Traditionalists Arise for Yorubaland!!!
History teaches that whenever the Yoruba nation is in trouble it is the traditionalists who rise and defend her. And today again the traditionalists continue to defend Yorubaland.
Despite the many hundreds of years of slavery by the Arabs and their religion to make us forget who we are, traditionalists arise!
Despite the systematic annihilation by the white slave traders over hundreds of years, their religion and lies against them, traditionalists arise!
Despite over 100 years of colonisation, traditionalists arise!
Despite the colonial plantation called Nigeria and the prejudice against them traditionalists arise!
When we go home to O'odua Republic, the traditionalists must and will be given pride of place. The Yoruba nation owes them a debt that they can never repay.
May all the traditionalists continue to prosper and defend Yorubaland.
By Arabirin Sola.
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