prestigious University of Ibadan between 1968 and 1972, emerging top 6 in a Class of 54. He was invited back by the University to study for his Doctor of Philosophy degree in 1973 which he completed in 1977 at a young age of 27 years. He commenced his decades-long academic career in October of the same year at the University of Ibadan. With the creation of seven new Federal Universities of Technology in 1982, Professor Odeyemi transferred his services to the Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) on 1st January 1984 and was appointed as the pioneer Head of the Department of Applied Geology, where he rose through the ranks to become Professor of Applied Geology.

With his feet firmly rooted in Ilawe-Ekiti, Professor Odeyemi sojourned ceaselessly across the oceans, without for once losing sight of his modest place of birth. In 1979, he proceeded to the International Centre for Aerospace Science in the Netherlands for a Post-Doctoral Diploma in Geological Survey under a Dutch Technical Fellowship. Thereafter, he proceeded to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Space Facility in Flagstaff, Arizona for a Post-doctoral Certificate in Remote Sensing and Satellite Imagery in 1982 under a UNDP Fellowship. In 1987, Professor Odeyemi received a UNESCO/TWAS Fellowship for a Post-Doctoral Certificate in Remote Sensing and Resource Exploration at the ICTP, Trieste, Italy. There, the Third World Association for Remote Sensing (TWAS) was established and he was elected as the Pioneer Executive Secretary (1987-1994). In 1989, he organized the first International Conference of TWARS in Beijing, China.

Professor Odeyemi is not only a well known international figure but also a recognized and respected Scholar. He was Pioneer Head, Department of Geology; Pioneer Director, Centre for Research and Development (CERAD), FUTA; Member, International Geological Correlation Programme (IGCP) of UNESCO; Member Presidential Task force on Open University of Nigeria; Member, Bitumen Project Implementation Committee (BPIC); Fellow, Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society; COMEG-registered Geoscientist. In 2009, the Federal Government appointed Proessor Odeyemi as the Pioneer Provost/CEO of the World Bank-funded Nigerian Institute of Mining and Geosciences(NIMG) in Jos. As an Exploration Geologist, he discovered and/or mapped twelve marble deposits and one Gold deposit in Igarra area of Edo State, two gemstone deposits in Ijero- Ekiti area, two feldspar deposits in Ijero and Aramoko- Ekiti, and one Kaolin deposit at Isan- Ekiti.

Professor Odeyemi participated in numerous local and International Conferences, Workshops and Seminars, in the United Kingdom, Germany, USA, Brazil, Canada, Spain, China, Venezuela, Trinidad & Tobago, Ghana, Ivory Coast Burkina Faso and South Africa among others. Since 1977, he has supervised many Masters and PhD Theses, some of who have since become Professors on their own. He was the Dean, School of Earth and Mineral Sciences at the Federal University of Technology, Akure from 2014 to 2018.

He established the International Council for IFA Religion in 1999 and was its President for 15 years. He is currently the Founder of the International Institute for IFA Studies, dedicated towards the teaching and research into all aspects of IFA and Yoruba spirituality.

He was happily married to his life partner, Professor (Mrs) Olusola Olasumbo Odeyemi, who is also an internationally renowned academic.

Imbued with a shared passion to develop Ilawe-Ekiti and brighten its social landscape, Professor Odeyemi and his wife decided to establish Lakeview Resort, Ilawe-Ekiti on the 30th of July, 2016. The Resort now provides recreational and hospitality services to the people of Ilawe-Ekiti and neighbouring towns. They live by the maxim that “to whom much is given, much is also expected” and that having their historical and cultural roots fastened to the town, it is important to give something back to the land of their birth.


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